Upper-Intermediate - Arrival in Jizhou (D0639)

A: 啊!终于到寂州了!这里真是人间天堂啊!你看,喜马拉雅山就在我们眼前!
à! Zhōngyú dào Jìzhōu le! Zhèlǐ zhēnshì rénjiān tiāntáng a! Nǐ kàn, Xǐmǎlāyǎshān jiù zài wǒmen yǎnqián!
Ah, we're finally in Jizhou! It's really heaven on earth here. Look, the Himalayas are right before us!
B: 我从来没呼吸过这么新鲜的空气。你看,天空多蓝,而且特别近,好像伸手就可以摸到。
Wǒ cónglái méi hūxī guo zhème xīnxiān de kōngqì. Nǐ kàn, tiānkōng duō lán, érqiě tèbié jìn, hǎoxiàng shēnshǒu jiù kěyǐ mōdào.
I've never breathed such fresh air before. Look how blue the sky is, and how especially close, as if you could stretch out your arm and touch it.
A: 这个地方叫寂州真是一点都没错。那么偏僻,荒凉。完全没有受到现代社会的影响。现在我们也可以体会一下少数民族的生活了。
Zhège dìfang jiào Jìzhōu zhēn shì yīdiǎn dōu méicuò. Nàme piānpì, huāngliáng. Wánquán méiyǒu shòudào xiàndài shèhuì de yǐngxiǎng. Xiànzài wǒmen yě kěyǐ tǐhuì yīxià shǎoshù mínzú de shēnghuó le.
Jizhou is just the right name for this place. It's so remote and desolate. It's completely unaffected by modern society. And now we can get a feel for ethnic minority life.
B: 别忘了,我们还要探索空落族的神秘文化呢。他们到现在还是自给自足,不和外界接触。
Bié wàng le, wǒmen háiyào tànsuǒ kōngluòzú de shénmì wénhuà ne. Tāmen dào xiànzài háishi zìjǐzìzú, bù hé wàijiè jiēchù.
Don't forget we also have to explore the Kongluo people's mysterious culture. Even now they're still self-sufficient, and don't have contact with the outside world.
C: 喂,你们是来旅游的吧?
Wèi, nǐmen shì lái lǚyóu de ba?
Hey, are you guys here traveling?
A: 对,你也是吗?
Duì, nǐ yě shì ma?
Yes, are you too?
C: 我叫佳燕。我自己有个旅店。
Wǒ jiào Jiāyàn. Wǒ zìjǐ yǒu ge lǚdiàn.
My name is Jiayan. I have my own hostel.
A: 哎呀,太好了!我是赵露。你好!
āiyā, tài hǎo le! Wǒ shì Zhào Lù. Nǐhǎo!
Oh, that's great! I'm Zhao Lu. Hi!
B: 我叫方健明。
Wǒ jiào Fāng Jiànmíng.
I'm Fang Jianming.
A: 还好遇见你,否则我们真不知道该怎么办。
Háihǎo yùjiàn nǐ, fǒuzé wǒmen zhēn bù zhīdào gāi zěnme bàn.
It's a good thing we ran into you. Otherwise we really wouldn't know what to do.
B: 老板娘,你一个人在这个与世隔绝的地方开旅馆,真了不起。
Lǎobǎnniáng, nǐ yī ge rén zài zhège yǔshìgéjué de dìfang kāi lǚguǎn, zhēn liǎobuqǐ.
Madam, you opened a hostel on your own in such a solitary place. That's impressive.
C: 这有什么了不起的?过日子呗。我们边走边聊吧。旅店不远。
Zhè yǒu shénme liǎobuqǐ de? Guò rìzi bei. Wǒmen biān zǒu biān liáo ba. Lǚdiàn bù yuǎn.
What's impressive about it? I just live day to day. Let's chat as we walk. The hostel isn't far.
C: 到了。你们路上肯定累了,赶快去睡一会儿吧。这是房间钥匙。对了,千万别洗澡,很伤元气的。晚饭要我送过来吗?
Dào le. Nǐmen lùshang kěndìng lèi le, gǎnkuài qù shuì yīhuìr5 ba. Zhè shì fángjiān yàoshi. Duì le, qiānwàn bié xǐzǎo, hěn shāng yuánqì de. Wǎnfàn yào wǒ sòng guòlai ma?
We're there. You must be tired from the trip. Go get some sleep. This is the room key. By the way, be sure not to take a shower. It will weaken your vitality. Do you want me to send dinner up?
B: 不用麻烦你了。我们自己起来吃。
Bùyòng máfan nǐ le. Wǒmen zìjǐ qǐlai chī.
