Upper-Intermediate - The Glory of Labor (D0502) 终于盼到五一黄金周了。我们劳动人民辛苦了一年,总算可以好好休息一下了。 zhōngyú pàndào Wǔyī huángjīnzhōu le 。wǒmen láodòng rénmín xīnkǔ le yī nián ,zǒngsuàn kěyǐ hǎohāo xiūxi yīxià le 。 The Golden Week we've been looking forward to is here at last. We working people have sweated it out for yet another year, and now we can finally get a little rest. 有那么夸张吗?现在一年有三个黄金周,不知道有多幸福呢。不过话说回来,大家现在好像都一门心思地关心放假,没人重视劳动节的劳动意义了。以前大家老把“劳动最光荣”挂在嘴边,现在还有几个记得啊? yǒu nàme kuāzhāng ma ?xiànzài yī nián yǒu sān ge huángjīnzhōu ,bù zhīdào yǒu duō xìngfú ne 。bùguò huà shuō huílai ,dàjiā xiànzài hǎoxiàng dōu yīménxīnsi de guānxīn fàngjià ,méirén zhòngshì Láodòngjié de láodòng yìyì le 。yǐqián dàjiā lǎo bǎ “láodòng zuì guāngróng ” guà zài zuǐbiān ,xiànzài hái yǒu jǐ ge jìde a ? Is it that bad? Now there are three golden weeks a year, and I can't tell you how great that is. On the other hand, though, it does seem like everyone is focused on the vacation. No one puts any importance on the labor-related meaning. Before, everyone was always using the phrase "labor is the most glorious," but how many people remember it now? 哎,时代不同了嘛。刚建国的时候,不管什么行业、什么工作,大家都一条心,争着去劳动,个个都想为国家作贡献。 āi ,shídài bùtóng le ma 。gāng jiànguó de shíhou ,bùguǎn shénme hángyè 、shénme gōngzuò ,dàjiā dōu yī tiáo xīn ,zhēng zhe qù láodòng ,gègè dōu xiǎng wèi guójiā zuò gòngxiàn 。 Ah, it's a different era. When the state had just been established, no matter what your industry or job was, you and everyone else were of one mind, all striving to make a contribution to the nation through labor. 那倒是。过去劳动人民一直受压迫,直到新中国成立,才翻身做了主人了。你说,能不兴奋吗? nà dàoshì 。guòqù láodòng rénmín yīzhí shòu yāpò ,zhídào xīn Zhōngguó chénglì ,cái fānshēn zuò le zhǔrén le 。nǐ shuō ,néng bù xīngfèn ma ? That's true. In the past the working people were always oppressed, up until the establishment of the new government, when the roles were reversed and they could take control. Tell me, how could that not be exciting? 那当然。所以,新中国一成立,政府就把国际劳动节定为法定假日,全国放假一天。 nà dāngrán 。suǒyǐ ,xīn Zhōngguó yī chénglì ,zhèngfǔ jiù bǎ Guójì Láodòngjié dìng wéi fǎdìng jiàrì ,quánguó fàngjià yī tiān 。 Of course it is. So when the new government was established, it declared International Labor Day a state holiday, giving the whole nation the day off. 我想起来了,前几天我看了一个纪录片,说的就是五十年代,人们怎么庆祝五一的。那时候全国欢庆,就跟过年一样。 wǒ xiǎng qilai le ,qián jǐ tiān wǒ kàn le yī ge jìlùpiàn ,shuō de jiùshì wǔshí niándài ,rénmen zěnme qìngzhù Wǔyī de 。nà shíhou quánguó huānqìng ,jiù gēn guònián yīyàng 。 I just remembered something. I watched a documentary a few days ago and it was about how the people celebrated May first in the fifties. Back then the entire nation really got into it, just like Chinese New Year. 是啊,我到现在还记得爸爸妈妈单位里组织的五一联欢会。每年都会评选劳动模范,每个人胸前还戴上一朵大红花。可有意思了。 shì a ,wǒ dào xiànzài hái jìde bàba māma dānwèi lǐ zǔzhī de Wǔyī liánhuānhuì 。měinián dōu huì píngxuǎn láodòng mófàn ,měi ge rén xiōng qián hái dàishàng yī duǒ dà hónghuā 。kě yǒuyìsi le 。 Yeah, even now I can remember the celebration that my parents' work unit organized. Every year they would select model workers, and each one would wear a large red corsage on his chest. It's really interesting. 没错、没错,还会评全国劳模。要知道能评上这个称号是很光荣的。所以大家的工作积极性都很高。 méicuò 、méicuò ,hái huì píng quánguó láomó 。yào zhīdào néng píngshàng zhège chēnghào shì hěn guāngróng de 。suǒyǐ dàjiā de gōngzuò jījíxìng dōu hěn gāo 。 Yup, yup. And they'd choose a national model worker too. You have to understand that being given this title was really an honor. So everyone's enthusiasm for work was really high. 嗯,听说那时还练出很多绝活。比如售货员,抓一把就知道东西有多重,准极了。 ng4 ,tīngshuō nàshí hái liàn chū hěn duō juéhuó 。bǐrú shòuhuòyuán ,zhuā yī bǎ jiù zhīdào dōngxi yǒu duō zhòng ,zhǔn jí le 。 Yeah, I've heard that back then a bunch of people mastered some weird talents as well. For example, vendors could grab a handful of something and know how much it weighed, extremely accurately. 对啊,真让人佩服。现在可没人这么做了,大家都忙着赚钱。 duì a ,zhēn ràng rén pèifú 。xiànzài kě méirén zhème zuò le ,dàjiā dōu máng zhe zhuànqián 。 Right, it's really impressive. Now there's just no one doing it. Everyone's too busy making money. 赚钱也是劳动啊。这就叫有中国特色的社会主义。 zhuànqián yě shì láodòng a 。zhè jiù jiào yǒu Zhōngguó tèsè de shèhuìzhǔyì 。 Making money is also labor. This is what is called "socialism with Chinese characteristics." Vocabulary 心思 xīnsi thought, idea 光荣 guāngróng honor; glory 贡献 gòngxiàn contribution 压迫 yāpò to oppress 法定 fǎdìng legal; statutory 欢庆 huānqìng to celebrate joyously; celebration 联欢会 liánhuānhuì get-together, gathering 模范 mófàn model, exemplary 绝活 juéhuó unique skill, talent 表彰 biǎozhāng honor, cite, commend 无私 wúsī unselfish 自私 zìsī selfish 天翻地覆 tiānfāndìfù earth-shaking 漠不关心 mòbùguānxīn indifferent; unconcerned Upper-Intermediate - When the Taxi Takes the Long Way (D0514) 师傅,你怎么走这里啊? shīfu ,nǐ zěnme zǒu zhèlǐ ā ? Driver, how come you're going this way? 那条路在修,只好走这条了。 nà tiáo lù zài xiū ,zhǐhǎo zǒu zhè tiáo le 。 That road is under construction, so we have to go this way. 我前天才走过,明明可以走的嘛。 wǒ qiántiān cái zǒu guo ,míngmíng kěyǐ zǒu de ma 。 The day before yesterday I just went that way. It was clearly fine. 就是昨天才开始修的。我天天在路上跑,不会胡说的。 jiùshì zuótiān cái kāishǐ xiū de 。wǒ tiāntiān zài lùshang pǎo ,bùhuì húshuō de 。 Yeah, they just started work on it yesterday. I'm on these roads every day. I know what I'm talking about. 那你应该先问我一声呀。怎么自作主张呢?现在走了一条最堵的路,我肯定要迟到了。 nà nǐ yīnggāi xiān wèn wǒ yī shēng yā 。zěnme zìzuòzhǔzhāng ne ?xiànzài zǒu le yī tiáo zuì dǔ de lù ,wǒ kěndìng yào chídào le 。 Then you should first ask if it's OK. How can you just act on your own? Now you're taking the most congested street. I'm definitely going to be late. 不走这条走哪条?现在只有这条路可以走了。而且现在是高峰,哪里都堵。 bù zǒu zhè tiáo zǒu nǎ tiáo ?xiànzài zhǐyǒu zhè tiáo lù kěyǐ zǒu le 。érqiě xiànzài shì gāofēng ,nǎli dōu dǔ 。 What street can I take if I don't take this one? Right now this is the only route I can take. Besides, it's rush hour. Everywhere is backed up. 你明明可以不走这条的。现在好了,既耽误时间,又浪费我的钱。你不是故意绕路吧? nǐ míngmíng kěyǐ bù zǒu zhè tiáo de 。xiànzài hǎo le ,jì dānwu shíjiān ,yòu làngfèi wǒ de qián 。nǐ bùshì gùyì ràolù ba ? You clearly could have chosen another route. Now look what you've gotten me into. You've both held up my time and wasted my money. You're not purposely taking the long way, are you? 绕路?我有这个时间,不会去多做点生意?而且我们是大公司,管理很严的。顾客投诉一次,就要罚款、搞不好还要处分。你说,为了几块钱,值得吗? ràolù ?wǒ yǒu zhège shíjiān ,bùhuì qù duō zuò diǎn shēngyi ?érqiě wǒmen shì dà gōngsī ,guǎnlǐ hěn yán de 。gùkè tóusù yīcì ,jiù yào fákuǎn 、gǎobuhǎo háiyào chǔfèn 。nǐ shuō ,wèile jǐ kuài qián ,zhíde ma ? The long way? If I had time for that, why wouldn't I be looking for more business? Besides, we're a big taxi company. Our management is really strict. If we get even one complaint, the company fines us and maybe even punishes us. Now tell me, would that be worth it for a little extra change? 这可不是几块钱的事。你这样开,起码多十几块。 zhè kě bù shì jǐ kuài qián de shì 。nǐ zhèyàng kāi ,qǐmǎ duō shíjǐ kuài 。 This isn't just some change. Since you went this way, it's going to be at least 10 RMB more. 你说话要有根据,不要乱说。我现在就开过去,你自己看看是不是在修路。 