| 很多人问我,怎么才能成功? |
| Hěn duō rén wèn wǒ, zěnme cáinéng chénggōng? |
| A lot of people ask me, what can I do to succeed? |
| 是靠智慧、是靠努力还是靠运气? |
| Shì kào zhìhuì, shì kào nǔlì háishi kào yùnqi? |
| Does it depend on wisdom, on hard work, or on luck? |
| 我在这里要告诉大家的是,成功的关键是不断自我提升! |
| Wǒ zài zhèlǐ yào gàosu dàjiā de shì, chénggōng de guānjiàn shì bùduàn zìwǒ tíshēng! |
| What I want to tell everyone here is that the key to success is continual self improvement! |
| 没有最好,只有更好。 |
| Méiyǒu zuì hǎo, zhǐyǒu gèng hǎo. |
| There is no "best," there is only "better." |
| 要永不满足、时刻追求更好的自己。 |
| Yào yǒngbù mǎnzú, shíkè zhuīqiú gèng hǎo de zìjǐ. |
| Never be satisfied. Be seeking a better you at every moment. |
| 想要提升自己,先要认识自己。 |
| Xiǎngyào tíshēng zìjǐ, xiān yào rènshi zìjǐ. |
| If you want to improve yourself, you first need to know yourself. |
| 你一生中最重要的关系就是和自己的关系。 |
| Nǐ yīshēng zhōng zuì zhòngyào de guānxi jiùshì hé zìjǐ de guānxi. |
| The most important connection in your life is your connection to yourself. |
| 要知道自己的需要、倾听自己内心的声音、对自己有更高的期望。 |
| Yào zhīdào zìjǐ de xūyào, qīngtīng zìjǐ nèixīn de shēngyīn, duì zìjǐ yǒu gèng gāo de qīwàng. |
| You have to know your needs, to listen carefully to that inner voice, and to have even higher expectations for oneself. |
| 还要积极地自我省察,找出不足,然后自信地说:“我能做得更好!” |
| Háiyào jījí de zìwǒ xǐngchá, zhǎochū bùzú, ránhòu zìxìn de shuō : " wǒ néng zuò de gèng hǎo! " |
| You also have to actively examine yourself, determine your shortcomings, and then confidently say, "I can do better!" |
| 选择一个目标,坚持下去。 |
| Xuǎnzé yī ge mùbiāo, jiānchí xiàqu. |
| Choose a goal, and then stick to it. |
| 这是决定性的一步,因为它将改变一切。 |
| Zhè shì juédìngxìng de yībù, yīnwèi tā jiāng gǎibiàn yīqiè. |
| This is a decisive step, because it will change everything. |
| 当你这样做时,我会大声地告诉你:“你是生命中的强者!” |
| Dāng nǐ zhèyàng zuò shí, wǒ huì dàshēng de gàosu nǐ : " nǐ shì shēngmìng zhōng de qiángzhě! " |
| When you do this, I will tell you loudly, "you are a winner in life!" |
| 当你遇到瓶颈,觉得每上一步都非常艰难时,你要记住,虽然外界的挑战非常严酷,但你的灵魂更加坚强! |
| Dāng nǐ yùdào píngjǐng, juéde měi shàng yībù dōu fēicháng jiānnán shí, nǐ yào jìzhu, suīrán wàijiè de tiǎozhàn fēicháng yánkù, dàn nǐ de línghún gèngjiā jiānqiáng! |
| When you are faced with obstacles and feel the next step is extremely difficult, you have to remember: although the world is brutal, your spirit is even tougher! |
| 没有比脚更长的路,也没有比人更高的山。 |
| Méiyǒu bǐ jiǎo gèng cháng de lù, yě méiyǒu bǐ rén gèng gāo de shān. |
| There's no road too long to walk, no mountain a man can't conquer. |
| 相信自己,一定能跨越困难! |
| Xiāngxìn zìjǐ, yīdìng néng kuàyuè kùnnan! |
| Believe in yourself, and you will surely overcome adversity. |
| 为什么你要相信自己? |
| Wèishénme nǐ yào xiāngxìn zìjǐ? |
| Why do you need to believe in yourself? |
| 因为你是独一无二的! |
| Yīnwèi nǐ shì dúyīwúèr de! |
| Because you are unique! |
| 那为什么你是独一无二的呢? |
| Nà wèishénme nǐ shì dúyīwúèr de ne? |
| And why are you unique? |
| 因为你的才能和特点别人都没有! |
| Yīnwèi nǐ de cáinéng hé tèdiǎn biérén dōu méiyǒu! |
| Because you have skills and qualities that other people don't! |
| 所以,你有权力相信自己。 |
| Suǒyǐ, nǐ yǒu quánlì xiāngxìn zìjǐ. |
| So, you have the right to believe in yourself. |
| 请放心大胆地走吧! |
| Qǐng fàngxīn dàdǎn de zǒu ba! |
| Please relax and go courageously! |
| 登高才能望远! |
| Dēnggāo cáinéng wàngyuǎn! |
| Ascend to the height of your ability! |
| 追赶的人就在身后,但是当你相信自己,不断提升自己,那你永远会跑在别人前面! |
| Zhuīgǎn de rén jiù zài shēnhòu, dànshì dāng nǐ xiāngxìn zìjǐ, bùduàn tíshēng zìjǐ, nà nǐ yǒngyuǎn huì pǎo zài biérén qiánmian! |
| Followers are behind you, but when you believe in yourself and continually improve yourself, you will forever be running ahead of other people! |
| 最后让我告诉你:“我百分之百相信你。你可以做更好的自己!” |
| Zuìhòu ràng wǒ gàosu nǐ : " wǒ bǎifēnzhībǎi xiāngxìn nǐ. Nǐ kěyǐ zuò gèng hǎo de zìjǐ! " |
| Finally, I want to tell you: "I believe in you 100 percent. You can become a better you!" |