Zhào Lù, nǐ gēn wǒ lái. Bié pà, wǒ shì hǎorén. Wǒ shì zhēnxīn xiǎng bāng nǐ.
Zhao Lu, come with me. Don't be afraid, I'm a good guy. I truly want to help you.
Zhè dàodǐ shì zěnme yī huí shì? Jiāyàn wèishénme shuō méi jiàn guo Jiànmíng? Tāmen zuótiān hái shuō guo huà ya!
Just what is going on here? Why did Jiayan say she had never seen Jianming? They even spoke to each other yesterday!
āi, Jiāyàn zhè ge rén shuōbuqīng. Wǒ nǚpéngyou shīzōng yǐhòu, wǒ měinián dōu huì lái zhèr5 zhǎo tā. Měicì dōu zhùzài Jiāyàn de lǚguǎn lǐ. Tā bùtài shuō zìjǐ de shìqing. Wǒ zhǐ zhīdào tā bù shì běndì rén.
Ah, Jiayan is a hard one to figure out. After my girlfriend disappeared, I come here every year to look for her. Every time I stay in Jiayan's hostel. She doesn't talk about herself much. I just know she's not a local.
Wǒ bùguǎn tā shì shénme rén. Wǒ zhǐ zhīdào tā kěndìng hé Jiànmíng de shīzōng yǒu guānxi. Rúguǒ bù shì, tā wèishénme shuō méi jiàn guo Jiànmíng? Nándào tā yǒu shīyìzhèng?
I don't care where she's from. I just know she must have something to do with Jianming's disappearance. If not, why would she say she's never seen Jianming? Does she have amnesia?
Nà shì yīnwèi tā de shénjīng yǒu wèntí. Wǒ rènshi tā sān nián le, fāxiàn tā de nǎozi bù qīngchu. Kěnéng yǐqián shòu guo cìjī. Bùguò, yǒu kěnéng tā shì zhuāng de. Zài Jìzhōu, shénme dōngxi dōu xuán. Méi shénme shì kěxìn de.
It's because she has a problem with her nerves. I've known her for three years, and I've found her mind isn't so clear. Maybe she's experienced a shock. But it is possible that she's faking it. In Jizhou, everything is obscure. Nothing is believable.
Tiān a, wǒ zhēnde hěn hòuhuǐ lái zhèr5. Bùxíng, wǒ yào qù bàojǐng, ràng jǐngchá lái zhǎo Jiànmíng!
God, I really regret coming here. This is no good, I have to call the police, and make them find Jianming!
Nǐ bié shǎ le, zhège dìfang rényānxīshǎo. Jǐngchá cái bùhuì guǎn ne. Wǒ zhīqián yě bào guo jǐng, kěshì zhèr5 quán shì Kōngluòzú, jǐngchá gēnběn méi bànfǎ zài zhèr5 gōngzuò.
Don't be dumb. There are barely a few souls here. The police don't pay it any attention. I once made a report, but everyone here is is of the Kongluo minority, so the police have no way to work here.
Nà zěnme bàn? Wǒ jiù yǎnzhēngzhēng kàn zhe Jiànmíng shīzōng?
So what do we do? I just let Jianming disappear right before my very eyes?
Dāngrán bù shì. Rén háishi yào zhǎo de. Nǐ hǎohāo huíyì yīxià, Jiànmíng shīzōng yǐqián, yǒuméiyǒu shuō guo shénme tèbié de huà?
Of course not. We have to look for him. Think back carefully to before Jianming disappeared. Did he say anything special?
Méiyǒu, shénme dōu méiyǒu. ō, wǒ xiǎng qǐlai le! Tā shuō tīngdào dízi de shēngyīn. Dànshì wǒ shénme yě méi tīngdào.
No, he didn't say anything. Oh, now I remember! He said he heard the sound of a flute. But I didn't hear anything.
Dízi? Wǒ nǚpéngyou shīzōng qián yě tīngdào guo.
A flute? My girlfriend also heard one before she disappeared.
Nà nǐ ne? Nǐ tīngdào le ma?
How about you? Have you heard it?
Dāngshí shì tā yī ge rén lái de. Hòulái tā gěi wǒ xiěxìn, shuō tīngdào le hěn měi hěn měi de díshēng. Xiànzài nǐ yī shuō, wǒ yě juéde zhè jiàn shìqing yǒu wèntí.
She came here alone. Later she wrote me a letter saying she had heard beautiful flute music. Now that you bring it up, I think there's something weird about it.
Qiúqiu nǐ, Wéntāo gē, wǒmen yīqǐ zhǎo rén ba! Nǐ zìjǐ yě shuō le, zhèlǐ méiyǒu rènhé kěxìn de dōngxi. Zhǐyǒu kào wǒmen zìjǐ le. Suǒyǐ wǒmen liǎ bìxū liánhé qǐlai!
I'm begging you, Wentao, let's look for them together! You even said yourself that nothing here is believable. We can only depend on each other. So the two of us have got to band together!
Hǎo ba, yěxǔ wǒmen néng jiěkāi Jìzhōu de mìmì.
All right. Maybe we can unravel Jizhou's secrets.