nǐ shuōhuà yào yǒu gēnjù ,bùyào luànshuō 。wǒ xiànzài jiù kāi guòqu ,nǐ zìjǐ kànkan shì bu shì zài xiū lù 。 You should have some basis for these things you're saying. I can take you over there right now and let you see for yourself that the road is under construction. 我才没这个时间呢。你看,现在才开了一半路,钱就已经超过平时了。总之,我是不会付钱给你的。 wǒ cái méi zhège shíjiān ne 。nǐ kàn ,xiànzài cái kāi le yībàn lù ,qián jiù yǐjīng chāoguò píngshí le 。zǒngzhī ,wǒ shì bùhuì fùqián gěi nǐ de 。 Like I have time for that. Look, we're only halfway there, and the fare is already more than it usually is. Anyway, I'm not paying it. 你这是无理取闹。修路、堵车又不是我安排的。我一点都没绕路,你不满意可以去投诉。到时候我们看谁有道理。 nǐ zhè shì wúlǐqǔnào 。xiū lù 、dǔchē yòu bù shì wǒ ānpái de 。wǒ yīdiǎn dōu méi ràolù ,nǐ bù mǎnyì kěyǐ qù tóusù 。dào shíhou wǒmen kàn shéi yǒu dàolǐ 。 You're just purposely causing trouble. It's not like I arranged the road construction and the traffic jam. I didn't take a longer route, and if you're not satisfied you can file a complaint. When the time comes we'll see who's making more sense. 好,光凭你这种态度,我就要去投诉! hǎo ,guāng píng nǐ zhè zhǒng tàidu ,wǒ jiù yào qù tóusù ! Fine! Just because of your attitude I will file a complaint. 要去尽管去。我又没做错,才不怕你!现在像你这样的顾客我见多了。 yào qù jǐnguǎn qù 。wǒ yòu méi zuòcuò ,cái bù pà nǐ !xiànzài xiàng nǐ zhèyàng de gùkè wǒ jiàn duō le 。 Please do. I haven't done anything wrong, so I've got nothing to fear. I've had plenty of passengers like you. Vocabulary 明明 míngmíng clear, obvious 自作主张 zìzuòzhǔzhāng to act on one's own; to take something upon oneself 高峰 gāofēng peak 耽误 dānwu to delay, to hold up 绕路 ràolù to take the long way; to make a detour 投诉 tóusù to make a complaint 处分 chǔfèn to discipline, to punish 起码 qǐmǎ minimum 无理取闹 wúlǐqǔnào to cause trouble intentionally 骗 piàn to deceive 拖延 tuōyán to put off 路况 lùkuàng road conditions 宰人 zǎirén to overcharge someone 黑车 hēichē illegal taxi 正规 zhèngguī regular, standard Upper-Intermediate - Paying Child Support (D0520) 哎,最近日子不好过啊! āi ,zuìjìn rìzi bù hǎo guò a ! (Sigh) Lately things have not been going well. 是离婚的事吗? shì líhūn de shì ma ? Is it your divorce? 对啊,真伤脑筋。只怪我当时被爱情冲昏了头,什么都没考虑清楚就结婚了。你谈恋爱的时候可一定要理智! duì a ,zhēn shāng nǎojīn 。zhǐ guài wǒ dāngshí bèi àiqíng chōnghūn le tóu ,shénme dōu méi kǎolǜ qīngchu jiù jiéhūn le 。nǐ tán liànài de shíhou kě yīdìng yào lǐzhì ! That's right. I'm really at a loss. I only have myself to blame for being muddleheaded by love. I hadn't thought anything over clearly and just went and got married. When you are dating you definitely need to be rational. 放心吧。对了,你们是协议离婚还是法院判的? fàngxīn ba 。duì le ,nǐmen shì xiéyì líhūn háishi fǎyuàn pàn de ? Don't worry. Oh, did you get a consensual divorce, or was it a contested divorce? 法院判的。婚后财产一人一半。房子卖掉的钱也是平分。其实这房子大部分的钱都是我出的。不过,算了,我是没精力再争了。 fǎyuàn pàn de 。hūnhòu cáichǎn yī rén yībàn 。fángzi màidiào de qián yě shì píngfēn 。qíshí zhè fángzi dàbùfen de qián dōu shì wǒ chū de 。bùguò ,suàn le ,wǒ shì méi jīnglì zài zhēng le 。 It was contested. The property acquired during the marriage was split half and half. The proceeds from the sale of our house were also divided equally. Actually, I put in the majority of the money for the house. But, never mind. I don't have the energy to fight anymore. 那你们的孩子呢?跟谁? nà nǐmen de háizi ne ?gēn shéi ? So, what about your child? Who got him? 这才是最头疼的问题。他还小,我们没离婚的时候老吵架,他已经受了很大影响。更别提离婚了。我们两个又都想要孩子,毕竟是自己的心头肉啊!谁也不愿意妥协,所以离婚官司才拖了这么久。 zhè cái shì zuì tóuténg de wèntí 。tā hái xiǎo ,wǒmen méi líhūn de shíhou lǎo chǎojià ,tā yǐjīng shòu le hěn dà yǐngxiǎng 。gèng biétí líhūn le 。wǒmen liǎng ge yòu dōu xiǎng yào háizi ,bìjìng shì zìjǐ de xīntóuròu a !shéi yě bù yuànyì tuǒxié ,suǒyǐ líhūn guānsi cái tuō le zhème jiǔ 。 This was the biggest headache. He is still little. Before the divorce we were always arguing; he has already been affected a lot. Not to mention the divorce. Both of us of course want our child--after all he's our own flesh and blood. Neither of us were willing to compromise, so as a consequence our divorce dragged out a long time. 那法院最后怎么判呢? nà fǎyuàn zuìhòu zěnme pàn ne ? So, how did the court rule in the end? 抚养权归她。我每个月付抚养费,直到孩子成人。数额根据他的成长、生活情况来调整。其实我这么辛苦赚钱,不就是想让孩子过得舒服点、接受更好的教育吗? fǔyǎng quán guī tā 。wǒ měi ge yuè fù fǔyǎng fèi ,zhídào háizi chéngrén 。shùé gēnjù tā de chéngzhǎng 、shēnghuó qíngkuàng lái tiáozhěng 。qíshí wǒ zhème xīnkǔ zhuànqián ,bù jiùshì xiǎng ràng háizi guò de shūfu diǎn 、jiēshòu gèng hǎo de jiàoyù ma ? Custody was given to her. Every month I pay child support, and will do so until our child is an adult. The amount is set according to his age, and adjusted according to his life circumstances. Actually, I am working so hard to earn money precisely because I want to give my child a comfortable life, and get a better education. 那探视权呢? nà tànshì quán ne ? What about visitation rights? 这是我们自己商定的。我想孩子或者孩子想我的时候都可以见面。 zhè shì wǒmen zìjǐ shāngdìng de 。wǒ xiǎng háizi huòzhě háizi xiǎng wǒ de shíhou dōu kěyǐ jiànmiàn 。 We set this ourselves. When I miss our child, or he misses me, we can see each other. 那就好。你这么疼他,如果一周只能见一次,一定想死了。哎,中国法院是不是倾向把孩子判给妈妈? nà jiù hǎo 。nǐ zhème téng tā ,rúguǒ yī zhōu zhǐnéng jiàn yī cì ,yīdìng xiǎng sǐ le 。āi ,Zhōngguó fǎyuàn shì bu shì qīngxiàng bǎ háizi pàn gěi māma ? Well, that's good. You love him so much--if you could only see him once a week, you would miss him so much. Oh, are Chinese courts more inclined to award the child to the mother? 这还是要看具体情况的。比如我,虽然情感和经济上都符合要求,但是工作太忙了,没办法照顾他。所以法院最后判给他妈妈了。 zhè hái shì yào kàn jùtǐ qíngkuàng de 。bǐrú wǒ ,suīrán qínggǎn hé jīngjì shang dōu fúhé yāoqiú ,dànshì gōngzuò tài máng le ,méi bànfǎ zhàogu tā 。suǒyǐ fǎyuàn zuìhòu pàn gěi tā māma le 。 That depends on the specific circumstances. Take me for example--although I conform to the emotional and financial requirements, because I am busy at work, I have no way to look after him. So in the end, the court awarded custody to his mother. 这样也好。只要你儿子知道你疼他就行。 zhèyàng yě hǎo 。zhǐyào nǐ érzi zhīdào nǐ téng tā jiù xíng 。 That's good too. As long as your son knows you love him it's all right. 但愿吧。 dànyuàn ba 。 I hope so. Vocabulary 伤脑筋 shāng nǎojīn bothersome 理智 lǐzhì rational 协议 xiéyì agreement 判 pàn to sentence 心头肉 xīntóuròu one's own flesh and blood 妥协 tuǒxié to compromise 调整 tiáozhěng to adjust 探视 tànshì to visit 商定 shāngdìng to settle after discussion 倾向 qīngxiàng tendency; trend 官司 guānsi lawsuit 抚养权 fǔyǎng quán custody 抚养费 fǔyǎng fèi child support payment 探视权 tànshì quán visitation rights 监护权 jiānhù quán right of custody or guardianship 赡养费 shànyǎng fèi alimony 打官司 dǎ guānsi to sue 胜诉 shèngsù to win a lawsuit 败诉 bàisù to lose a lawsuit Upper-Intermediate - Playing the Stock Market (D0526) 你最近买股票了没? nǐ zuìjìn mǎi gǔpiào le méi ? You've been buying stock lately, no? 没有。我看现在股市过热,还是谨慎点好。 méiyǒu 。wǒ kàn xiànzài gǔshì guòrè ,háishì jǐnshèn diǎn hǎo 。 Nope. I think the stock market is overheated now, so it's good to be a bit cautious. 难怪你发不了财。中国股市现在是几十年不遇的大牛市,民间资本雄厚,再加上08年的奥运会和10年的世博会,至少还有两三年的涨势。所以今年我一口气买了好几支股票。 nánguài nǐ fābuliǎocái 。