A | 你是陈阿姨吧?你好! |
| ni3 shi4 Chen2 a1yi2 ba5? ni3hao3!
| You must be Auntie Chen? Hello! |
B | 你好。 |
| ni3hao3.
| Hello. |
A | 你住的地方离这里远吗? |
| ni3 zhu4 de5 di4fang5 li2 zhe4li3 yuan3 ma5?
| Do you live far from here? |
B | 不远,骑车半个小时。 |
| bu4 yuan3, qi2che1 ban4 ge5 xiao3shi2.
| Not far, half an hour by bike. |
A | 那还挺方便的。我想找钟点的,每个星期来三次,每次两个小时。晚上七点到九点。可以吗? |
| na4 hai2 ting3 fang1bian4 de5. wo3 xiang3 zhao3 zhong1dian3 de5, mei3ge5 xing1qi1 lai2 san1 ci4, mei3ci4 liang3 ge5 xiao3shi2. wan3shang5 qi1 dian3 dao4 jiu3 dian3. ke3yi3 ma5?
| Well, that's quite convenient. I would like it done by the hour, three times a week, each time for two hours, from 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock in the evening. Could you do that? |
B | 可以。你是要光打扫还是要烧饭? |
| ke3yi3. ni3 shi4 yao4 guang1 da3sao3 hai2shi5 yao4 shao1fan4?
| Yes. Do you just want cleaning done, or do you want me to cook too? |
A | 打扫加烧饭。 |
| da3sao3 jia1 shao1 fan4.
| Cleaning and cooking. |
B | 那两个小时不够。你这房子不小,搞卫生就要一个多小时。如果你要打扫加烧饭,最好是三个小时。 |
| na4 liang3 ge5 xiao3shi2 bu4gou4. ni3 zhe4 fang2zi5 bu4 xiao3, gao3 wei4sheng1 jiu4 yao4 yi1 ge5 duo1 xiao3shi2. ru2guo3 ni3 yao4 da3sao3 jia1 shao1fan4, zui4hao3 shi4 san1 ge5 xiao3shi2.
| Then two hours won't be enough. Your house isn't small--the cleaning will take over an hour. If you want cleaning and cooking, you had better get me for three hours. |
A | 你做菜的口味怎么样? |
| ni3 zuo4cai4 de5 kou3wei4 zen3me5yang4?
| What's the food you make like? |
B | 我按你的要求做。要吃什么我都会做。要我买菜也行。等你吃完,我再把碗洗掉。 |
| wo3 an4 ni3 de5 yao1qiu2 zuo4. yao4 chi1 shen2me5 wo3 dou1 hui4 zuo4. yao4 wo3 mai3 cai4 ye3 xing2. deng3 ni3 chi1wan2, wo3 zai4 ba3 wan3 xi3diao4.
| I can do it how you like it. Whatever you want to eat, I can make. If you want me to buy the ingredients I can do that too. Once you've finished eating, I can then wash up the dishes. |
A | 太好了。你一小时多少钱? |
| tai4 hao3 le5. ni3 yi1 xiao3shi2 duo1shao5 qian2?
| Great. How much per hour? |
B | 十块。 |
| shi2 kuai4.
| 10 RMB. |
A | 这里好像都是八块。 |
| zhe4li3 hao3xiang4 dou1 shi4 ba1 kuai4.
| It seems to me that around here it's usually 8 RMB. |
B | 如果每天来,可以便宜一点。 |
| ru2guo3 mei3tian1 lai2, ke3yi3 pian2yi5 yi1dian3.
| If I come every day, it can be a little cheaper. |
A | 这样也行。要么你每天来两个小时,每小时八块,怎么样? |
| zhe4yang4 ye3 xing2. yao4me5 ni3 mei3tian1 lai2 liang3 ge5 xiao3shi2, mei3 xiao3shi2 ba1 kuai4, zen3me5yang4?
| That would be good too. Shall we say every day you come for two hours, 8 RMB per hour. How is that? |
B | 行。每天都有人打扫好,干净! |
| xing2. mei3tian1 dou1 you3ren2 da3sao3 hao3, gan1jing4!
| Sure. Having someone clean every day is good--very clean! |
A | 那就这么说定了。阿姨,你今天能开始吗? |
| na4 jiu4 zhe4me5 shuo1ding4 le5. a1yi2, ni3 jin1tian1 neng2 kai1shi3 ma5?
| So then let's settle on that. Auntie, can you start today? |
B | 可以啊。 |
| ke3yi3 a5.
| Yes, I can. |