A | 我们知道,人体内物质的运输主要是由血液来完成的。那么,血液在人体哪些部位流动? |
| wǒmen zhīdào, réntǐ nèi wùzhì de yùnshū zhǔyào shì yóu xuèyè lái wánchéng de. nàme, xuèyè zài réntǐ nǎxiē bùwèi liúdòng? |
| We know that the movement of the most vital internal components in the body is done by the blood. Now, how does the blood flow through the body then? |
B | 血液当然是在血管中流动啦!血管就像上海的道路一样,很复杂!一个人的全部血管连接起来有10万公里长! |
| xuèyè dāngrán shì zài xuèguǎn zhōng liúdòng la! xuèguǎn jiù xiàng Shànghǎi de dàolù yīyàng, hěn fù zá ! yī ge rén de quánbù xuèguǎn liánjiē qǐlai yǒu shí wàn gōnglǐ cháng! |
| Of course it flows through the blood vessels. Blood vessels are very complex--just like the roads of Shanghai. All the blood vessels in the human body if combined together come to 100,000 kilometers in length! |
C | 血液是在心脏和血管构成的管道中流动的。 |
| xuèyè shì zài xīnzàng hé xuèguǎn gòuchéng de guǎndào zhōng liúdòng de. |
| The heart and the blood vessels are the pipes that the blood flows through. |
A | 很好。下面请同学们摸一摸自己的手腕,有什么在跳动吗? |
| hěn hǎo. xiàmian qǐng tóngxué men mō yi mō zìjǐ de shǒuwàn, yǒu shénme zài tiàodòng ma? |
| Very good. Next, students, please feel your own wrist for a moment. Can you feel anything beating? |
B | 老师,是脉搏在跳动! |
| lǎoshī, shì màibó zài tiàodòng! |
| Teacher, it's our pulse that's beating. |
A | 再看手背上的“青筋”,它是什么? |
| zài kàn shǒubèi shang de" qīngjīn" , tā shì shénme? |
| Now look at the blue veins on the back of your hand. What are these? |
C | 可以摸到的跳动的部位是动脉,手背上的“青筋”是静脉。人体内还有很多毛细血管。 |
| kěyǐ mōdào de tiàodòng de bùwèi shì dòngmài, shǒubèi shang de" qīngjīn" shì jìngmài. réntǐ nèi hái yǒu hěn duō máoxìxuèguǎn. |
| Those that you can feel your pulse on are arteries. The blue veins on the back of your hand are veins. The human body also has a lot of capillaries. |
A | 很好。血管分动脉、静脉和毛细血管三种。 |
| hěn hǎo. xuèguǎn fēn dòngmài, jìngmài hé máoxìxuèguǎn sān zhǒng. |
| Very good. There are three different types of blood vessels: arteries, veins and capillaries. |
B | 老师老师,为什么血是红色的?是不是因为血里有铁? |
| lǎoshī lǎoshī, wèishénme xiě shì hóngsè de? shì bu shì yīnwèi xiě li yǒu tiě? |
| Teacher, teacher, why is blood red? Is it because blood has iron in it? |
C | 林峰就会捣乱!人的血本来就是红的。 |
| Lín Fēng jiù huì dǎoluàn! rén de xiě běnlái jiùshì hóng de. |
| Lin Feng always causes trouble. People's blood is red because it's red. |
B | 那广告上怎么说补铁可以补血? |
| nà guǎnggào shang zěnme shuō bǔ tiě kěyǐ bǔ xiě? |
| Doesn't that advertisement say if you take iron supplements it will benefit your blood? |
A | 林峰的问题很好。血色素里面有铁,所以是红颜色。另外血液里大量的红细胞也是红色的。 |
| Lín Fēng de wèntí hěn hǎo. xuèsèsù lǐmiàn yǒu tiě, suǒyǐ shì hóng yánsè. lìngwài xuèyè lǐ dàliàng de hóngxìbāo yě shì hóngsè de. |
| Lin Feng's is a good question. There is iron in hemoglobin, so it is red. Furthermore, blood contains a large quantity of red blood cells, which are also red in color. |
B | 哦,我明白啦!可是静脉怎么看起来是蓝色的? |
| ō, wǒ míngbai la! kěshì jìngmài zěnme kàn qǐlai shì lánsè de? |
| Oh, I get it! But how come veins look blue? |
A | 好,我们先看一段录像,看看血液是怎么循环的,再来说静脉为什么看起来是蓝色的。 |
| hǎo, wǒmen xiān kàn yī duàn lùxiàng, kàn kan xuèyè shì zěnme xúnhuán de, zài lái shuō jìngmài wèishénme kàn qǐlai shì lánsè de. |
| OK, let's first watch a video and see how blood circulates. Then we will talk about why veins look blue. |
B | 老师,血液循环还要经过肺啊! |
| lǎoshī, xuèyè xúnhuán hái yào jīngguò fèi a! |
| Teacher, the blood also circulates through the lungs? |
A | 对。血液循环包括肺循环和体循环。今天天气比较热,某些同学想睡觉了啊。下面,我叫谁,谁起来回答。 |
| duì. xuèyè xúnhuán bāokuò fèi xúnhuán hé tǐ xúnhuán. jīntiān tiānqì bǐjiào rè, mǒuxiē tóngxué xiǎng shuìjiào le a. xiàmian, wǒ jiào shéi, shéi qǐlai huídá. |
| Yes. The blood circulates through both the lungs and the circulatory system. Today the weather is quite hot, some students are wanting to sleep. Now, whoever I call on has to stand up and answer. |
B | 陈磊陈磊!老师问你什么是肺? |
| Chén Lěi Chén Lěi! lǎoshī wèn nǐ shénme shì fèi? |
| Chen Lei, Chen Lei! The teacher asked you what are lungs? |
D | 嗯......人有两个肺...... |
| ng4...... rén yǒu liǎng ge fèi...... |
| Um... people have two lungs... |
BC | 哈哈哈...... |
| hā hā hā...... |
| Hah-hah-hah... |