Zhōngguó gǔshì xiànzài shì jǐshínián bùyù de dà niúshì ,mínjiān zīběn xiónghòu ,zài jiāshàng líng bā nián de Aòyùnhuì hé yī líng nián de Shìbóhuì ,zhìshǎo hái yǒu liǎng sān nián de zhǎngshì 。suǒyǐ jīnnián wǒ yīkǒuqì mǎi le hǎojǐ zhī gǔpiào 。 No wonder you aren't rich. The Chinese stock market is in its biggest bull market in the last dozen years. Between the extraordinary mass of public capital, and then the 2008 Olympics and 2010 World Fair, there will be growth for at least two to three years. So I took the plunge and bought a lot of stock this year. 你别过分乐观了。正是因为大家都这么说,我才觉得可怕。中国的股市还不太成熟,散户太多了。而且都是做短线的,缺乏理智分析和一定的心理承受能力。所以,把钱放在股市是非常冒险的。 nǐ bié guòfèn lèguān le 。zhèng shì yīnwèi dàjiā dōu zhème shuō ,wǒ cái juéde kěpà 。Zhōngguó de gǔshì hái bùtài chéngshú ,sǎnhù tài duō le 。érqiě dōu shì zuò duǎnxiàn de ,quēfá lǐzhì fēnxī hé yīdìng de xīnlǐ chéngshòu nénglì 。suǒyǐ ,bǎ qián fàng zài gǔshì shì fēicháng màoxiǎn de 。 Don't be too optimistic. The reason I feel scared is exactly because everyone is talking like you. The Chinese stock market still isn't terribly mature. There are too many private investors, and they're all looking at the short term, lacking both rational analysis and a certain psychological endurance. This makes putting money in the stock market extraordinarily risky. 废话。投资能没有风险吗?关键是心态要好。反正我是做长线的,短期的涨跌无所谓。 fèihuà 。tóuzī néng méiyǒu fēngxiǎn ma ?guānjiàn shì xīntài yào hǎo 。fǎnzhèng wǒ shì zuò chángxiàn de ,duǎnqī de zhǎngdiē wúsuǒwèi 。 No kidding. Can there be investment without risk? The critical thing is keeping a good attitude. I'm interested in the long-term at least, and indifferent to short-term fluctuations. 可现在新入市的人很多连股票是什么东西都没搞清楚就买,多盲目啊。这样一来,市场很容易出现恐慌,严重的还会崩盘。 kě xiànzài xīn rùshì de rén hěn duō lián gǔpiào shì shénme dōngxi dōu méi gǎo qīngchu jiù mǎi ,duō mángmù a 。zhèyàng yīlái ,shìchǎng hěn róngyì chūxiàn kǒnghuāng ,yánzhòng de hái huì bēngpán 。 But right now many of the new entrants are acting blindly - buying stocks on the market without even knowing what they are. This way the market will easily give in to panics, and more seriously, market collapses. 你别吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。我最看不惯你这种胆子小,不敢担风险,但看到别人炒股赚了就眼红的人。 nǐ bié chībudào pútao shuō pútao suān 。wǒ zuì kànbuguàn nǐ zhèzhǒng dǎnzi xiǎo ,bùgǎn dān fēngxiǎn ,dàn kàndào biérén chǎogǔ zhuàn le jiù yǎnhóng de rén 。 Don't talk about something you know nothing about. I really disapprove of you craven, cowardly folk who can't bear risk, but get red with envy whenever they see others making money. 我眼红?我才没那么幼稚呢。我只是说,现在的股市过热。作为投资人,一定要有心理准备才行。我还得提醒你一句,炒股就跟赌博差不多。 wǒ yǎnhóng ?wǒ cái méi nàme yòuzhì ne 。wǒ zhǐshì shuō ,xiànzài de gǔshì guòrè 。zuòwéi tóuzīrén ,yīdìng yào yǒu xīnlǐ zhǔnbèi cái xíng 。wǒ hái děi tíxǐng nǐ yī jù ,chǎogǔ jiù gēn dǔbó chàbuduō 。 You calling me red with envy? I'm not that immature. I'm just saying that the stock market is overheated. As an investor, you need a certain amount of mental preparation. I'll also remind you that stock market speculation is not so different from gambling. 你这种观念早就过时了。现在你只要做足功课,平时再留意一下市场动态,基本上就有把握了。 nǐ zhèzhǒng guānniàn zǎo jiù guòshí le 。xiànzài nǐ zhǐyào zuò zú gōngkè ,píngshí zài liúyì yīxià shìchǎng dòngtài ,jīběnshang jiù yǒu bǎwò le 。 Your way of thinking was outdated long ago. Right now all you can do is prepare yourself well, and pay attention to the market developments, then you'll get it. 哪有这么简单?如果这样就行的话,人人都发财了。 nǎ yǒu zhème jiǎndān ?rúguǒ zhèyàng jiù xíng dehuà ,rénrén dōu fācái le 。 Where is it that easy? If this is all it takes, then everyone would be rich. 算了,你只会在一旁眼红。跟你说了也是白说。 suàn le ,nǐ zhǐ huì zài yīpáng yǎnhóng 。gēn nǐ shuō le yě shì báishuō 。 Forget it. You're just standing on the sidelines burning with envy. There's no point in talking to you. Vocabulary 谨慎 jǐnshèn cautious 牛市 niúshì bull market 雄厚 xiónghòu abundant 涨势 zhǎngshì upward trend 散户 sǎnhù private investor 崩盘 bēngpán market collapse 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸 chībudào pútao shuō pútao suān sour grapes 眼红 yǎnhóng envious 留意 liúyì to pay attention to 短线 duǎnxiàn short-term 长线 chángxiàn long-term 炒股 chǎogǔ to speculate in stocks 过热 guòrè overheated 恐慌 kǒnghuāng panic 开盘 kāipán opening quotation 收盘 shōupán closing quotation 成交量 chéngjiāoliàng volume of business 熊市 xióngshì bear market 泡沫 pàomò bubble 暴跌 bàodiē fall steeply; plunge Upper-Intermediate - Resisting Relocation (D0531) A: 哎,这儿终于要拆迁了。居委会的人找你谈了吗? Ah, they're finally tearing down our building and relocating us. Did someone from the neighborhood committee have a talk with you? āi, zhèr5 zhōngyú yào chāiqiān le. Jūwěihuì de rén zhǎo nǐ tán le ma? B: 找了。说高速公路马上就要动工了,让我们配合工作。他们怎么跟你谈的? Yeah. He said they're about to begin work on the new expressway and they need us to cooperate. What did they say to you? Zhǎo le. Shuō gāosùgōnglù mǎshàng jiù yào dònggōng le, ràng wǒmen pèihé gōngzuò. Tāmen zěnme gēn nǐ tán de? A: 还不就是老一套。按照户口、面积给房子。还有一部分经济补偿。我住了一辈子破房子,总算可以改善一下了。 What else? Just the same old thing. They'll give us homes depending on registries and area. And there's some economic compensation. I've lived in a run-down place my whole life, and now I can finally improve that. Hái bù jiùshì lǎoyītào. ànzhào hùkǒu, miànji gěi fángzi. Hái yǒu yībùfèn jīngjì bǔcháng. Wǒ zhù le yībèizi pò fángzi, zǒngsuàn kěyǐ gǎishàn yīxià le. B: 你准备就这么搬了? So you're going to move just like that? Nǐ zhǔnbèi jiù zhème bān le? A: 是啊。每一家都是这种条件嘛。怎么,你准备做钉子户? Yeah. Every family has these same terms. What, are you planning to resisting the relocation? Shì ā. Měi yī jiā dōu shì zhèzhǒng tiáojiàn ma. Zěnme, nǐ zhǔnbèi zuò dīngzihù? B: 当然咯!我告诉你,现在是我们主动,国家被动。能争取更好的条件,干嘛放弃? Of course! Let me tell you, nowadays we're the ones who have to take the initiative; the country is passive. If we are able to fight for better terms, why the heck would you give up? Dāngrán lo! Wǒ gàosu nǐ, xiànzài shì wǒmen zhǔdòng, guójiā bèidòng. Néng zhēngqǔ gèng hǎo de tiáojiàn, gànmá fàngqì? A: 啊?我觉得国家给我们的条件不错。有钱拿,还有像样的房子住。 Huh? I think that the government has given us pretty good terms. We get money, plus a decent house to live in. á? Wǒ juéde guójiā gěi wǒmen de tiáojiàn bùcuò. Yǒu qián ná, hái yǒu xiàngyàng de fángzi zhù. B: 你傻啊?那么一点钱,离市区那么远的房子,我才不要呢。你看,重庆最牛的钉子户,就是不搬,跟你拼到底,最后拿到的补偿比别人好多了。 Are you stupid? Such a small amount of money, a house so far from the city center-- that I definitely don't want. Look at the most stubborn relocation rebel in Chongqing. He just plain wouldn't move -- he fought until the bitter end. In the end, the compensation he received was much better than what others got. Nǐ shǎ a? Nàme yīdiǎn qián, lí shìqū nàme yuǎn de fángzi, wǒ cái bùyào ne. Nǐ kàn, Chóngqìng zuì niú de dīngzihù, jiùshì bù bān, gēn nǐ pīndàodǐ, zuìhòu nádào de bǔcháng bǐ biéren hǎo duōle. A: 哎,我可没有这种精力。搞了半天,最后还不一定有结果。到时候,别人都搬走了,水电煤也没了,你怎么住?我情愿快点住新房子。 (Sigh.) I certainly don't have that kind of energy. And after all that, in the end there's no guarantee of any results. When the time comes and everyone else has moved away, there's no water, electricity, or gas, then how will you live? I'd rather move into a new place sooner. āi, wǒ kě méiyǒu zhèzhǒng jīnglì. Gǎo le bàntiān, zuìhòu hái bùyīdìng yǒu jiéguǒ. Dào shíhou, biéren dōu bānzǒu le, shuǐ diàn méi yě méi le, nǐ zěnme zhù? Wǒ qíngyuàn kuài diǎn zhù xīn fángzi. B: 那你到时候可别后悔。