Upper-Intermediate - Saved by the Gong: Math class (D0839)

A 陈磊,让我抄一下数学作业吧。老师待会儿要检查,我一道题都没做。
Chén Lěi, ràng wǒ chāo yīxià shùxué zuòyè ba. lǎoshī dāi huìr yào jiǎnchá, wǒ yī dào tí dōu méi zuò.
Chen Lei, let me copy your math homework, OK? In a little while the teacher is going to check it, and I haven't finished even one of the questions.
B 不行,老师会发现的。
bù xíng, lǎoshī huì fāxiàn de.
No way. The teacher will find out.
A 我一看到几何、代数就头晕。好哥们儿,你就帮帮我嘛。
wǒ yī kàndào jǐhé, dàishù jiù tóuyūn. hǎogērmen, nǐ jiù bāng bang wǒ ma.
The second I see geometry and algebra I get dizzy. Buddy, help me out, will you?
B 这样吧,你有不懂的地方,我可以教你。
zhèyàng ba, nǐ yǒu bù dǒng de dìfang, wǒ kěyǐ jiāo nǐ.
How about this--the parts you don't understand, I can teach you.
A 那这道算三角形面积的怎么做?
nà zhè dào suàn sānjiǎoxíng miànjī de zěnme zuò?
OK, how do you calculate the surface area of a triangle?
B 这个简单,有公式的。只要底乘以高再除以2就行了。
zhège jiǎndān, yǒu gōngshì de. zhǐyào dǐ chéngyǐ gāo zài chúyǐ èr jiù xíng le.
That's simple, there is a formula. You just need to multiply the base by the height and divide that by two.
A 答案是多少?我懒得算了。
dá'àn shì duōshǎo? wǒ lǎn de suàn le.
What is the answer? I don't feel like calculating it.
B 你不是有计算器吗?你自己算。
nǐ bù shì yǒu jìsuànqì ma? nǐ zìjǐ suàn.
Don't you have a calculator? Figure it out for yourself.
A 真小气。徐晓婷,我数学作业不会做,你教我一下吧。
zhēn xiǎoqì. Xú Xiǎotíng, wǒ shùxué zuòyè bù huì zuò, nǐ jiāo wǒ yīxià ba.
That's so stingy. Xu Xiaoting, I can't do my math homework. Teach me how to do it, OK?
C 好的。哪一道?
hǎo de. nǎ yī dào?
All right. Which question?
A 这道。2的4次方是多少?
zhè dào. èr de sì cì fāng shì duōshǎo?
This one. What is 2 to the power of 4?
C 你乘一下就出来了。
nǐ chéng yīxià jiù chūlai le.
You just multiply it and you'll get it.
A 2乘以4等于8。不会这么简单吧?
èr chéngyǐ sì děngyú bā. bù huì zhème jiǎndān ba?
2 times 4 equals 8. It couldn't be that simple, could it?
C 什么呀。应该是4个2相乘。
shénme yā. yīnggāi shì sì ge èr xiāngchéng.
What? You should be multiplying the 2 by itself four times.
A 你还是直接告诉我答案吧。哎!你们好学生做题目怎么那么轻松呢?我脑子想破了都想不出来。
nǐ háishì zhíjiē gàosu wǒ dá'àn ba. āi! nǐmen hǎo xuésheng zuò tímù zěnme nàme qīngsōng ne? wǒ nǎozi xiǎng pò le dōu xiǎng bu chūlai.
It would be better if you just told me the answer. Sigh! How can you good students do the questions so easily? I rack my brains and still can't come up with anything.
C 其实你脑子挺聪明的。只要肯努力,说不定成绩比我们还好呢。
qíshí nǐ nǎozi tǐng cōngming de. zhǐyào kěn nǔlì, shuōbudìng chéngjì bǐ wǒmen hái hǎo ne.
Actually you have a clever mind. You just have to be willing to work hard and it's quite possible that your grades could be even better than ours.
A 条条大路通罗马。反正我不想走读书这条路。你看我爸,数学一塌糊涂,炒股票照样赚钱。
tiáotiáo dàlù tōng Luómǎ. fǎnzhèng wǒ bù xiǎng zǒu dúshū zhè tiáo lù. nǐ kàn wǒ bà, shùxué yītāhútu, chǎo gǔpiào zhàoyàng zhuànqián.
All roads lead to Rome. In any case, I don't want to take the studying road. Look at my dad, he's a mess at math, and by speculating in the stock market he makes money all the same.
B 可是现在是21世纪,有知识才能赚钱。
kěshì xiànzài shì èrshí yī shìjì, yǒu zhīshi cáinéng zhuànqián.
But now it's the 21st century, you can only make money by having knowledge.
A 那可不一定。我都给你们分析过了。陈磊,你呢,数学好,适合当数学家。徐晓婷呢,适合......
nà kě bù yīdìng. wǒ dōu gěi nǐmen fēnxī guo le. Chén Lěi, nǐ ne, shùxué hǎo, shìhé dāng shùxuéjiā. Xú Xiǎotíng ne, shìhé......
That's not for certain. I've analyzed it before for you guys. Chen Lei, what about you--good at math, you suit becoming a mathmatician. Xu Xiaoting, you suit...
C 行了!你还是赶快想想作业没做好,怎么交差吧。
xíng le! nǐ háishì gǎnkuài xiǎng xiang zuòyè méi zuò hǎo, zěnme jiāochāi ba.
All right already! You had better hurry up and think about your homework not being done and how you're going to get it done.

Key Vocabulary

chāo to copy
几何 jǐhé geometry
代数 dàishù algebra
三角形 sānjiǎoxíng triangle
面积 miànjī surface area
公式 gōngshì formula
gāo height
乘以 chéngyǐ to multiply
除以 chúyǐ to divide
计算器 jìsuànqì calculator
条条大路通罗马 tiáotiáo dàlù tōng Luómǎ all roads lead to Rome
一塌糊涂 yītāhútu a complete mess
炒股票 chǎo gǔpiào to speculate in the stock market
照样 zhàoyàng all the same
分析 fēnxī to analyze
交差 jiāochāi to complete one's work

Supplementary Vocabulary

袋鼠 dàishǔ kangaroo
图形 túxíng graph
角度 jiǎodù angle
线条 xiàntiáo line
cháng length
kuān width
长方形 chángfāngxíng rectangle
正方形 zhèngfāngxíng square
体积 tǐjī volume
平方米 píngfāngmǐ square meter
立方米 lìfāngmǐ cubic meter