Upper-Intermediate - Sudoku (D0575)

A: 你又在玩数独。这到底是什么东西?让你这么着迷。
You're doing sudoku yet again. What exactly is it, anyway? It has you so entranced.
Nǐ yòu zài wán shùdú. Zhè dàodǐ shì shénme dōngxi? Ràng nǐ zhème zháomí.
B: 它是一种需要动脑筋的数字推理游戏。在九乘九的方格里面,有三乘三的小方格,叫“区”。在这些格子里,填入一到九的数字。每个数字在每一行、每一列和每一区里都只能出现一次。不可以重复。所以叫“数独”。
It's a kind of numerical reasoning game that requires mental effort. In a 9 by 9 grid there are 3 by 3 smaller grids called "blocks." In these squares, you fill in the numbers 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, each column, and each block. You can't repeat them. That's why it's called "sudoku" ["numerical solitude"].
Tā shì yī zhǒng xūyào dòng nǎojīn de shùzì tuīlǐ yóuxì. Zài jiǔ chéng jiǔ de fānggé lǐmiàn, yǒu sān chéng sān de xiǎo fānggé, jiào " qū ". Zài zhèxiē gézi lǐ, tiánrù yī dào jiǔ de shùzì. Měige shùzì zài měiyī háng, měiyī liè hé měiyī qū lǐ dōu zhǐnéng chūxiàn yīcì. Bù kěyǐ chóngfù. Suǒyǐ jiào " shùdú ".
A: 这么复杂?听说是日本人发明的。
It's that complicated? I heard the Japanese that invented it.
Zhème fùzá? Tīngshuō shì Rìběnrén fāmíng de.
B: 据说发明这个游戏的是瑞士人。不过一直都没有引起人们的注意。八十年代日本杂志出版商把它引入日本,增加了游戏难度,当然也起了个日文名字,就是“sudoku” 数独。后来这个游戏就在日本和美国走红了。
They say it was a Swiss person that invented the game, but it never attracted any attention. In the 80's a Japanese magazine publisher imported it to Japan, increased the difficulty of the game, and of course gave it a Japanese name: "sudoku." Later the game got popular in Japan and the United States.
Jùshuō fāmíng zhège yóuxì de shì Ruìshìrén. Bùguò yīzhí dōu méiyǒu yǐnqǐ rénmen de zhùyì. Bāshí niándài Rìběn zázhì chūbǎnshāng bǎ tā yǐnrù Rìběn, zēngjiā le yóuxì nándù, dāngrán yě qǐ le ge rìwén míngzi, jiùshì "sudoku" shùdú. Hòulái zhège yóuxì jiù zài Rìběn hé Měiguó zǒuhóng le.
A: 原来是这样。你真不愧是数独迷,知道得这么清楚。对了,这个游戏到底是考什么?数学、逻辑?
Oh, so that's how it happened. You really deserve the title of sudoku addict, knowing all that so well. So, by the way, what does the game really test? Math? Logic?
Yuánlái shì zhèyàng. Nǐ zhēn bùkuì shì shùdú mí, zhīdào de zhème qīngchu. Duìle, zhège yóuxì dàodǐ shì kǎo shénme? Shùxué, luóji?
B: 其实在推敲数独的过程中根本用不到数学计算,更多的是逻辑,还需要耐心和专心,因为你要一次又一次地排列测试。
Actually, in the sudoku solving process you don't use mathematical calculations at all. It's more logic, and you need to be patient and focused, because you have to carry out test after test.
Qíshí zài tuīqiāo shùdú de guòchéng zhōng gēnběn yòngbùdào shùxué jìsuàn, gèngduō de shì luóji, hái xūyào nàixīn hé zhuānxīn, yīnwèi nǐ yào yīcì yòu yīcì de páiliè cèshì.
A: 听起来这么难,我还是不玩了。
It's sounds so difficult. I don't think I'll try it.
Tīng qǐlai zhème nán, wǒ háishi bù wán le.
B: 多练习就好了。初级的数独游戏会提供很多数字,你只要自己解答几个就行了。随着程度上升,提供的数字会越来越少,更多的要你自己琢磨。
Just practice it and you're fine. Basic sudoku puzzles provide a lot of numbers, so you only need to figure out a few yourself. As the difficulty increases, the numbers provided become fewer and fewer, requiring you to put more thought into it.
Duō liànxí jiù hǎo le. Chūjí de shùdú yóuxì huì tígōng hěn duō shùzì, nǐ zhǐyào zìjǐ jiědá jǐge jiù xíng le. Suízhe chéngdù shàngshēng, tígōng de shùzì huì yuèláiyuèshǎo, gèngduō de yào nǐ zìjǐ zuómo.
A: 我听着就头晕。这么麻烦的游戏,怎么会有这么多人喜欢?真是想不通。
I'm getting dizzy just listening. How could so many people like such a hassle of a puzzle? I just don't get it.
Wǒ tīng zhe jiù tóuyūn. Zhème máfan de yóuxì, zénme huì yǒu zhème duō rén xǐhuan? Zhēnshì xiǎngbutōng.
B: 萝卜青菜,各有所爱嘛。
Hey, to each his own.
Luóbo qīngcài, gè yǒu suǒài ma.

Key Vocabulary

数独 shùdú sudoku
动脑筋 dòng nǎojīn to put one's mind to something
推理 tuīlǐ reasoning
方格 fānggé grid
háng row
liè column
据说 jùshuō it is said
走红 zǒuhóng popular
不愧 bùkuì to deserve to be
逻辑 luóji logic
推敲 tuīqiāo to deliberate
排列 páiliè to put in order
测试 cèshì to test
琢磨 zuómo to ponder
萝卜青菜,各有所爱 luóbo qīngcài, gè yǒu suǒ ài to each his own

Supplementary Vocabulary

填字游戏 tiánzì yóuxì crossword puzzle
挑战 tiǎozhàn challenge
天才 tiāncái talent
智力 zhìlì intelligence
益智 yìzhì increase one's intelligence