Upper-Intermediate - Marketing Proposal (D0344)

zhècì wǒmen yào tuīchū de chǎnpǐn shì Zhēnměi pái fǎngzuàn shǒushì 。
The product we're presenting this time is "Truly Beautiful" brand imitation diamond jewelry.

suīrán tā bù shì zhēnzhèng de zuànshí ,dàn què yǒu tóngyàng shǎnyào de guāngmáng ,zuì ràng rén xīngfèn de shì jiàgé fēicháng dàzhònghuà 。
Although it's not a real diamond, it has the same sparkling radiance. But the most exciting thing is the extremely accessible price.

“Zhēnměi ”ràng yōngyǒu zuànshí bùzài shì mèngxiǎng 。dànshì rúguǒ bǎ zhè ge zuòwéi màidiǎn ,nā jiù tài quēfá chuàngyì le 。
"Truly Beautiful" makes owning a diamond no longer just a fantasy. However, if you made this your selling point, it would lack creativity.

zěnyàng cái néng xīyǐn dàzhòng de yǎnqiú ne ?zhè jiùshì běncì guǎnggào cèhuà de zhòngdiǎn 。
So, how to attract the eyes of the masses then? That is the focus of this ad campaign.

wǒmen de guǎnggào :“Zhēnměi fǎngzuān ”--- nánrén zuìhǎo de péngyou 。
The slogan of our ad campaign is: “Truly Beautiful Imitation Diamonds—a man’s best friend”.

mùbiāo xiāofèi qún wèi dūshì báilǐng 。tāmen yīdìng dōu shúxī yī jù jīngdiǎn míngyán “zuànshí shì nǚrén zuìhǎo de péngyou ”。
Our target consumer market is white-collar city dwellers. They will certainly all be familiar with the classic saying, “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”.

díquè ,zuànshí néng zēngjìn gǎnqíng ,shì nánrén sònggěi xīnài de nǚrén de zuìhǎo lǐwù 。
Certainly, diamonds can stir deep emotions, and are the best gift that a man can give to his beloved lady.

dànshì ,yóuyú zuànshí fēicháng ángguì ,xǔduō nánxìng wèile mǎi yī kē zuànshí bìxū shěngchījiǎnyòng 。
However, due to the fact that diamonds are very costly, in order to buy one a lot of men have to pinch pennies.

ér wǒmen zhǔdǎ de jiùshì zhè bùfen xiàngwǎng yōngyǒu zuànshí ,dàn jīngjì nénglì yǒuxiàn de rénqún 。
So our key market is those who long to own a diamond, but whose economic capabilities are limited.

wǒmen de guǎnggào tōngguò nánxìng jiǎodù lái yǐngxiǎng nánxìng hé nǚxìng ,zhè shì yīzhǒng yǔzhòngbùtóng ,érqiě yōumò de fāngshì 。
Through the male perspective, our advertisement influences both the male and female, using this innovative and humorous approach.

yě shì zài chuàngyì shàng yǔ qí tā shǒushì guǎnggào qūfēn de zhòngyào yòushì 。
Furthermore, its creativity sets it apart from other jewelry advertisements, giving it a significant advantage.


与众不同 yǔzhòngbùtóng out of the ordinary
闪耀 shǎnyào to glimmer
光芒 guāngmáng flashes
卖点 màidiǎn selling point
创意 chuàngyì creative ideas
策划 cèhuà plot
白领 báilǐng white collar
昂贵 ángguì expensive
省吃俭用 shěngchījiǎnyòng to live frugally
主打 zhǔdǎ key market
推销 tuīxiāo promote the sale of
说服力 shuōfúlì persuasiveness
推广 tuīguǎng popularize; spread
模仿 mófǎng imitate
一闪一闪 yīshǎnyīshǎn twinkle
耀眼 yàoyǎn dazzling
极端 jíduān extreme
乏善可陈 fáshànkěchén have nothing good/unusual to report
动脑筋 dòng nǎojīn use one’s brains
深有体会 shēn yǒu tǐhuì know from experience deeply
节俭 jiéjiǎn thrifty
势力 shìlì power; force; influence