总之,我要坚持到底。 Well, when that time comes I hope you don't regret it. As for me, I'm going to stick it out to the end. Nà nǐ dào shíhou kě bié hòuhuǐ. Zǒngzhī, wǒ yào jiānchí dàodǐ. A: 行啊,你慢慢耗着吧,我就不奉陪了。 All right, you take your time and drag it out. I just won't be around to keep you company. Xíng a, nǐ mànmàn hào zhe ba, wǒ jiù bù fèngpéi le. Key Vocabulary 拆迁 chāiqiān to demolish a building and relocate the residents 居委会 jūwěihuì neighborhood committee 动工 dònggōng to begin construction 老一套 lǎoyītào same old story 补偿 bǔcháng compensation 改善 gǎishàn to improve 钉子户 dīngzihù a household resisting relocation 像样 xiàngyàng presentable; decent 牛 niú awesome; great 情愿 qíngyuàn to prefer to; would rather 耗 hào to spend; to consume; to continue on 奉陪 fèngpéi to keep someone company Supplementary Vocabulary 征收 zhēngshōu to collect (taxes, etc.) 强制 qiángzhì to coerce 僵持 jiāngchí to be deadlocked 吃亏 chīkuī to suffer loss 抗议 kàngyì to protest 三番两次 sānfānliǎngcì again and again; repeatedly Upper-Intermediate - The Scene of the Accident (D0542) A: 我开到路口的时候是绿灯,不过我还是减速、打右转向灯。没想到,一辆助动车冲出来。她是直行,速度比较快。我马上刹车,可是还是撞了。我记得撞车的时候她没摔下来,但是等我下车,她就一屁股坐在地上,又哭又闹,说我把她撞伤了。明明是她闯红灯,违反交通规则,还要赖在我身上。我当时转弯的时候速度只有二三十公里,根本不可能撞倒她。 When I drove up to the intersection the light was green, but I still slowed down, and put on my right turn blinker. I never thought an electric bike would come out of nowhere. She was going straight, at a rather high speed. I braked immediately, but I still hit her. I remember when I hit her bike she didn't fall off, but after I got out of my car, she set her butt right on the ground, crying and making a fuss, saying I injured her. She's clearly the one that ran a red light, breaking the law, and now she wants to pin it on me. At the time I was turning, my speed was only 20 or 30 kilometers per hour. There's no way I could have knocked her over. Wǒ kāi dào lùkǒu de shíhou shì lǜdēng, bùguò wǒ háishi jiǎnsù, dǎ yòu zhuǎnxiàngdēng. Méi xiǎngdào, yī liàng zhùdòngchē chōng chūlai. Tā shì zhíxíng, sùdù bǐjiào kuài. Wǒ mǎshàng shāchē, kěshì háishi zhuàng le. Wǒ jìde zhuàngchē de shíhou tā méi shuāi xiàlai, dànshì děng wǒ xiàchē, tā jiù yī pìgu zuò zài dì shàng, yòu kū yòu nào, shuō wǒ bǎ tā zhuàng shāng le. Míngmíng shì tā chuǎng hóngdēng, wéifǎn jiāotōng guīzé, hái yào lài zài wǒ shēnshang. Wǒ dāngshí zhuǎnwān de shíhou sùdù zhǐ yǒu èr sān shí gōnglǐ, gēnběn bù kěnéng zhuàngdǎo tā. B: 我当时骑助动车直行。要穿马路的时候,我仔细看过,绿灯刚变成黄灯,当时在我前面的车都过去了。我也加速冲过去,而且还一直按喇叭。没想到一辆奥迪右转,速度飞快。他根本没减速,反而是加速。我一点都来不及反应,就撞上去了。他这么快的车速,又是这么大的车,我一下子就连人带车摔到地上了。 I was riding my electric bike, going straight. When I needed to cross the street I looked carefully, and the green light had just turned yellow. The cars in front of me all went ahead. I also sped up to go through, and I was continuously blowing my horn. I never imagined an Audi would make a right turn, and at a blinding speed. He never slowed down -- he sped up. I had no time at all to react, and I ran into him. He was going so fast, and it was such a big car, that I was immediately thrown to the ground along with my bike. Wǒ dāngshí qí zhùdòngchē zhíxíng. Yào chuān mǎlù de shíhou, wǒ zǐxì kàn guo, lǜdēng gāng biànchéng huángdēng, dāngshí zài wǒ qiánmian de chē dōu guòqù le. Wǒ yě jiāsù chōng guòqu, érqiě hái yīzhí àn lǎba. Méi xiǎngdào yī liàng Aòdí yòuzhuǎn, sùdù fēikuài. Tā gēnběn méi jiǎnsù, fǎnér shì jiāsù. Wǒ yīdiǎn dū láibují fǎnyìng, jiù zhuàng shàngqu le. Tā zhème kuài de chēsù, yòu shì zhème dà de chē, wǒ yīxiàzi jiù lián rén dài chē shuāi dào dì shàng le. C: 出事的时候我就站在路口,看得一清二楚。当时一辆小轿车右转弯,没有按喇叭,“呜”的一下就转了。谁晓得一辆助动车也开过来,速度也很快。他们就撞上了。我第一次看见撞车,心里怕得很。我想这下坏了,可能撞死人了。我赶快跑过去,看到那个骑车的小姑娘摔在地上,还好人没事。开车子的男人后来也下来了。他们两个都开得快,硬碰硬就撞了。 When the accident happened I was standing at the intersection, and I saw everything clear as day. A small car was turning right, didn't blow its horn, and "whoosh" just made a turn. Who knew an electric bike would also drive up, and at a really high speed. They just hit each other. It was the first time I ever saw a car accident. I was scared out of my wits. I thought it must be bad, maybe someone died in the crash. I hurried right over and saw the girl on the bike had been knocked to the ground. Good thing she was OK. Then the man driving the car got out. They were both driving very fast, metal hit metal, and it was a crash. Chūshì de shíhou wǒ jiù zhànzài lùkǒu, kàn de yīqīngèrchǔ. Dāngshí yī liàng xiǎojiàochē yòu zhuǎnwān, méiyǒu àn lǎba, " wū " de yīxià jiù zhuǎn le. Shéi xiǎode yī liàng zhùdòngchē yě kāi guòlai, sùdù yě hěn kuài. Tāmen jiù zhuàngshàng le. Wǒ dì yī cì kànjiàn zhuàngchē, xīnlǐ pà de hěn. Wǒ xiǎng zhèxià huài le, kěnéng zhuàngsǐ rén le. Wǒ gǎnkuài pǎo guòqu, kàndào nàge qíchē de xiǎo gūniang shuāi zài dì shàng, hái hǎo rén méishì. Kāi chēzi de nánrén hòulái yě xiàlai le. Tāmen liǎng ge dōu kāi de kuài, yìngpèngyìng jiù zhuàng le. Key Vocabulary 减速 jiǎnsù to slow down 右转向灯 yòu zhuǎnxiàngdēng right turn signal 助动车 zhùdòngchē hybrid bike-motorbike 直行 zhíxíng to go straight 刹车 shāchē to brake 撞车 zhuàngchē to crash (a vehicle) 又哭又闹 yòu kū yòu nào to cry and cause a commotion 闯红灯 chuǎng hóngdēng to run a red light 赖 lài to blame; to deny error 加速 jiāsù to accelerate 反应 fǎnyìng to react 连人带车 lián rén dài chē the person together with the vehicle 一清二楚 yīqīngèrchǔ to be very clear about something 晓得 xiǎode to know; to be aware 出事 chūshì to have an accident 硬碰硬 yìngpèngyìng to collide with force Supplementary Vocabulary 油门 yóumén accelerator; throttle 倒车 dàochē to back up a vehicle 后视镜 hòushìjìng rearview mirror 超车 chāochē to pass a vehicle; to overtake 抢道 qiǎngdào to cut off another driver 超速 chāosù to exceed the speed limit 目击者 mùjīzhě eyewitness Upper-Intermediate - Global Warming (D0548) A: 现在天气完全不正常。热死了! The weather now is totally abnormal. It's so hot! Xiànzài tiānqì wánquán bù zhèngcháng. Rèsǐ le! B: 你不知道这是全球气候变暖现象?以后会越来越热的。 Don't you know this is the global warming phenomenon? It's going to get hotter and hotter. Nǐ bù zhīdào zhè shì quánqiú qìhòu biànnuǎn xiànxiàng? Yǐhòu huì yuèláiyuè rè de. A: 啊哟,一听这些气象专有名词,我就烦。你能不能不说?一会儿是温室效应,一会儿是全球气候变暖。怎么都这么绕口? Ugh! As soon as I hear those technical weather terms, I just get annoyed. Can you not talk about it? First it's the greenhouse effect, then it's global warming. How come they're such a mouthful to say? āyō, yī tīng zhèxiē qìxiàng zhuānyǒu míngcí, wǒ jiù fán. Nǐ néng bu néng bù shuō? Yīhuìr5 shì wēnshì xiàoyìng, yīhuìr5 shì quánqiú qìhòu biànnuǎn. Zěnme dōu zhème ràokǒu? B: 你怎么光注意这个?温室效应的后果可是很严重的。你有没有看过戈尔拍的纪录片?全球气温每升高零点一度,对人类来说都是灾难。 How can you only pay attention to that? The consequences of the greenhouse effect are very grave. Have you seen Al Gore's documentary? For every 0.1 degree the earth's temperature rises, it's a calamity for the human race. Nǐ zěnme guāng zhùyì zhège? Wēnshì xiàoyìng de hòuguǒ kěshì hěn yánzhòng de. Nǐ yǒu mei yǒu kàn guo Gēěr pāi de jìlùpiàn? Quánqiú qìwēn měi shēnggāo líng diǎn yī dù, duì rénlèi láishuō dōu shì zāinàn. A: 我觉得这种说教根本起不到作用。