Upper-Intermediate - Abducted by Aliens (D0611)

A: 我告诉你们一个秘密。先说好了,你们一定要相信我。
I'll tell you guys a secret. But first, you guys have got to believe me.
Wǒ gàosu nǐmen yī ge mìmì. Xiān shuōhǎo le, nǐmen yīdìng yào xiāngxìn wǒ.
B: 有什么秘密你就快说吧。
If there's a secret just hurry up and tell us.
Yǒu shénme mìmì nǐ jiù kuài shuō ba.
A: 我被外星人绑架过。
I have been abducted by aliens.
Wǒ bèi wàixīngrén bǎngjià guo.
C: 啊?是梦吧?
Huh? A dream?
ǎ? Shì mèng ba?
A: 我说的是实话。这是好多年以前的事了。我本来不想说的,但憋在心里太难受了。
I'm telling the truth. This is something that happened many years ago. I didn't want to talk about it originally, but keeping it to myself is just too hard.
Wǒ shuō de shì shíhuà. Zhè shì hǎo duō nián yǐqián de shì le. Wǒ běnlái bù xiǎng shuō de, dàn biē zài xīnlǐ tài nánshòu le.
B: 你是怎么被绑架的?
How were you abducted?
Nǐ shì zěnme bèi bǎngjià de?
A: 我记得很清楚,当时我在读高中,我们去乡下学农。那天晚上我睡不着,就一个人去田边散步。
I remember it very clearly. I was a high school student at the time, and we went to the countryside to study agriculture. That night I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk in the fields by myself.
Wǒ jìde hěn qīngchu, dāngshí wǒ zài dú gāozhōng, wǒmen qù xiāngxià xuénóng. Nàtiān wǎnshang wǒ shuì bu zháo, jiù yī ge rén qù tiánbiān sànbù.
C: 这明明就是科幻片的情节,怎么会是你的故事?
This is clearly straight out of a sci-fi movie. How could it be your story?
Zhè míngmíng jiùshì kēhuànpiàn de qíngjié, zénme huì shì nǐ de gùshi?
B: 你别打断他,让他说完。
Don't interrupt him. Let him finish.
Nǐ bié dǎduàn tā, ràng tā shuōwán.
A: 就是,还是你了解我。我在散步的时候,突然,有一片白色的亮光,非常刺眼,我什么也看不见。等我睁开眼睛,一艘飞碟停在了眼前。
Yeah, at least you understand. While I was walking, suddenly a blinding white light was before me, and I couldn't see anything. When I opened my eyes, there was a flying saucer in front of me.
Jiùshì, háishi nǐ liǎojiě wǒ. Wǒ zài sànbù de shíhou, tūrán, yǒu yīpiàn báisè de liàngguāng, fēicháng cìyǎn, wǒ shénme yě kànbujiàn. Děng wǒ zhēngkāi yǎnjing, yī sōu fēidié tíng zài le yǎnqián.
B: 真的?大吗?是和我们想象中的一样?
Really? Was it big? Was it like we imagine them to be?
Zhēnde? Dà ma? Shì hé wǒmen xiǎngxiàng zhōng de yīyàng?
A: 差不多就是那个样子。圆圆的、扁扁的,上面突出来。对了,飞碟是粉红色的。
Pretty much like that. Round and flat, with a protrusion on top. Oh, and by the way, the flying saucer was pink.
Chàbuduō jiùshì nàge yàngzi. Yuányuán de, biǎnbiǎn de, shàngmian tū chūlai. Duì le, fēidié shì fěnhóngsè de.
C: 是女外星人?
They were girl aliens?
Shì nǚ wàixīngrén?
A: 拜托,外星人不分男女的。当时,飞碟里下来两个外星人,他们拉着我的手,要把我带到飞碟上去。我吓呆了,只知道跟着走。
Please, aliens aren't male and female. Then, from out of the flying saucer came two aliens. They took my hands and wanted to take me into the flying saucer. I was scared out of my mind, and all I could do was follow them.
Bàituō, wàixīngrén bùfēn nánnǚ de. Dāngshí, fēidié lǐ xiàlai liǎng ge wàixīngrén, tāmen lā zhe wǒ de shǒu, yào bǎ wǒ dàidào fēidié shàngqu. Wǒ xiàdāi le, zhǐ zhīdào gēn zhe zǒu.
