A | 等会儿想去干吗? |
| děnghuìr xiǎng qù gànmá?
| What do you want to do later on? |
B | 随便。你决定吧。小心!(摩托车很快骑过去的声音) |
| suíbiàn. nǐ juédìng ba. xiǎoxīn!
| Whatever. You decide. Careful! (sound of a motorcycle speeding past) |
A | 喂!你怎么骑车的?这样横冲直撞,差点撞到我! |
| wèi! nǐ zěnme qíchē de? zhèyàng héngchōngzhízhuàng, chàdiǎn zhuàngdào wǒ!
| Hey! You know how to ride a bike? Charging through like that... You almost ran me over! |
B | 你没事吧? |
| nǐ méishì ba?
| Are you OK? |
A | 没事。还好我反应快,否则肯定要被他撞到。 |
| méishì. hái hǎo wǒ fǎnyìng kuài, fǒuzé kěndìng yào bèi tā zhuàngdào.
| I'm all right. Good thing I reacted so quickly, otherwise he would have nailed me. |
B | 是啊,实在太危险了。那辆摩托车开得太快了。就差那么一点点!你以后走路可要当心啊。 |
| shì ā, shízài tài wēixiǎn le. nà liàng mótuōchē kāi de tài kuài le. jiù chà nàme yīdiǎndiǎn! nǐ yǐhòu zǒulù kě yào dāngxīn ā.
| Yeah. That was so dangerous. That motorbike was going way too fast. He barely missed you. Next time you should be a bit more careful. |
A | 我当心有什么用?我走得好好的,没乱穿马路,也没走在机动车道上。谁知道会碰上这种冒失鬼?那么宽的马路不开,偏要开到我走路的地方。真是神经病! |
| wǒ dāngxīn yǒu shénme yòng? wǒ zǒu de hǎohāo de, méi luànchuān mǎlù, yě méi zǒu zài jīdòngchēdào shàng. shéizhīdào huì pèngshàng zhèzhǒng màoshīguǐ? nàme kuān de mǎlù bù kāi, piān yào kāidào wǒ zǒulù de dìfang. zhēnshì shénjīngbìng!
| What use is it to be careful? I walk very carefully. I wasn't jaywalking, and I wasn't walking in the vehicle lane. Who would have known I could have come across someone so reckless. So much of the road was wide open, yet he had to drive where I was walking. What a lunatic. |
B | 哎,现在这样骑车的人多着呢。一点安全意识也没有。这种人,总有一天要闯祸。 |
| āi, xiànzài zhèyàng qíchē de rén duō zhe ne. yīdiǎn ānquán yìshi yěméiyǒu. zhèzhǒng rén, zǒng yǒuyītiān yào chuǎnghuò.
| Hmm. Right now there are a lot of those kinds of drivers. They are not even a little bit safety conscious. It's just a matter of time before these kinds of people will have an accident. |
A | 我看就该让他们出点事,否则他们永远不会把这当回事儿。 |
| wǒ kàn jiù gāi ràng tāmen chū diǎnr shì, fǒuzé tāmen yǒngyuǎn bùhuì bǎ zhè dàng huí shìr.
| I think you have to let them get into an accident, otherwise they will never see the importance of it. |
B | 你自己也得小心点。我看你有时候挺粗心大意的。走路的时候不是听音乐、就是打电话。从来不好好看路,这样可不行啊。 |
| nǐzìjǐ yě děi xiǎoxīn diǎnr. wǒ kàn nǐ yǒushíhou tǐng cūxīndàyì de. zǒulù de shíhou bù shì tīng yīnyuè, jiùshì dǎ diànhuà. cóngláibù hǎohāo kàn lù, zhèyàng kě bùxíng ā.
| You also need to be a little more careful. I think you're a little oblivious sometimes. When you're walking around if you are not listening to music, you are on the phone. You are never watching the road--you can't do that. |
A | 哎,你怎么反而怪起我来了?是他们不遵守交通规则。 |
| āi, nǐ zěnme fǎnér guài qǐ wǒ lái le? shì tāmen bù zūnshǒu jiāotōngguīzé.
| Yikes. How can you start blaming me? It is they that are not obeying the traffic rules. |
B | 我只是提醒你注意安全。万一被车撞了,吃亏的还不是你自己? |
| wǒ zhǐshì tíxǐng nǐ zhùyì ānquán. wànyī bèi chē zhuàng le, chīkuī de hái bù shì nǐzìjǐ?
| I'm only reminding you to pay more attention. If you did get hit by a car, wouldn't you be the one to suffer loss? |
A | 呸、呸、呸,我才不会被撞呢。再说了,交通法同情弱者,发生车祸,肯定是开车人的错,他们要负主要责任。一般不会追究行人的责任。 |
| pēi, pēi, pēi, wǒ cái bùhuì bèi zhuàng ne. zài shuō le, jiāotōng fǎ tóngqíng ruòzhě, fāshēng chēhuò, kěndìng shì kāichērén de cuò, tāmen yào fù zhǔyào zérèn. yībān bùhuì zhuījiū xíngrén de zérèn.
| Woah, woah, woah. I won't get hit. Furthermore, the traffic laws sympathize with the pedestrian. If an accident happens, it's definitely the driver's fault. They would have to carry the full responsibility. Generally it's not blamed on the pedestrian. |
B | 谁说的?责任界定也是要讲道理的。谁有错就得追究谁的责任。否则这社会不是要乱套了? |
| shéi shuō de? zérèn jièdìng yěshì yào jiǎngdàolǐ de. shéi yǒu cuò jiù děi zhuījiū shéi de zérèn. fǒuzé zhè shèhuì bù shì yào luàntào le?
| Says who? Where accountability is placed also has to be reasonable. Whomever is in the wrong has to shoulder their blame. Otherwise wouldn't our society just be a mess? |
A | 这个社会就是被那些乱开车的人搞乱的。 |
| zhè ge shèhuì jiùshì bèi nàxiē luàn kāichē de rén gǎo luàn de.
| This society is in a mess because of these kind of drivers. |
B | 哎,好了。人没事就好。下次当心点! |
| āi, hǎo le. rén méishì jiù hǎo. xiàcì dāngxīn diǎnr!
| Oh, all right. Well you are all right so that's what matters. Next time be more careful! |
A | 我已经够当心了。你这话应该跟骑车的人说。 |
| wǒ yǐjīng gòu dāngxīn le. nǐ zhè huà yīnggāi gēn qíchē de rén shuō.
| I am already careful enough. You should be giving your speech to that driver. |