Ah, they're finally tearing down our building and relocating us. Did someone from the neighborhood committee have a talk with you?
āi, zhèr5 zhōngyú yào chāiqiān le. Jūwěihuì de rén zhǎo nǐ tán le ma?
Yeah. He said they're about to begin work on the new expressway and they need us to cooperate. What did they say to you?
Zhǎo le. Shuō gāosùgōnglù mǎshàng jiù yào dònggōng le, ràng wǒmen pèihé gōngzuò. Tāmen zěnme gēn nǐ tán de?
What else? Just the same old thing. They'll give us homes depending on registries and area. And there's some economic compensation. I've lived in a run-down place my whole life, and now I can finally improve that.
Hái bù jiùshì lǎoyītào. ànzhào hùkǒu, miànji gěi fángzi. Hái yǒu yībùfèn jīngjì bǔcháng. Wǒ zhù le yībèizi pò fángzi, zǒngsuàn kěyǐ gǎishàn yīxià le.
So you're going to move just like that?
Nǐ zhǔnbèi jiù zhème bān le?
Yeah. Every family has these same terms. What, are you planning to resisting the relocation?
Shì ā. Měi yī jiā dōu shì zhèzhǒng tiáojiàn ma. Zěnme, nǐ zhǔnbèi zuò dīngzihù?
Of course! Let me tell you, nowadays we're the ones who have to take the initiative; the country is passive. If we are able to fight for better terms, why the heck would you give up?
Dāngrán lo! Wǒ gàosu nǐ, xiànzài shì wǒmen zhǔdòng, guójiā bèidòng. Néng zhēngqǔ gèng hǎo de tiáojiàn, gànmá fàngqì?
Huh? I think that the government has given us pretty good terms. We get money, plus a decent house to live in.
á? Wǒ juéde guójiā gěi wǒmen de tiáojiàn bùcuò. Yǒu qián ná, hái yǒu xiàngyàng de fángzi zhù.
Are you stupid? Such a small amount of money, a house so far from the city center-- that I definitely don't want. Look at the most stubborn relocation rebel in Chongqing. He just plain wouldn't move -- he fought until the bitter end. In the end, the compensation he received was much better than what others got.
Nǐ shǎ a? Nàme yīdiǎn qián, lí shìqū nàme yuǎn de fángzi, wǒ cái bùyào ne. Nǐ kàn, Chóngqìng zuì niú de dīngzihù, jiùshì bù bān, gēn nǐ pīndàodǐ, zuìhòu nádào de bǔcháng bǐ biéren hǎo duōle.
(Sigh.) I certainly don't have that kind of energy. And after all that, in the end there's no guarantee of any results. When the time comes and everyone else has moved away, there's no water, electricity, or gas, then how will you live? I'd rather move into a new place sooner.
āi, wǒ kě méiyǒu zhèzhǒng jīnglì. Gǎo le bàntiān, zuìhòu hái bùyīdìng yǒu jiéguǒ. Dào shíhou, biéren dōu bānzǒu le, shuǐ diàn méi yě méi le, nǐ zěnme zhù? Wǒ qíngyuàn kuài diǎn zhù xīn fángzi.
Well, when that time comes I hope you don't regret it. As for me, I'm going to stick it out to the end.
Nà nǐ dào shíhou kě bié hòuhuǐ. Zǒngzhī, wǒ yào jiānchí dàodǐ.
All right, you take your time and drag it out. I just won't be around to keep you company.
Xíng a, nǐ mànmàn hào zhe ba, wǒ jiù bù fèngpéi le.