No need to go to the trouble. We'll get up on our own and come eat.
A: 那我们去房间了。佳燕,谢谢你啦!
Nà wǒmen qù fángjiān le. Jiāyàn, xièxiè nǐ la!
So we'll go to our room now. Jiayan, thanks!
B: 哎,刚刚是什么声音啊?是笛子吗?
āi, gānggāng shì shénme shēngyīn a? Shì dízi ma?
Ah? What was that noise? A flute?
C: 啊?没有啊?可能是你累了,有点迷糊。
ǎ? Méiyǒu a? Kěnéng shì nǐ lèi le, yǒudiǎn míhu.
Huh? There's no sound. You must be tired, and a little confused.
A: 我也没听见。我们上去吧。
Wǒ yě méi tīngjiàn. Wǒmen shàngqu ba.
I didn't hear it either. Let's go up.
B: 我明明听到很清楚的笛子声……
Wǒ míngmíng tīngdào hěn qīngchu de dízi shēng......
I definitely clearly heard the sound of a flute...
A: 佳燕早,健明在饭厅吗?
Jiāyàn zǎo, Jiànmíng zài fàntīng ma?
Good morning, Jiayan. Is Jianming in the dining room?
C: 谁?你不是一个人来的吗?
Shéi? Nǐ bù shì yī ge rén lái de ma?
Who? Didn't you come alone?
A: 什么?我昨天和一个男的一起来的呀!你们两个还说过话的。
Shénme? Wǒ zuótiān hé yī ge nán de yīqǐ lái de yā! Nǐmen liǎng ge hái shuō guo huà de.
What? I came yesterday with a guy! You two even spoke to each other.
C: 你明明是一个人来的。我没看见其他人啊。
Nǐ míngmíng shì yī ge rén lái de. Wǒ méi kànjiàn qítā rén a.
You definitely came alone. I didn't see anyone else.
D: 你说什么?又有人失踪了?
Nǐ shuō shénme? Yòu yǒurén shīzōng le?
What are you saying? Someone else disappeared?
A: 你是谁?什么又有人失踪了?以前有人不见过吗?
Nǐ shì shéi? Shénme yòu yǒurén shīzōng le? Yǐqián yǒurén bùjiàn guo ma?
Who are you? What do you mean, "disappeared?" Have people disappeared before?
D: 我叫徐文涛。我和我女朋友三年前也来这儿旅游,后来她就人间蒸发了。我每年都来找她。
Wǒ jiào Xú Wéntāo. Wǒ hé wǒ nǚpéngyou sān nián qián yě lái zhèr5 lǚyóu, hòulái tā jiù rénjiān zhēngfā le. Wǒ měinián dōu lái zhǎo tā.
My name is Xu Wentao. I too came here traveling with my girlfriend three years ago, and she vanished from this world. I come back every year to look for her.
A: 佳燕,你在搞什么鬼?怎么会不记得健明呢?我不相信。我现在就出去找他!健明!健明!
Jiāyàn, nǐ zài gǎo shénme guǐ? Zénme huì bù jìde Jiànmíng ne? Wǒ bù xiāngxìn. Wǒ xiànzài jiù chūqu zhǎo tā! Jiànmíng! Jiànmíng!
Jiayan, what are you trying to pull? How could you not remember Jianming? I don't believe it. I'm going out to look for him right now. Jianming! Jianming!
D: 别叫了,没用的。
Bié jiào le, méiyòng de.
Stop yelling. It's no use.
C: 你是不是太累了?你是自己一个人来的。
Nǐ shì bu shì tài lèi le? Nǐ shì zìjǐ yī ge rén lái de.
Are you too tired? You came here all alone.

Key Vocabulary

人间天堂 rénjiān tiāntáng heaven on earth
喜马拉雅山 Xǐmǎlāyǎshān Himalayas
偏僻 piānpì remote
荒凉 huāngliáng desolate
探索 tànsuǒ to explore
自给自足 zìjǐzìzú self-sufficient
外界 wàijiè the outside world
与世隔绝 yǔshìgéjué solitary
过日子 guò rìzi to spend one's days
伤元气 shāng yuánqì to sap one's energy
笛子 dízi flute
失踪 shīzōng missing
人间蒸发 rénjiān zhēngfā to vanish
搞鬼 gǎoguǐ to play tricks

Supplementary Vocabulary

怀疑 huáiyí to suspect
可疑 kěyí suspicious
可怕 kěpà scary
怪异 guàiyì strange
怪事 guàishì strange happening
寂静 jìjìng tranquil
人生地不熟 rén shēng dì bùshú a stranger in a strange place