看过以后,日子还是照样过。 I think this kind of preaching is of absolutely no use. Since I saw it, everything has been the same as always. Wǒ juéde zhèzhǒng shuōjiào gēnběn qǐbudào zuòyòng. Kàn guo yǐhòu, rìzi háishi zhàoyàng guò. B: 可是现在确实有好多人开始关注气候问题了。特别是欧美,好多人都开始通过日常行为,改变环境。 However, now a lot of people have started to pay more attention to the climate issue. Especially in Europe and America--a lot of people are trying to transform the environment through their day-to-day behavior. Kěshì xiànzài quèshí yǒu hǎo duō rén kāishǐ guānzhù qìhòu wèntí le. Tèbié shì OūMěi, hǎo duō rén dōu kāishǐ tōngguò rìcháng xíngwéi, gǎibiàn huánjìng. A: 说实话,我觉得那些由气候变暖带来的灾难离自己的生活很远,地球热一点,有什么大不了? To tell the truth, I think that the calamities brought on by climate change seem very distant from my life. So the earth is a little warmer--what's the worst that can happen? Shuō shíhuà, wǒ juéde nàxiē yóu qìhòu biànnuǎn dàilái de zāinàn lí zìjǐ de shēnghuó hěn yuǎn, dìqiú rè yīdiǎn, yǒu shénme dàbuliǎo? B: 你别不当回事。虽然具体的灾难我也说不清,但是有一点可以肯定,人类的生存状态会变得非常恶劣。 Don't take it lightly. Although no one can be certain of the particular disastrous results, there is one thing for certain: living conditions for humans will become very poor. Nǐ bié bù dānghuíshì. Suīrán jùtǐ de zāinàn wǒ yě shuōbuqīng, dànshì yǒu yī diǎn kěyǐ kěndìng, rénlèi de shēngcún zhuàngtài huì biàn de fēicháng èliè. A: 搞了半天,你跟我也差不多嘛。 After going on for half the day, you are basically saying the same thing I am. Gǎo le bàntiān, nǐ gēn wǒ yě chàbuduō ma. B: 什么?我比你有觉悟多了。我已经开始少开车、少用电了。 What? I am a lot more aware than you. I've already started driving my car less, and using less electricity. Shénme? Wǒ bǐ nǐ yǒu juéwù duō le. Wǒ yǐjīng kāishǐ shǎo kāichē, shǎo yòngdiàn le. A: 嗯,这样准能给地球降温,真是太辛苦你了。 Hmph. Like that will really lower the temperature of the earth. You're really putting yourself out. Ng4, zhèyàng zhǔn néng gěi dìqiú jiàngwēn, zhēnshì tài xīnkǔ nǐ le. Key Vocabulary 全球气候变暖 quánqiú qìhòu biànnuǎn global warming 气象 qìxiàng meteorology 温室效应 wēnshì xiàoyìng greenhouse effect 绕口 ràokǒu tongue-twister 纪录片 jìlùpiàn documentary film 灾难 zāinàn disaster 说教 shuōjiào to preach, sermonize 照样 zhàoyàng in the same old way; as before 关注 guānzhù to follow with interest 大不了 dàbuliǎo at the worst; alarming 当回事 dānghuíshì to take something seriously 生存状态 shēngcún zhuàngtài living conditions 恶劣 èliè poor quality; vile 觉悟 juéwù consciousness; enlightenment 降温 jiàngwēn to drop in temperature; to cool down Supplementary Vocabulary 污染 wūrǎn to pollute; pollution 温室气体 wēnshì qìtǐ greenhouse gas 排放 páifàng emission; discharge 冰川 bīngchuān glacier 融化 rónghuà to melt 旱灾 hànzāi drought 洪涝灾害 hónglào zāihài flood 泥石流 níshíliú mudslide 海嘯 hǎixiào tidal wave Upper-Intermediate - Studying Japanese (D0555) A: 啊哟,你这么用功,在学日语! Wow, you're so hard-working, studying Japanese! āyō, nǐ zhème yònggōng, zài xué rìyǔ! B: 嗯,刚开始的。岁月不饶人啊,现在学点东西可真费劲。 Yeah, I just started. Time and tide wait for no man. Studying stuff now is really tiring. Ng4, gāng kāishǐ de. Suìyuè bù ráorén a, xiànzài xué diǎn dōngxi kě zhēn fèijìn. A: 日语和汉语不是挺像的嘛。总比学英语容易吧。 But Japanese and Chinese are really similar, right? It's got to be easier than studying English, anyway. Rìyǔ hé hànyǔ bù shì tǐng xiàng de ma. Zǒng bǐ xué yīngyǔ róngyì ba. B: 我以前也这么想。现在发现,日语只是开头简单,比如书写、发音什么的。可是想学得深一点就难了。 I used to think that. Now I find that Japanese is only easy in the beginning, for writing and pronunciation and stuff. But if you want to dig deeper in your studies it's difficult. Wǒ yǐqián yě zhème xiǎng. Xiànzài fāxiàn, rìyǔ zhǐshì kāitóu jiǎndān, bǐrú shūxiě, fāyīn shénme de. Kěshì xiǎng xué de shēn yīdiǎn jiù nán le. A: 日语里不是有很多汉字吗,我们中国人自己琢磨琢磨就明白了。不过,除了汉字,还有些怪怪的符号。那是什么呀? Doesn't Japanese have lots of Chinese characters? We Chinese can just put some thought into it and then we'll get it. But besides Chinese characters there are also some weird symbols. What are those? Rìyǔ lǐ bù shì yǒu hěn duō hànzì ma, wǒmen zhōngguórén zìjǐ zuómo zuómo jiù míngbai le. Bùguò, chúle hànzì, hái yǒuxiē guàiguài de fúhào. Nà shì shénme yā? B: 你说的是平假名和片假名吧,那是日语的注音符号。在日语中,同一个发音对应着平假名和片假名两种写法。平假名是从汉字的草书演化过来的,用于一般的书写。片假名源于汉字的偏旁部首,主要是用来表示外来语或强调的。 You're talking about hiragana and katakana. They're the phonetic writing system of Japanese. In Japanese, the same sounds correspond to both the written forms of hiragana and of katakana. Hiragana evolved from the grass script form of Chinese characters, and are used in typical writing. Katakana originated from the radicals of Chinese characters, and is mainly used to express foreign loanwords or emphasis. Nǐ shuō de shì píngjiǎmíng hé piànjiǎmíng ba, nà shì rìyǔ de zhùyīn fúhào. Zài rìyǔ zhōng, tóng yī ge fāyīn duìyìng zhe píngjiǎmíng hé piànjiǎmíng liǎng zhǒng xiěfǎ. Píngjiǎmíng shì cóng hànzì de cǎoshū yǎnhuà guòlai de, yòngyú yībān de shūxiě. Piànjiǎmíng yuányú hànzì de piānpáng bùshǒu, zhǔyào shì yònglái biǎoshì wàiláiyǔ huò qiángdiào de. A: 噢,这个我知道,日语里有好多从英语直接音译过来的词。 Oh, I know this: a lot of English words were directly transliterated into Japanese words. ō, zhège wǒ zhīdào, rìyǔ lǐ yǒu hǎo duō cóng yīngyǔ zhíjiē yīnyì guòlai de cí. B: 嗯,不过它们还是比较有日本特色的,完全听不出原来是什么。 Yeah, but they still have Japanese characteristics. You can't tell at all what they were originally. Ng4, bùguò tāmen háishi bǐjiào yǒu rìběn tèsè de, wánquán tīngbuchū yuánlái shì shénme. A: 那日语中的汉字都是繁体字吗? So are the Chinese characters in Japanese all traditional characters? Nà rìyǔ zhōng de hànzì dōu shì fántǐzì ma? B: 繁体占多数,还有一些日式简体字,和我们简体字的写法不太一样。比如“出発”的“発”。中文里就没有这个字。 Traditional characters comprise the majority, but there are also a few Japanese character simplifications that are somewhat different from our simplified characters. For example, the "patsu" in "shuppatsu." This character doesn't exist in Chinese. Fántǐ zhàn duōshù, hái yǒu yīxiē rìshì jiǎntǐzì, hé wǒmen jiǎntǐzì de xiěfǎ bùtài yīyàng. Bǐrú " chū 发" de "发". Zhōngwén lǐ jiù méiyǒu zhège zì. A: 怎么听起来这么复杂? Why does it seem so complicated? Zěnme tīng qǐlai zhème fùzá? B: 复杂的还在后面呢。比如一字多音,还有语法。我总结下来,发现和汉语越接近的语言对我们来说反而越难学,因为你会用汉语的思维去解读。 The really complicated stuff is still coming. For example, the multiple readings for each character, and the grammar. In the end, I've discovered that languages too similar to Mandarin are actually harder to learn, because you'll be applying your Chinese concepts when deciphering them. Fùzá de hái zài hòumian ne. Bǐrú yī zì duō yīn, háiyǒu yǔfǎ. Wǒ zǒngjié xiàlai, fāxiàn hé hànyǔ yuè jiējìn de yǔyán duì wǒmen láishuō fǎnér yuè nánxué, yīnwèi nǐ huì yòng hànyǔ de sīwéi qù jiědú. A: 哎,我觉得只要是语言,都不好学。