Upper-Intermediate - Drinking Ability (D0643)

A: 完了,区域总经理要来了。
Wán le, qūyù zǒngjīnglǐ yào lái le.
It's over. The regional manager is coming.
B: 怎么,他很凶吗?
Zěnme, tā hěn xiōng ma?
What, is he bad-tempered?
A: 不凶,他对员工很好。
Bù xiōng, tā duì yuángōng hěn hǎo.
No, he's good to the employees.
B: 那你还担心什么?
Nà nǐ hái dānxīn shénme?
So what are you worried about?
A: 就是因为他太好了,我才担心呢。他最喜欢请我们吃吃喝喝。可他太能喝了!简直是千杯不醉。而且他一定要员工陪他喝,每次都不醉不归。
Jiùshì yīnwèi tā tài hǎo le, wǒ cái dānxīn ne. Tā zuì xǐhuan qǐng wǒmen chīchī hēhē. Kě tā tài néng hē le! Jiǎnzhí shì qiānbēibùzuì. érqiě tā yīdìng yào yuángōng péi tā hē, měicì dōu bùzuìbùguī.
It's because he's too good that I'm worried. He loves taking us out for dinner and drinks. But he's such a good drinker! He simply does not get drunk, even after like a thousand drinks. Plus he insists on the employees drinking with him. We never go home sober.
B: 太好了!我做梦都希望有这样的老板!可以免费喝酒。
Tài hǎo le! Wǒ zuòmèng dōu xīwàng yǒu zhèyàng de lǎobǎn! Kěyǐ miǎnfèi hējiǔ.
Awesome! That's the boss of my dreams! I can drink for free.
A: 啊?真看不出来,你是个女中豪杰。那我们这次有救了!
ǎ? Zhēn kàn bu chūlái, nǐ shì ge nǚzhōngháojié. Nà wǒmen zhècì yǒujiù le!
Huh? Just looking at you, I'd never guess you were a superwoman. So this time we're saved!
B: 放心吧!这次喝酒的任务就交给我!哎,我们老板喜欢喝什么酒?
Fàngxīn ba! Zhècì hējiǔ de rènwu jiù jiāogěi wǒ! āi, wǒmen lǎobǎn xǐhuan hē shénme jiǔ?
Relax! Just leave the drinking duties to me. Hey, what alcohol does the boss like to drink?
A: 他什么都喝。白酒、黄酒、洋酒,只要是酒,他都喝。
Tā shénme dōu hē. Báijiǔ, huángjiǔ, yángjiǔ, zhǐyào shì jiǔ, tā dōu hē.
He drinks everything. White rice wine, yellow rice wine, western alcohol... if it's booze, he drinks it.
B: 呀,我喝不来洋酒的。没关系,我敬他白酒吧。
Yā, wǒ hē bu lái yángjiǔ de. Méiguānxi, wǒ jìng tā báijiǔ ba.
Oh no, I can't drink western alcohol. It's OK, I'll toast him with white rice wine.
A: 你真能喝吗?我们公司那几个号称酒量好的,都被他喝倒了。去年庆功宴,他跟大家拼酒。结果没一个人记得自己是怎么回家的。
Nǐ zhēn néng hē ma? Wǒmen gōngsī nà jǐge hàochēng jiǔliàng hǎo de, dōu bèi tā hē dǎo le. Qùnián qìnggōngyàn, tā gēn dàjiā pīnjiǔ. Jiéguǒ méi yī ge rén jìde zìjǐ shì zěnme huíjiā de.
Can you really drink? There are a few in the company that claim to be good drinkers, but they were all no match. Last year at a company dinner he had a drink-off with everybody. In the end not a single person remembered how they got home.
B: 他一个人喝倒了你们一桌人?
Tā yī ge rén hē dǎo le nǐmen yī zhuō rén?
He bested your entire table all by himself?
A: 何止一桌,是一个公司!
Hézhǐ yī zhuō, shì yī ge gōngsī!
Way more than one table. It was the whole company!
B: 我酒量也还可以的。大学的时候没有一个男生喝得过我。
Wǒ jiǔliàng yě hái kěyǐ de. Dàxué de shíhou méiyǒu yī ge nánshēng hē de guò wǒ.
I'm a decent drinker. In college, no boy could out-drink me.
A: 你天生就那么能喝吗?
Nǐ tiānshēng jiù nàme néng hē ma?
You can drink like that naturally?
B: 对啊,遗传我妈的。以前我也不知道自己能喝酒。有一次同学聚餐,我喝了几瓶啤酒一点事都没。后来又喝了些白酒,也没什么感觉。
Duì a, yíchuán wǒ mā de. Yǐqián wǒ yě bù zhīdào zìjǐ néng hējiǔ. Yǒuyīcì tóngxué jùcān, wǒ hē le jǐ píng píjiǔ yīdiǎn shì dōu méi. Hòulái yòu hē le xiē báijiǔ, yě méi shénme gǎnjué.
Yeah, I get it from my mom. Before, I didn't even know I could drink. One time some classmates got together and I drank several bottles of beer with no problem. Then I drank some white rice wine, and didn't feel a thing.
A: 你是不是把能喝酒这条写进了简历?所以我们人事经理一看就要你了。
Nǐ shì bu shì bǎ néng hējiǔ zhè tiáo xiějìn le jiǎnlì? Suǒyǐ wǒmen rénshì jīnglǐ yī kàn jiù yào nǐ le.
So did you put this drinking ability of yours on your resume? That would be why our HR department snatched you up.
B: 你还真会说笑。对了,这个总经理会发酒疯吗?
Nǐ hái zhēn huì shuōxiào. Duì le, zhège zǒngjīnglǐ huì fā jiǔfēng ma?
Such a joker. By the way, does this manager get crazy when he drinks?
A: 会的。不过你别怕,他不会吃你豆腐的。听说他喝醉的时候只会唱戏。
Huì de. Bùguò nǐ bié pà, tā bùhuì chī nǐ dòufu de. Tīngshuō tā hēzuì de shíhou zhǐ huì chàngxì.
Yeah. But don't be afraid. He won't act sleazy. I hear that when he gets drunk he just sings opera.
B: 是吗?太好玩儿了,我真等不及要和他喝几杯。
Shì ma? Tài hǎowánr5 le, wǒ zhēn děngbují yào hé tā hē jǐ bēi.
Really? Sounds fun. I can't wait to have a few drinks with him.

Key Vocabulary

吃吃喝喝 chīchī hēhē to wine and dine
千杯不醉 qiānbēibùzuì drink 1,000 drinks without getting drunk
不醉不归 bùzuìbùguī to not leave sober
女中豪杰 nǚzhōngháojié exceptional woman
有救 yǒujiù saved
白酒 báijiǔ white rice wine
黄酒 huángjiǔ yellow rice wine
洋酒 yángjiǔ western alcohol
jìng to toast
号称 hàochēng to claim to be
酒量 jiǔliàng alcohol tolerance
喝倒 hē dǎo to outdrink
庆功宴 qìnggōngyàn celebration dinner
拼酒 pīnjiǔ drinking contest
何止 hézhǐ far more than
天生 tiānshēng innate
遗传 yíchuán to inherit
发酒疯 fā jiǔfēng to get drunk and act crazy
唱戏 chàngxì to sing opera

Supplementary Vocabulary

没救 méijiù beyond hope
威士忌 wēishìjì whiskey
伏特加 fútèjiā vodka
鸡尾酒 jīwěijiǔ cocktail