A | 啊,你家居然有全套的《哈利·波特》! |
| ā, nǐ jiā jūrán yǒu quántào de《Hālì · bōtè》! |
| Hey, you have the entire set of Harry Potter! |
B | 有一阵子听说全世界的小朋友都在看《哈利·波特》,就给弟弟买了3本。没想到他喜欢得不得了,后来就都买了。我也觉得挺棒的。你看过吗? |
| yǒu yīzhènzi tīngshuō quánshìjiè de xiǎopéngyǒu dōu zài kàn《Hālì · bōtè》, jiù gěi dìdi mǎi le sān běn. méixiǎngdào tā xǐhuan de bùdéliǎo, hòulái jiù dōu mǎi le. wǒ yě juéde tǐng bàng de. nǐ kàn guo ma? |
| I heard that before we know it every kid in the world is reading Harry Potter, so I bought three of the books for my little brother. I never realized he would like them so much, so in the end i bought him the whole set. I think they are pretty good too. Have you read them before? |
A | 就看过那部魔法石的电影。我一个快奔三的大男人了,哪有闲情看这个!魔法是西方小孩喜欢的吧? |
| jiù kàn guo nà bù mófǎshí de diànyǐng. wǒ yī ge kuài bènsān de dànánrén le, nǎyǒu xiánqíng kàn zhège! mófǎ shì xīfāng xiǎohái xǐhuan de ba? |
| I have only seen "The Sorcerer's Stone" movie. I am almost 30 years old--I don't have the time for things like this. Kids in the west are really into sorcery, hey? |
B | 中国不像西方那样有特别的巫师文化。不过大家心里都有个魔法梦吧!穿了隐形衣别人就看不到你,打碎花瓶念个咒语就没事了,小时候谁不希望有这样的好事! |
| Zhōngguó bù xiàng xīfāng nàyàng yǒu tèbié de wūshī wénhuà. bùguò dàjiā xīnli dōu yǒu ge mófǎ mèng ba! chuān le yǐnxíng yī biérén jiù kānbùdào nǐ, dǎsuì huāpíng niàn ge zhòuyǔ jiù méishì le, xiǎo shíhou shéi bùxīwàng yǒu zhèyàng de hǎoshì! |
| China doesn't really have the sort of wizard/witch culture that they do in the west. However, everyone deep down enjoys dreaming about magic. Like wearing magic clothes that make you invisible, breaking vases and then chanting something and its fixed. What child wouldn't fantasize about those kinds of cool things? |
A | 也是。想逃课就吃个让你狂流鼻血的糖,可以带自己的宠物,可以骑着扫帚飞来飞去,我也想去读这样的魔法学校。 |
| yěshì. xiǎng táokè jiù chī ge ràng nǐ kuáng liú bíxiě de táng, kěyǐ dài zìjǐ de chǒngwù, kěyǐ qí zhe sàozhou fēiláifēiqù, wǒ yě xiǎngqù dú zhèyàng de mófǎ xuéxiào. |
| For sure. Like if you want to get out of class, you can just eat a special candy that makes your nose bleed, or that you can bring your own pets, and fly all over the place on a broomstick. I'd like to go to a magic school like that, too. |
B | 这部书可不是简单的童话,从开始就埋了很深的线索,还是蛮复杂的。 |
| zhè bù shū kěbushì jiǎndān de tónghuà, cōngkāishǐ jiù mái le hěn shēn de xiànsuǒ, hái shì mán fùzá de. |
| These books are not just simple fairy tales. From the very beginning there were very deep clues hidden, they are really quite complex. |
A | 是吗?据说罗琳靠这部书名利双收,一个中年单亲妈妈能有这样的想象力,佩服佩服! |
| shì ma? jùshuō Luólín kào zhè bù shū mínglìshuāngshōu, yī ge zhōngnián dānqīn māma néng yǒu zhèyàng de xiǎngxiànglì, pèifú pèifú! |
| Really? They say that J.K. Rowling became rich and famous because of this book. I really admire that a middle-aged single mother could have such a great imagination. |
B | 嗯,大家为制伏伏地魔做了一系列斗争。后面几部越来越不像儿童读物了。看到校长死的时候我都哭了,哎! |
| ng4, dàjiā wèi zhìfú fúdìmó zuò le yīxìliè dòuzhēng. hòumian jǐ bù yuèláiyuè bù xiàng értóng dúwù le. kàndào xiàozhǎng sǐ de shíhou wǒ dōu kū le, āi! |
| Yes, everyone tried so hard to fight off Voldemort and they eventually conquered him. The later books didn't even seem like a children's story. When i saw that the principal died, I cried. Ah... |
A | 你也别太悲伤嘛!正义战胜邪恶总是要付出代价的。今年哈6也要上映了,到时候我带你去看? |
| nǐ yě bié tài bēishāng ma! zhèngyì zhànshèng xiéè zǒngshì yào fùchū dàijià de. jīnnián Hāliù yě yào shàngyìng le , dào shíhou wǒ dài nǐ qù kān? |
| I was also was pretty broken up. When good battles evil, sometimes you have to pay the price. Harry Potter 6 is coming out soon. When it's playing how about I take you to see it? |
B | 好啊,不过你这个"麻瓜",还是先看看原著吧! |
| hǎoā, bùguò nǐ zhège"máguā", háishì xiān kànkan yuánzhù ba! |
| OK, you "Muggles"--but you should read the book first! |