A | 地理课你预习了吗?我最不会看地理示意图了,我们一起做预习题好不好? |
| dìlǐ kè nǐ yùxí le ma? wǒ zuì bù huì kàn dìlǐ shìyì tú le, wǒmen yīqǐ zuò yùxí tí hǎo bu hǎo?
| Have you reviewed for Geology yet? More than anything, I don't get geology charts. How about we go over it together? |
B | 好啊!哪个? |
| hǎo a! nǎ ge?
| OK. Which one? |
A | 根据图一,为什么我国是一个多地震的国家? |
| gēnjù tú yī, wèishénme wǒ guó shì yī ge duō dìzhèn de guójiā?
| According to the first chart, how come our country has so many earthquakes? |
B | 你看看这是什么? |
| nǐ kànkan zhè shì shénme?
| Take a look at it, what does it say? |
A | 我知道还问你呀?好哥们儿。 |
| wǒ zhīdào hái wèn nǐ yā? hǎo gēmenr.
| If I knew why would I ask you? Come on, dude. |
C | 哦,是世界著名的两大火山地震带。 |
| ō, shì shìjiè zhùmíng de liǎng dà huǒshān dìzhèn dài.
| Oh, it's because of the world's two most famous seismic fault lines. |
A | 哇!徐晓婷简直就是电脑嘛! |
| wā! Xú Xiǎotíng jiǎnzhí jiù shì diànnǎo ma!
| Wow. Xu Xiaoting really is a computer! |
B | 再看看中国的位置。 |
| zài kàn kan Zhōngguó de wèizhi.
| Also, look at the location of China. |
A | 我国就在这两大火山地震带之间! |
| wǒ guó jiù zài zhè liǎng dà huǒshān dìzhèn dài zhījiān!
| Our country is located right between the two seismic belts! |
B | 对!所以我国是一个多地震的国家。 |
| duì! suǒyǐ wǒ guó shì yī ge duō dìzhèn de guójiā.
| Yes! That's why our country has so much seismic activity. |
A | 哦,图二是唐山大地震。地震有哪些危害?这个我知道,房子都塌了,人都被压死了,太惨了!幸亏我没有出生在唐山。 |
| ō, tú èr shì Tángshān dà dìzhèn. dìzhèn yǒu nǎxiē wēihài? zhè ge wǒ zhīdào, fángzi dōu tā le, rén dōu bèi yā sǐ le, tài cǎn le! xìngkuī wǒ méiyǒu chūshēng zài Tángshān.
| Oh, the second chart shows the Tangshan large earthquake. What destruction did the earthquake cause? This I know. Houses collapsed, people were crushed. It was so tragic! Luckily, we weren't born in Tangshan. |
C | 唐山大地震是1976年的事,怎么会有你呢! |
| Tángshān dà dìzhèn shì yī jiǔ qī liù nián de shì, zénme huì yǒu nǐ ne!
| The Tangshan earthquake occurred in 1976, how could you be around? |
A | 也是。地震会造成很大的灾害,如果地震我们该怎么办呢?钻桌子呗! |
| yě shì. dìzhèn huì zàochéng hěn dà de zāihài, rúguǒ dìzhèn wǒmen gāi zěnme bàn ne? zuān zhuōzi bei!
| That's right too. Earthquakes cause so much destruction. What would we do if there was an earthquake? Squeeze under the table! |
B | 嗯,钻桌子,躲墙角,还有别乱跑。大家你碰我我碰你的,可就惨了。 |
| ng4, zuān zhuōzi, duǒ qiángjiǎo, háiyǒu bié luàn pǎo. dàjiā nǐ pèng wǒ wǒ pèng nǐ de, kě jiù cǎn le.
| Uh-huh. Squeeze under the table, hide in the corner--just don't run around like crazy. Everyone running around bumping into each other. It would be madness. |
C | 看这些火山喷发的图片! |
| kàn zhèxiē huǒshān pēnfā de túpiàn!
| Look at these pictures of volcanoes erupting! |
A | 火山喷发!真壮观! |
| huǒshān pēnfā! zhēn zhuàngguān!
| Erupting Volcanoes! That's awesome! |
B | 还壮观呢!火山喷发也会造成很大的灾害! |
| hái zhuàngguān ne! huǒshān pēnfā yě huì zàochéng hěn dà de zāihài!
| You call it awesome? Volcanoes erupt and cause terrible destruction! |
C | 就是,火山喷发喷出来的东西可是温度很高的岩浆、火山灰,和水汽什么的。 |
| jiùshì, huǒshān pēnfā pèn chūlái de dōngxi kěshì wēndù hěn gāo de yánjiāng, huǒshānhuī, hé shuǐqì shénme de.
| Exactly, when volcanoes erupt, out comes extremely hot lava, volcanic ash, steam, and so on. |
A | 还好,书上说了,我国死火山多,活火山少。哎,那些休眠火山一旦活了…… |
| háihǎo, shū shàng shuō le, wǒ guó sǐ huǒshān duō, huó huǒshān shǎo. āi, nàxiē xiūmián huǒshān yīdàn huó le......
| It's all right though, the book says our country has many extinct volcanoes, but few active volcanoes. Oh, but then there are those dormant volcanoes that could become active any day... |