你看英语,和咱们中文一点都不相干,我不是也学不好吗? Ah, I think that as long as it's a language, it's always going to be difficult. Take a look at English. It's not at all similar to Chinese, but I can't even learn it, right? āi, wǒ juéde zhǐyào shì yǔyán, dōu bù hǎoxué. Nǐ kàn yīngyǔ, hé zánmen Zhōngwén yīdiǎn dōu bù xiānggān, wǒ bù shì yě xuébuhǎo ma? Key Vocabulary 岁月不饶人 suìyuè bù ráorén Time and tide wait for no one 费劲 fèijìn to put forth a lot of effort; tiring 琢磨 zuómo to ponder over 平假名 píngjiǎmíng hiragana 片假名 piànjiǎmíng katakana 演化 yǎnhuà to evolve 外来语 wàiláiyǔ loanword 解读 jiědú to decipher 相干 xiānggān to be concerned with; to have to do with Supplementary Vocabulary 来源 láiyuán source 记忆力 jìyìlì memory; ability to remember 省力 shěnglì to save energy 万事开头难 wànshì kāitóu nán things are always difficult at the start Upper-Intermediate - Experiencing Agricultural Life (D0561) 子恒: 嘿!大家好!我叫子恒! Hey! Hello everybody! I'm Ziheng. Hēi! Dàjiā hǎo! Wǒ jiào Zǐ Héng! 肖霞: 子恒非常地活泼啊,好,那,子恒,今天我们要关于学农对你做一个采访。准备好了没有? Ziheng is very lively. OK, then, Ziheng, today we want to interview you about learning agricultural production. Are you ready? Zǐ Héng fēicháng de huópo a, hǎo, nà, Zǐ Héng, jīntiān wǒmen yào guānyú xuénóng duì nǐ zuò yī ge cǎifǎng. Zhǔnbèi hǎo le méiyǒu? 子恒: 嗯,主持人你请随便吧! Uh-huh. Host, please ask me whatever you like! Ng4, zhǔchírén nǐ qǐng suíbiàn ba! 肖霞: 好,第一个问题就是你读书的时候有没有学过农? OK. The first question is, when you were in school, did you ever study farming? Hǎo, dì yī ge wèntí jiùshì nǐ dúshū de shíhou yǒuméiyǒu xué guo nóng? 子恒: 学过啊。 Yes, I did. Xué guo a. 肖霞: 大概什么时候呢? Approximately when was that? Dàgài shénme shíhou ne? 子恒: 嗯……高中的时候。 Um, when I was in high school. Ng5 …… gāozhōng de shíhou. 肖霞: 高一还是高二? Your first year, or your second year? Gāoyī háishì gāo èr? 子恒: 高二。 My second year. Gāo èr. 肖霞: 那么你们是去什么地方学农的? So, where did you go to study farming? Nàme nǐmen shì qù shénme dìfang xuénóng de? 子恒: 我们去长兴岛。 We went to Changxing Island. Wǒmen qù Chángxīng Dǎo. 肖霞: 长兴岛是在什么地方?好象没有听说过。 Where is Changxing Island? I don't think I've ever heard of it. Chángxīng Dǎo shì zài shénme dìfang? Hǎoxiàng méiyǒu tīngshuō guo. 子恒: 在那个长江口。 At the mouth of the Yangtze River. Zài nàge Chángjiāng kǒu. 肖霞: 在长江口。 At the mouth of the Yangtze River. Zài Chángjiāng kǒu. 子恒: 有很多很多大船。 There are many, many ships. Yǒu hěn duō hěn duō dà chuán. 肖霞: 哦,那你们是坐船过去的吗? Oh, so did you get there by boat? ò, nà nǐmen shì zuò chuán guòqù de ma? 子恒: 嗯,早晨8点多钟乘的渡船,大概两个多小时左右到的吧。 Uh-huh. Around eight o'clock in the morning we took the ferry. We got there in just over two hours, or so. Ng4, zǎochén bādiǎn de dùchuán, dàgài liǎng ge duō xiǎoshí zuǒyòu dào de ba. 肖霞: 哦,那还是蛮辛苦的,长途跋涉到那个地方。 Oh! Well, that's pretty tiring. You really had to cover a long distance to get to the place. ò, nà háishì mán xīnkǔ de, chángtúbáshè dào nàge dìfang. 子恒: 是呀! Yeah! Shì ya! 肖霞: 好,那么你们在那儿学了大概多长时间? OK, so how approximately how long did you study there? Hǎo, nàme nǐmen zài nàr5 xué le dàgài duōcháng shíjiān? 子恒: 差不多十天左右。 About 10 days, give or take. Chàbuduō shí tiān zuǒyòu. 肖霞: 十天左右? 10 days, give or take? Shí tiān zuǒyòu? 子恒: 嗯。 Uh-huh. Ng4. 肖霞: 那就是这个十天你们有没有上课?因为我听说有的学校好象白天学农,然后晚上继续上那个学校里安排的那种课程。 So, then, in those 10 days did you attend any classes? Because I've heard that some schools learn farming during the day, and then in the evening have to go on to study some lessons arranged by the school. Nà jiùshì zhège shí tiān nǐmen yǒuméiyǒu shàngkè? Yīnwèi wǒ tīngshuō yǒude xuéxiào hǎoxiàng báitiān xuénóng, ránhòu wǎnshang jìxù shàng nàge xuéxiào lǐ ānpái de nàzhǒng kèchéng. 子恒: 啊,那我们自由多啦!哈。 Oh? Then we had a lot more freedom! Ha. à, nà wǒmen zìyóu duō la! Hā. 肖霞: 是吗? Really? Shìma? 子恒: 我们是白天干活,晚上自由活动。 We had to work during the day. In the evening we had free time. Wǒmen shì báitiān gànhuó, wǎnshang zìyóuhuódòng. 肖霞: 啊,那你们晚上都干些什么呢? Ah. So, what did you do in the evenings then? à, nà nǐmen wǎnshang dōu gàn xiē shénme ne? 子恒: 那太多了,有些不太好讲,有些大家都知道对吧? So much. Some things are better not to say. Some things are obvious, right? Nà tài duō le, yǒuxiē bùtài hǎo jiǎng, yǒuxiē dàjiā dōu zhīdào duìba? 肖霞: 打牌啊什么的是吧? Play cards, etc. Right? Dǎpái a shénme de shì ba? 子恒: 对对对。 Right, right, right. Duì duì duì. 肖霞: 那具体的你能说一说在学农期间你们干了些什么活儿? Now, specifically, can you please tell us, what kinds of work did you do during the time you were there studying farming? Nà jùtǐ de nǐ néng shuōyishuō zài xuénóng qījiān nǐmen gàn le xiē shénme huór5? 子恒: 开始的时候呢感觉老师也没有特别的安排,为什么呢,那时候去的时候呢正好处于一个农闲的时候。 At the beginning, I felt like the teacher had not arranged anything in particular. Why? At the time when we went it happened to be the farmers' slow season. Kāishǐ de shíhou ne gǎnjué lǎoshī yě méiyǒu tèbié de ānpái, wèishénme ne, nàshíhou qù de shíhou ne zhènghǎo chǔyú yī ge nóngxián de shíhou. 肖霞: 就是不太忙的时候。 That's when they're not too busy. Jiùshì bùtài máng de shíhou. 子恒: 对对对。因为没有安排,老师一看这也不是个办法,那怎么办呢,他就找了一个地方,有很多杂草,然后我们一帮子人就拉那去,然后就开始拔杂草。 Right, right, right. Because there were no arrangements, as soon as the teacher saw this, it wouldn't do, so he went and found a place where there were a lot of weeds. He then dragged the whole lot of us over there, and we started pulling weeds. Duì duì duì. Yīnwèi méiyǒu ānpái, lǎoshī yī kàn zhè yě bù shì ge bànfǎ, nà zěnme bàn ne, tā jiù zhǎo le yī ge dìfang, yǒu hěn duō zácǎo, ránhòu wǒmen yībāngzi rén jiù lā nà qù, ránhòu jiù kāishǐ bá zácǎo. 肖霞: 用手拔的? You had to pull them out by hand? Yòng shǒu bá de? de? 子恒: 很高很高的草。大概比人高吧,那个时候。 Very, very tall weeds. Probably taller than a person, at that time. Hěn gāo hěn gāo de cǎo. Dàgài bǐ rén gāo ba, nàge shíhou. 肖霞: 那么高啊?比人还要高的杂草?那不是草,那是树了!呵。 That tall? Weeds even taller than people? Those aren't weeds, they are trees! Heh-heh. Nàme gāo a? Bǐ rén háiyào gāo de zácǎo? Nà bù shì cǎo, nà shì shù le! Hē. 子恒: 呵,差不多吧,是树,可以这么讲。完了以后,那个时候拔嘛反正人也不多嘛,一般性都是男生就下地干活,然后女生就在旁边那边加油啊什么的,就跟那啦啦队差不多。 Heh. Pretty much. They were trees, you could say. As we got near the end--well by that time the number of people pulling weeds weren't so many--generally it was the guys who would go to work on the field, and the girls would just stand on the side and cheer us on, etc., just like a cheerleading squad or something. Hē, chàbuduō ba, shì shù, kěyǐ zhème jiǎng. Wán le yǐhòu, nàge shíhou bá ma fǎnzhèng rén yě bù duō ma, yībānxìng dōu shì nánshēng jiù xiàdì gànhuó, ránhòu nǚshēng jiù zài pángbiān nàbiān jiāyóu a shénme de, jiù gēn nà lālāduì chàbuduō. 肖霞: 给你们打气,给你们送水,然后你们就把女生的活儿都干了。 Pumping you guys up, bringing you water--and then you would do all the girls' work for them. Gěi nǐmen dǎqì, gěi nǐmen sòng shuǐ, ránhòu nǐmen jiù bǎ nǚshēng de huór5 dōu gàn le. 子恒: 啊。 Ah. ā. 肖霞: 后面都是在拔草,没有干别的事情吗? Later it was all pulling weeds? You didn't do anything else? Hòumian dōushì zài bácǎo, méiyǒu gàn biéde shìqing ma? 子恒: 那倒没有,拔草大概用了两天左右的时间。 Actually, no. Pulling the weeds took about two days, more or less. Nà dào méiyǒu, bácǎo dàgài yòng le liǎng tiān zuǒyòu de shíjiān. 肖霞: 嗯。 Oh. Ng4. 子恒: 拔完草以后呢,就是说桔子也开始可以采摘,然后把我们一堆人拉到桔园里去了。然后去之前呢老师就是千叮嘱万嘱咐(千叮咛万嘱咐):你们记住哦,千万不要偷吃。要是给老师抓住一个,好那你们这次就完了。 Once we were done pulling the weeds, the tangerines were about ready to be picked. So, they dragged the group of us to the tangerine grove. Then, before we went, the teacher was warning us over and over: Remember! Absolutely do not eat the tangerines on the sly. If the teacher caught someone doing it, they'd be dead. Báwán cǎo yǐhòu ne, jiùshìshuō júzi yě kāishǐ kěyǐ cǎizhāi, ránhòu bǎ wǒmen yīduīrén lādào júyuán lǐ qù le. Ránhòu qù zhīqián ne lǎoshī jiùshì qiān dīngzhǔ wàn zhǔfù ( qiān dīngníng wàn zhǔfù ): nǐmen jìzhu o, qiānwàn bùyào tōuchī. Yàoshì gěi lǎoshī zhuāzhù yī ge, hǎo nà nǐmen zhècì jiù wán le. 