B: 外星人到底长什么样?奇怪吗?
So what do aliens really look like? Weird?
Wàixīngrén dàodǐ zhǎng shénmeyàng? Qíguài ma?
A: 比电影里的漂亮,眼睛没有那么大。个子和我差不多。
They were prettier than in the movies, and their eyes weren't that big. They were about as tall as me.
Bǐ diànyǐng lǐ de piàoliang, yǎnjing méiyǒu nàme dà. Gèzi hé wǒ chàbuduō.
C: 他们说什么语言?你听得懂吗?
What language did they speak? Could you understand it?
Tāmen shuō shénme yǔyán? Nǐ tīngdedǒng ma?
A: 他们一句话也没说,我也不敢问。进了飞碟,里面的装饰很简单。外星人让我坐下,还让我喝水。接着,他们就用各种各样的仪器给我做检查。
They didn't say a word, and I didn't dare ask. We went into the flying saucer, and the inside was decorated simply. The aliens made me sit, then made me drink some water. Next, they used all kinds of instruments to inspect me.
Tāmen yī jù huà yě méi shuō, wǒ yě bùgǎn wèn. Jìn le fēidié, lǐmiàn de zhuāngshì hěn jiǎndān. Wàixīngrén ràng wǒ zuòxia, hái ràng wǒ hēshuǐ. Jiēzhe, tāmen jiù yòng gèzhǒnggèyàng de yíqì gěi wǒ zuò jiǎnchá.
B: 跟在医院里检查身体一样?
Like a physical at the hospital?
Gēn zài yīyuàn lǐ jiǎnchá shēntǐ yīyàng?
A: 不是,他们用的仪器我们地球人都没有。他们对我的长相很感兴趣,一直摸我的脸。
No, they used instruments that we Earthlings don't have. They were really interested in my appearance, and kept touching my face.
Bù shì, tāmen yòng de yíqì wǒmen dìqiúrén dōu méiyǒu. Tāmen duì wǒ de zhǎngxiàng hěn gǎn xìngqù, yīzhí mō wǒ de liǎn.
C: 外星人不会是爱上你了吧?他们怎么没把你带走呢?
Don't tell me the aliens fell in love with you! Why didn't they take you away with them?
Wàixīngrén bùhuì shì àishàng nǐ le ba? Tāmen zěnme méi bǎ nǐ dàizǒu ne?
B: 是啊。你长得这么帅,应该到外星球上给咱们地球人做宣传。
Yeah, you're so good-looking, you should go to the alien planet and promote Earth for us.
Shì a. Nǐ zhǎng de zhème shuài, yīnggāi dào wàixīngqiú shang gěi zánmen dìqiúrén zuò xuānchuán.
A: 搞了半天,你们两个还是不相信我。我把我人生中最重要的秘密告诉你们,你们却在笑我。算了,我后面还有更精彩的故事呢,但是你们也别想听了。
After all this, you two still don't believe me. I've told you the most important secret of my life, but you're laughing at me. Forget it! I have even better stories too, but don't even think about getting to hear them.
Gǎo le bàntiān, nǐmen liǎng ge háishi bù xiāngxìn wǒ. Wǒ bǎ wǒ rénshēng zhōng zuì zhòngyào de mìmì gàosu nǐmen, nǐmen què zài xiào wǒ. Suàn le, wǒ hòumian hái yǒu gèng jīngcǎi de gùshi ne, dànshì nǐmen yě bié xiǎng tīng le.
C: 不听也知道。
Oh, we can guess them.
Bù tīng yě zhīdào.

Key Vocabulary

外星人 wàixīngrén alien
绑架 bǎngjià to kidnap
憋在心里 biē zài xīnlǐ to keep inside
田边 tiánbiān beside the fields
亮光 liàngguāng bright light
刺眼 cìyǎn blinding
吓呆 xiàdāi to be scared stiff
仪器 yíqì instrument
检查 jiǎnchá to inspect
长相 zhǎngxiàng appearance
to touch
外星球 wàixīngqiú alien planet

Supplementary Vocabulary

飞船 fēichuán spaceship
刺耳 cì'ěr ear-splitting
刺鼻 cìbí pungent
解剖 jiěpōu to dissect
作假 zuòjiǎ to fake
不明飞行物 bùmíngfēixíngwù UFO
星球大战 Xīngqiú Dàzhàn Star Wars