Upper-Intermediate - Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture, Cupping and Scraping (D0923)

A 你怎么了?
nǐ zěnme le?
What's wrong?
B 头疼。这几天全靠吃止疼片。哦哟,脑袋都要炸了。
tóuténg. zhè jǐ tiān quán kào chī zhǐténgpiàn. óyō, nǎodài dōu yào zhà le.
Headache. These past few days I've been living off painkillers. Man, I feel like my head is going to explode.
A 你赶紧去针灸吧。我妈一直有头疼的毛病,就是针灸医好的。
nǐ gǎnjǐn qù zhēnjiǔ ba. wǒ mā yīzhí yǒu tóuténg de máobìng, jiùshì zhēnjiǔ yī hǎo de.
Hurry and get some acupuncture. My mom was always having headache issues. It was acupuncture that cured her.
B 那个见效太慢了。而且一根冒烟的针插到肉里,想想就吓人。
nà ge jiànxiào tài màn le. érqiě yī gēn mào yān de zhēn chā dào ròu li, xiǎng xiang jiù xiàrén.
The results are too slow. On top of that, just the thought of smoking needles poking into my flesh frightens me.
A 又不是乱插,是插到穴位里。这样加热过的药可以直接进入身体,调理气血。
yòu bù shì luàn chā, shì chā dào xuéwèi li. zhèyàng jiārè guo de yào kěyǐ zhíjiē jìnrù shēntǐ, tiáolǐ qìxuè.
They don't just randomly stick you, they find your pressure points. The heat allows the body to immediately respond to the treatment, restoring the body's 'chi'.
B 可是我一看到针就怕。一根针在我身体里待几个小时,怎么受得了?
kěshì wǒ yī kàndào zhēn jiù pà. yī gēn zhēn zài wǒ shēntǐ li dāi jǐ ge xiǎoshí, zěnme shòudeliǎo?
But I get scared the moment I see a needle. How could I stand having needles in my body for hours on end?
A 针很细的。而且只要医生技术好,病人本身放松,不会疼的,反而会缓解疼痛。现在还有高科技的微波针,一点也不疼。不过如果你实在怕针灸,刮痧或者拔火罐儿也行。
zhēn hěn xì de. érqiě zhǐyào yīshēng jìshù hǎo, bìngrén běnshēn fàngsōng, bùhuì téng de, fǎnér huì huǎnjiě téngtòng. xiànzài hái yǒu gāokējì de wēibōzhēn, yīdiǎn yě bù téng. bùguò rúguǒ nǐ shízài pà zhēnjiǔ, guāshā huòzhě bá huǒguànr yě xíng.
The needles are very thin, and as long as the doctor's technique is good, and the patient himself is relaxed, it won't hurt--on the contrary it will actually alleviate pain. Now there are high-tech needles that are micro thin; they don't hurt at all. However, if you are really scared of acupuncture, scraping or cupping are also options.
B 刮痧太恐怖了。刮完了,身上都是红的,就像被人虐待过一样。拔火罐儿也是,身上都是红色的圆圈,好像麻将里的饼子。
guāshā tài kǒngbù le. guā wán le, shēnshang dōu shì hóng de, jiù xiàng bèi rén nǜedài guo yīyàng. bá huǒguànr yě shì, shēnshang dōu shì hóngsè de yuánquān, hǎoxiàng májiàng li de bǐngzi.
Scraping is too terrifying. When they finish scrapping, your body is all red, as if you were just tortured. Cupping is the same, your body ends up with red circles all over it--looks like a mahjong tile.
A 这就证明身体里的毒素都排出来了。其实就是治疗过程中疼一下,弄完了就会感觉特别舒服。
zhè jiù zhèngmíng shēntǐ li de dúsù dōu pái chūlai le. qíshí jiùshì zhìliáo guòchéng zhōng téng yīxià, nòng wán le jiù huì gǎnjué tèbié shūfu.
This only signifies that the toxins have left the body. Actually, there is only discomfort during the treatment process. Once it's over you feel very comfortable.
B 中医也太奇怪了。人都已经病了,它还要让你再受一次罪。
zhōngyī yě tài qíguài le. rén dōu yǐjīng bìng le, tā hái yào ràng nǐ zài shòu yī cì zuì.
Chinese medicine is strange. The people are already ill, and they make them suffer more.
A 这样才能治本嘛。反正你想要治好病,就得咬牙忍着。
zhèyàng cáinéng zhìběn ma. fǎnzhèng nǐ xiǎng yào zhì hǎo bìng, jiù děi yǎoyá rěn zhe.
This is the only way to get at the problem. Anyway, if you want to relieve the pain, you're going to need to grin and bear it.
B 还是算了吧,我才不要疼上加疼呢。等会儿我再去买点止疼片吃吃。啊哟。
háishì suàn le ba, wǒ cái bùyào téngshàngjiāténg ne. děng huǐr wǒ zài qù mǎi diǎn zhǐténgpiàn chī chi. āyō.
Forget it. I don't want to inflict any more pain on myself. In a little while I'll go and buy some more painkillers. Ouch!

Key Vocabulary

止疼片 zhǐténgpiàn painkiller
针灸 zhēnjiǔ acupuncture
mào to emit
chā to insert
见效 jiànxiào to produce a desired effect
穴位 xuéwèi acupuncture point
调理 tiáolǐ to recuperate
气血 qìxuè 'chi' energy and blood
受得了 shòudeliǎo to be able to bear
缓解 huǎnjiě to alleviate
微波针 wēibōzhēn extremely fine needle
刮痧 guāshā scraping
拔火罐儿 bá huǒguànr cupping
虐待 nǜedài to abuse
毒素 dúsù toxin
pái to discharge
受罪 shòuzuì to endure torture
治本 zhìběn to treat the root of the problem
疼上加疼 téngshàngjiāténg to add pain on top of pain
rěn to endure

Supplementary Vocabulary

排毒 páidú to detoxify
承受 chéngshòu to bear
学位 xuéwèi academic degree
好上加好 hǎoshàngjiāhǎo to add good onto something good
亲上加亲 qīnshàngjiāqīn marriage between relatives