肖霞: 就会记过啊,或者有处分啊什么的是不是? You'd get a demerit, or be punished or something, right? Jiù huì jìguò a, huòzhě yǒu chǔfèn a shénme de shì bu shì? 子恒: 对对对。 Right, right, right. Duì duì duì. 肖霞: 哦,那么摘下来以后农民伯伯没有分一点给你们吗? Oh, so, once you picked them, didn't the farmer divide some up and give them to you? ò, nàme zhāixiàlai yǐhòu nóngmín bóbo méiyǒu fēn yīdiǎn gěi nǐmen ma? 子恒: 有,大概每个人两斤吧,当然咯,说老实话,这个总归会有一两个小伙子……对吧,哈。 Yes, about one kilogram per person. Of course! But honestly---well, anyhow there will always be one or two guys, right? Ha. Yǒu, dàgài měigerén liǎng jīn ba, dāngrán lo, shuō lǎoshi huà, zhège zǒngguī huì yǒu yī liǎng ge xiǎohuǒzi …… duìba, hā. 肖霞: 哈,不守规矩,然后偷偷地吃? Ha. Not follow the rules, and then secretly eat some? Hā, bù shǒu guīju, ránhòu tōutōu de chī? 子恒: 对对对。 Right, right, right. Duì duì duì. 肖霞: 那子恒啊,你觉得学农的时候有意思吗? Now, Ziheng, do you think that studying agricultural life was interesting? Nà Zǐ Héng a, nǐ juéde xuénóng de shíhou yǒuyìsi ma? 子恒: 有,特有意思。晚上自由活动的时候大家想干嘛干嘛,都行。 Yes, very interesting. When it was our free time in the evening, everything anyone wanted to do they could do. It was all good. Yǒu, tè yǒuyìsi. Wǎnshang zìyóuhuódòng de shíhou dàjiā xiǎng gànmá gànmá, dōu xíng. 肖霞: 那你说的重点都是晚上有意思,那白天呢?白天干活累不累? So your point is that the evenings were interesting. So, what about the daytime? Working all day were you tired? Nà nǐ shuō de zhòngdiǎn dōu shì wǎnshang yǒuyìsi, nà báitiān ne? Báitiān gànhuó lèibulèi? 子恒: 白天嘛,因为那时候大家都还小嘛,没有什么很特别的这种像我们现在可以搞怪啊,啥啊,咋样啊,都比较少,就是大家都闷头在那干活比较多一点。 During the day, well, because at that time everyone was still quite young, not like now how we can fool around--you know, like that. We didn't do that kind of thing so much then. It was more that everyone was absorbed in doing the work, mostly. Báitiān ma, yīnwèi nàshíhou dàjiā dōu hái xiǎo ma, méiyǒu shénme hěn tèbié de zhèzhǒng xiàng wǒmen xiànzài kěyǐ gǎoguài a, shá a, zǎyàng a, dōu bǐjiào shǎo, jiùshì dàjiā dōu mēntóu zài nà gànhuó bǐjiào duō yīdiǎn. 肖霞: 哦,那有没有人指导你们干活,就是应该怎么做怎么做。 So, was there anyone directing you in your work, like, telling you how you should do this or that? ò, nà yǒuméiyǒu rén zhǐdǎo nǐmen gànhuó, jiùshì yīnggāi zěnme zuò zěnme zuò. 子恒: 有啊,之前会有一位农民伯伯先给我们做个示范,然后教我们什么地方要小心注意,当然了我们也有个别比较冲动的朋友直接上去就来了,弄得手上一塌糊涂。 Yeah, before doing something, a farmer would first give us a demonstration. Then tell us what things to pay attention to. Of course, there were a few friends that were more impulsive. They would just go ahead and do something, and make a mess out of it. Yǒu a, zhīqián huì yǒu yī wèi nóngmín bóbo xiān gěi wǒmen zuò ge shìfàn, ránhòu jiāo wǒmen shénme dìfang yào xiǎoxīn zhùyì, dāngrán le wǒmen yě yǒu gèbié bǐjiào chōngdòng de péngyou zhíjiē shàngqu jiù lái le, nòng de shǒushang yītāhútu. 肖霞: 啊,就是爬到树上去吗? Ah, you mean climb up a tree? A, jiùshì pádào shùshang qù ma? 子恒: 不是,割草。 No, cutting the grass. Bù shì, gēcǎo. 肖霞: 哦,割草的时候然后就是手上都受伤了,流血了,是吧? Oh, when they were cutting the grass they injured their hands, and were bleeding. Is that right? ò, gēcǎo de shíhou ránhòu jiùshì shǒushang dōu shòushāng le, liúxiě le, shìba? 子恒: 对对对。 Right, right, right. Duì duì duì. 肖霞: 好,那么你们是住在什么地方呢?住在农民的家里还是说住在什么宿舍啊学校啊。 OK, so where did you stay? Did you live in the farmer's house, or live in some kind of dormitory, or school, or what? Hǎo, nàme nǐmen shì zhùzài shénme dìfang ne? Zhùzài nóngmín de jiālǐ háishìshuō zhùzài shénme sùshè a xuéxiào a. 子恒: 宿舍宿舍,因为那个地方呢,它是有那个就是以前啊,红卫兵那个年代嘛,它留下一些住宅。我们呢,就住在那些老房子里面。那些老房子虽然说蚊虫挺多的,因为那个时候正好是—— A dormitory. Because that place, it had from before, from the Red Guard time, some residences that were left over. We lived in those old houses. Though you could say that those houses had quite a lot of mosquitoes, because at that time it happened to be... Sùshè sùshè, yīnwèi nàge dìfang ne, tā shì yǒu nàge jiùshì yǐqián a, hóngwèibīng nàge niándài ma, tā liúxià yīxiē zhùzhái. Wǒmen ne, jiù zhùzài nàxiē lǎo fángzi lǐmiàn. Nàxiē lǎo fángzi suīránshuō wénchóng tǐng duō de, yīnwèi nàge shíhou zhènghǎo shì —— 肖霞: 夏天? Summer? Xiàtiān? 子恒: 秋天。 Autumn. Qiūtiān. 肖霞: 哦,秋天。 Oh, Autumn. ò, qiūtiān. 子恒: 嗯,但是呢,这个晚上呢感觉就是透过这个窗口啊可以看到晚上的星星啊,他们那边的星星特别特别亮。 Uh-huh. But, in the evening, looking through the window, you really felt that the night stars... the stars there were especially bright. Ng4, dànshì ne, zhège wǎnshang ne gǎnjué jiùshì tòuguò zhège chuāngkǒu a kěyǐ kàndào wǎnshang de xīngxing a, tāmen nàbiān de xīngxing tèbié tèbié liàng. 肖霞: 啊,没有光害的污染,所以看得特别清楚。好,那么你们那个时候因为白天工作得特别累嘛,是不是饭量也大增,吃很多很多? Ah, there was no light pollution, so you could see them especially clearly. All right, so, since at that time during the day you worked especially hard, did your appetite increase too? Did you eat a lot? A, méiyǒu guānghài de wūrǎn, suǒyǐ kàn de tèbié qīngchu. Hǎo, nàme nǐmen nàge shíhou yīnwèi báitiān gōngzuò de tèbié lèi ma, shì bu shì fànliàng yě dà zēng, chī hěn duō hěn duō? 子恒: 对对对,这个太明显了。我们那儿有个大胃王,吃饭哦是用脸盆吃的,哈。 Yes, yes, yes. That's very obvious. We had a "king of the stomachs" there with us. When he ate he used a washbasin for his food. Ha ha. Duì duì duì, zhège tài míngxiǎn le. Wǒmen nàr5 yǒu ge dàwèiwáng, chīfàn o shì yòng liǎnpén chī de, hā. 肖霞: 哈。是真的脸盆吗? Ha ha. Was it really a washbasin? Hā. Shì zhēnde liǎnpén ma? 子恒: 是比较小一点的脸盆,就是那种搪瓷的,搪瓷的,比较大的那种,就是,一看就知道不是饭碗,大胃王,而且这个大胃王后来成为我们的先进,代表我们上去讲那个就是总结报告啊,蛮厉害的,呵。 It was a smaller-sized washbasin--the enamelware sort. The bigger kind. As soon as you saw it you knew it wasn't a rice bowl. The stomach-king, he later became the model worker, and represented us in going up to present our final report. Pretty amazing. Shì bǐjiào xiǎo yīdiǎn de liǎnpén, jiùshì nàzhǒng tángcí de, tángcí de, bǐjiào dà de nàzhǒng, jiùshì, yī kàn jiù zhīdào bù shì fànwǎn, dàwèiwáng, érqiě zhège dàwèiwáng hòulái chéngwéi wǒmen de xiānjìn, dàibiǎo wǒmen shàngqù jiǎng nàge jiùshì zǒngjiébàogào a, mán lìhai de, hē. 肖霞: 啊,那就是说他后来评上了先进分子? Oh, so you are saying that later he was chosen to be your model worker? A, nàjiùshìshuō tā hòulái píngshàng le xiānjìn fènzǐ? 子恒: 对对对。 Right, right. Duì duì duì. 肖霞: 你们是不是有评什么学农标兵之类的? Did you guys hold some kind of an event to choose the model farming worker? Nǐmen shì bu shì yǒu píng shénme xuénóng biāobīng zhīlèi de? 子恒: 有有有,大概有十个左右的同学被评上了吧。 Yes, yes. There were around 10 classmates that were chosen for this. Yǒu yǒu yǒu, dàgài yǒu shí ge zuǒyòu de tóngxué bèi píng shàng le ba. 肖霞: 哦,你评上了吗? Oh. Were you chosen? ò, nǐ píngshàng le ma? 子恒: 我没有。 I wasn't. Wǒ méiyǒu. 肖霞: 那你肯定是偷懒了? Oh, you must have been goofing off a little then? Nà nǐ kěndìng shì tōulǎn le? 子恒: 对,我那个时候挺偷懒的。 Yes. At the time I was pretty much goofing off. Duì, wǒ nàge shíhou tǐng tōulǎn de. 肖霞: 好的,那么还有一个问题,就是那个时候是读书的时候,那你现在觉得学生需不需要学农?就是说有什么意义吗? All right. So, I have another question, that is, at that time you were still a student. What about now--do you think students need to study farming life? That is to say, does it have any significance? Hǎo de, nàme hái yǒu yī ge wèntí, jiùshì nàge shíhou shì dúshū de shíhou, nà nǐ xiànzài juéde xuésheng xū bu xūyào xuénóng? Jiùshìshuō yǒu shénme yìyì ma? 