Upper-Intermediate - Chinese Onomatopoeia (D0491)

啪, 砰, 轰, 哄
pā , pēng , hōng , hōng
smack, bang, boom, roar (of a crowd)

咔哒, 咔嚓, 咯噔
kādā , kāchā , gēdēng
clack, click, thump

sound of a gong

咕噜, 稀里呼噜, 嘀嗒, 哗哗, 稀里哗啦
gūlū , xīlihūlū , dīdā , huāhuā , xīlihuālā
gurgling sound, slurping sound, dripping sound, sound of flowing water, sound of the patter of rain

哈哈, 嘻嘻, 嘿嘿, 呵呵, 哼哼
hāhā , xīxī , hēihēi , hēhē , hēnghēng
ha ha, hee hee, heh heh, huh huh, hum (hmph)

slam (of a large door)

sound of birds chirping



pēng bang
hōng boom
hōng roar (of a crowd)
咔哒 kādā clack
咔嚓 kāchā click
咯噔 gēdēng thump
kuāng clang
咕噜 gūlū gurgling sound
稀里呼噜 xīlihūlū slurping sound
嘀嗒 dīdā dripping sound
哗哗 huāhuā sound of flowing water
稀里哗啦 xīlihuālā sound of patter of rain
哈哈 hāhā ha ha
嘻嘻 xīxī hee hee
嘿嘿 hēihēi heh heh
呵呵 hēhē huh huh
哼哼 hēnghēng hum, hmph
guāng slam
叽叽喳喳 jījizhāzhā chirping sound of birds
xiū whoosh
哗啦 huālā sound of rustling/crashing/etc.
象声词 xiàngshēngcí onomatopoeia
模仿 mófǎng to imitate
惟妙惟肖 wéimiàowéixiào imitate to perfection; remarkably true to life
一模一样 yīmúyīyàng be exactly alike
生动 shēngdòng lively