A: | 现在天气完全不正常。热死了! |
| The weather now is totally abnormal. It's so hot! |
| Xiànzài tiānqì wánquán bù zhèngcháng. Rèsǐ le! |
B: | 你不知道这是全球气候变暖现象?以后会越来越热的。 |
| Don't you know this is the global warming phenomenon? It's going to get hotter and hotter. |
| Nǐ bù zhīdào zhè shì quánqiú qìhòu biànnuǎn xiànxiàng? Yǐhòu huì yuèláiyuè rè de. |
A: | 啊哟,一听这些气象专有名词,我就烦。你能不能不说?一会儿是温室效应,一会儿是全球气候变暖。怎么都这么绕口? |
| Ugh! As soon as I hear those technical weather terms, I just get annoyed. Can you not talk about it? First it's the greenhouse effect, then it's global warming. How come they're such a mouthful to say? |
| āyō, yī tīng zhèxiē qìxiàng zhuānyǒu míngcí, wǒ jiù fán. Nǐ néng bu néng bù shuō? Yīhuìr5 shì wēnshì xiàoyìng, yīhuìr5 shì quánqiú qìhòu biànnuǎn. Zěnme dōu zhème ràokǒu? |
B: | 你怎么光注意这个?温室效应的后果可是很严重的。你有没有看过戈尔拍的纪录片?全球气温每升高零点一度,对人类来说都是灾难。 |
| How can you only pay attention to that? The consequences of the greenhouse effect are very grave. Have you seen Al Gore's documentary? For every 0.1 degree the earth's temperature rises, it's a calamity for the human race. |
| Nǐ zěnme guāng zhùyì zhège? Wēnshì xiàoyìng de hòuguǒ kěshì hěn yánzhòng de. Nǐ yǒu mei yǒu kàn guo Gēěr pāi de jìlùpiàn? Quánqiú qìwēn měi shēnggāo líng diǎn yī dù, duì rénlèi láishuō dōu shì zāinàn. |
A: | 我觉得这种说教根本起不到作用。看过以后,日子还是照样过。 |
| I think this kind of preaching is of absolutely no use. Since I saw it, everything has been the same as always. |
| Wǒ juéde zhèzhǒng shuōjiào gēnběn qǐbudào zuòyòng. Kàn guo yǐhòu, rìzi háishi zhàoyàng guò. |
B: | 可是现在确实有好多人开始关注气候问题了。特别是欧美,好多人都开始通过日常行为,改变环境。 |
| However, now a lot of people have started to pay more attention to the climate issue. Especially in Europe and America--a lot of people are trying to transform the environment through their day-to-day behavior. |
| Kěshì xiànzài quèshí yǒu hǎo duō rén kāishǐ guānzhù qìhòu wèntí le. Tèbié shì OūMěi, hǎo duō rén dōu kāishǐ tōngguò rìcháng xíngwéi, gǎibiàn huánjìng. |
A: | 说实话,我觉得那些由气候变暖带来的灾难离自己的生活很远,地球热一点,有什么大不了? |
| To tell the truth, I think that the calamities brought on by climate change seem very distant from my life. So the earth is a little warmer--what's the worst that can happen? |
| Shuō shíhuà, wǒ juéde nàxiē yóu qìhòu biànnuǎn dàilái de zāinàn lí zìjǐ de shēnghuó hěn yuǎn, dìqiú rè yīdiǎn, yǒu shénme dàbuliǎo? |
B: | 你别不当回事。虽然具体的灾难我也说不清,但是有一点可以肯定,人类的生存状态会变得非常恶劣。 |
| Don't take it lightly. Although no one can be certain of the particular disastrous results, there is one thing for certain: living conditions for humans will become very poor. |
| Nǐ bié bù dānghuíshì. Suīrán jùtǐ de zāinàn wǒ yě shuōbuqīng, dànshì yǒu yī diǎn kěyǐ kěndìng, rénlèi de shēngcún zhuàngtài huì biàn de fēicháng èliè. |
A: | 搞了半天,你跟我也差不多嘛。 |
| After going on for half the day, you are basically saying the same thing I am. |
| Gǎo le bàntiān, nǐ gēn wǒ yě chàbuduō ma. |
B: | 什么?我比你有觉悟多了。我已经开始少开车、少用电了。 |
| What? I am a lot more aware than you. I've already started driving my car less, and using less electricity. |
| Shénme? Wǒ bǐ nǐ yǒu juéwù duō le. Wǒ yǐjīng kāishǐ shǎo kāichē, shǎo yòngdiàn le. |
A: | 嗯,这样准能给地球降温,真是太辛苦你了。 |
| Hmph. Like that will really lower the temperature of the earth. You're really putting yourself out. |
| Ng4, zhèyàng zhǔn néng gěi dìqiú jiàngwēn, zhēnshì tài xīnkǔ nǐ le. |