子恒: 嗯,我觉得蛮需要的。因为学了农以后呢我可以看到这个桔子是怎么长出来的,然后也就知道这个桔子装箱怎么样,怎么去采摘,其实以前没看到过不知道,以为很简单,只要摘下来然后包装就行,其实没有那么简单,很多很细小的地方还是需要你亲手去尝试的,才能感觉得到,所以,至少我觉得可以感受一下那种“粒粒皆辛苦”这种感觉。 Uh-huh, I think it's quite necessary. Because after studying about agriculture I could see where a tangerine came from, and could see how they were packed, how to pick them. Actually, I had never seen that before, so I didn't know. I thought it was very simple--just pick them, package them and that's it. But actually, it's not that easy. There are a lot of very fine matters that you need to go and experience for yourself, in order to be able to understand. So, at least, I think I experienced, for a while, the feeling behind the saying: "Every single grain is the fruit of hard work." Ng4, wǒ juéde mán xūyào de. Yīnwèi xué le nóng yǐhòu ne wǒ kěyǐ kàndào zhège júzi shì zěnme zhǎng chūlai de, ránhòu yějiù zhīdào zhège júzi zhuāngxiāng zěnmeyàng, zěnme qù cǎizhāi, qíshí yǐqián méi kàndào guo bù zhīdào, yǐwéi hěn jiǎndān, zhǐyào zhāixiàlái ránhòu bāozhuāng jiù xíng, qíshí méiyǒu nàme jiǎndān, hěn duō hěn xìxiǎo de dìfang háishì xūyào nǐ qīnshǒu qù chángshì de, cáinéng gǎnjué de dào, suǒyǐ, zhìshǎo wǒ juéde kěyǐ gǎnshòu yīxià nàzhǒng " lìlì jiē xīnkǔ " zhèzhǒng gǎnjué. 肖霞: 这个就是说我们生活在城市里的孩子可能不太接触这些农活,然后就理所当然地认为这些劳动成果来得很简单,然后你真的自己亲手去做一下的时候,就会发现了,啊,其实农民伯伯他们真的是非常地辛苦。好的,那么还有什么对学农的一些感想吗?或者说最有趣的经历啊…… You're saying that children who live in the city maybe don't really come into contact with this kind of farm work, and take it for granted that this kind of work is really easy. And that when you really have to go and experience it first-hand, you will find that actually, the farmers have a very hard job. All right, do you have more thoughts on experiencing farming life? Or could you tell us your most interesting experience? Zhège jiùshìshuō wǒmen shēnghuó zài chéngshì lǐ de háizi kěnéng bùtài jiēchù zhèxiē nónghuó, ránhòu jiù lǐsuǒdāngrán de rènwéi zhèxiē láodòng chéngguǒ lái de hěn jiǎndān, ránhòu nǐ zhēnde zìjǐ qīnshǒu qù zuò yīxià de shíhou, jiù huì fāxiàn le, a, qíshí nóngmín bóbo tāmen zhēnde shì fēicháng de xīnkǔ. Hǎo de, nàme hái yǒu shénme duì xuénóng de yīxiē gǎnxiǎng ma? Huòzhěshuō zuì yǒuqù de jīnglì a …… 子恒: 最有趣的经历嘛当然是在学农晚上了,因为大家都比较放松,然后晚上大家也心情很好,兴致很高,比如坐在这种小山包上看看天上的星星,然后几个人在那儿聊聊天,也有的跟老师在那边谈心,也有的就是晚上偷偷地爬出去找那些就是海边,因为它那里靠海边嘛,那种螃蜞(螃蟹的一种)。 The most interesting experience was without doubt the evenings, because everyone was more relaxed, and then in the evenings everyone was also in a great mood, up for anything. For example, we would sit on the hills and look at the stars in the sky, and a few of us would chat there. Also, some would have heart-to-heart conversations with the teacher; some of us would sneak out at night and go find the seaside. Because we were near the sea there, so there were crabs. Zuì yǒuqù de jīnglì ma dāngrán shì zài xuénóng wǎnshang le, yīnwèi dàjiā dōu bǐjiào fàngsōng, ránhòu wǎnshang dàjiā yě xīnqíng hěn hǎo, xìngzhì hěn gāo, bǐrú zuò zài zhèzhǒng xiǎo shānbāo shàng kànkan tiānshàng de xīngxing, ránhòu jǐge rén zài nàr5 liáoliáotiān, yě yǒude gēn lǎoshī zài nàbiān tánxīn, yě yǒude jiùshì wǎnshang tōutōu de pá chūqù zhǎo nàxiē jiùshì hǎibiān, yīnwèi tā nàli kào hǎibiān ma, nàzhǒng pángqí ( pángxiè de yīzhǒng ). 肖霞: 我知道我知道。 I know, I know. Wǒ zhīdào wǒ zhīdào. 子恒: 抓这种东西。 Catch those sorts of things. Zhuā zhèzhǒng dōngxi. 肖霞: 然后烤着吃? And then roast and eat them? Ránhòu kǎo zhe chī? 子恒: 对,烤着吃。哈。 Right, roast and eat them. Ha. Duì, kǎo zhe chī. Hā. 肖霞: 哈。 Ha, ha. Hā. 子恒: 还有干脆早上就不回来了嘛,他就在那儿海边就等那日出嘛,那感觉也挺好,就是在学农的时候有很多很多以前不敢想不敢干的事情都做了。 So you might as well not go back until the morning right? We just waited there at the seaside for the sunrise. That felt pretty good too. It's basically that when we were there to learn about farming we also got to do a ton of things we had never even imagined thinking about or doing before. Háiyǒu gāncuì zǎoshang jiù bù huílai le ma, tā jiù zài nàr5 hǎibiān jiù děng nà rìchū ma, nà gǎnjué yě tǐng hǎo, jiùshì zài xuénóng de shíhou yǒu hěn duō hěn duō yǐqián bùgǎn xiǎng bùgǎn gàn de shìqing dōu zuò le. 肖霞: 嗯,都是好象很亲近大自然的那种感觉噢。好,那你觉得学农和军训相比你更喜欢哪一个? Hm, it seems like a lot of it was getting in touch with nature, that kind of experience. So, out of studying farming and military training--which do you like better? Ng4, dōu shì hǎoxiàng hěn qīnjìn dàzìrán de nàzhǒng gǎnjué o. Hǎo, nà nǐ juéde xuénóng hé jūnxùn xiāngbǐ nǐ gèng xǐhuan nǎyīge? 子恒: 嗯……这两个我觉得都蛮好的,因为我感觉军训的话,怎么说呢,是练人吧。 I think both of them are quite good, because I feel that if you talk about military training, how can I put it, it trains you. Ng5 …… zhè liǎng ge wǒ juéde dōu mán hǎo de, yīnwèi wǒ gǎnjué jūnxùn dehuà, zěnme shuō ne, shì liàn rén ba. 肖霞: 练人,训练人的这个素质。 Trains you, builds character. Liàn rén, xùnliàn rén de zhège sùzhì. 子恒: 对对对,学生经过一段学习以后他因为脑子里面只有学习了嘛对吧?他很多东西他就会忽略很多,那你要真正地去军训了以后你会发觉这个读书做人啊很多地方你都可以从这个军事化训练当中感受到很多东西。 Right, right. After the student goes through a period of training, his brain is full of all the things he studied, right? A lot of things he might have neglected, but after you've really gone and got the military training, you will discover in that a lot of aspects of studying and conducting yourself as a person, you can draw on these things you experienced in the military. Duì duì duì, xuésheng jīngguò yī duàn xuéxí yǐhòu tā yīnwèi nǎozi lǐmiàn zhǐyǒu xuéxí le ma, duìba? Tā hěn duō dōngxi tā jiù huì hūlǜe hěn duō, nà nǐ yào zhēnzhèng de qù jūnxùn le yǐhòu nǐ huì fājué zhège dúshū zuòrén a hěnduō dìfāng nǐ dōu kěyǐ cóng zhège jūnshìhuà xùnliàn dāngzhōng gǎnshòudào hěn duō dōngxi. 肖霞: 对,我也这样觉得。好,那今天就采访到这儿吧,谢谢你。呵。 Right, I feel the same way. OK, this brings today's interview to a close. Thank you. Heh-heh. Duì, wǒ yě zhèyàng juéde. Hǎo, nà jīntiān jiù cǎifǎng dào zhèr5 ba, xièxie nǐ. Hē. 子恒: 呵,朋友们,拜拜! Heh-heh. Goodbye, friends! Hē, péngyǒumen, báibái! Key Vocabulary 学农 xuénóng to make an agricultural field trip 长途跋涉 chángtúbáshè to go a long distance 农闲 nóngxián agricultural off-season 采摘 cǎizhāi to pick 千叮咛万嘱咐 qiān dīngníng wàn zhǔfù to warn again and again 记过 jìguò to record a demerit 处分 chǔfèn punishment 总归 zǒngguī after all 搞怪 gǎoguài to do something weird or crazy 闷头 mēntóu totally absorbed in 一塌糊涂 yītāhútu in a total mess 大胃王 dàwèiwáng big eater Supplementary Vocabulary 农忙 nóngmáng busy farming season 千里迢迢 qiānlǐtiáotiáo from afar 体验 tǐyàn to learn through personal experience Upper-Intermediate - Interview with the Boss (D0570) A: 刘总好,很荣幸见到您。 Hello, Mr. Liu. I'm honored to meet you. Liú zǒng hǎo, hěn róngxìng jiàndào nín. B: 你好,我也很高兴你来参加今天的面试。我们开门见山吧。你为什么应聘这个职位? Hi, and I'm happy you've come in for the interview. Let's get right down to the point. Why are you applying for this position? Nǐhǎo, wǒ yě hěn gāoxìng nǐ lái cānjiā jīntiān de miànshì. Wǒmen kāiménjiànshān ba. Nǐ wèishénme yìngpìn zhège zhíwèi? A: 我一直都在做市场,积累了一定的资源和经验。市场经理这个职位可以让我发挥自己的专长,同时也能为贵公司带来价值。 I've been doing marketing all along, and I've accumulated a certain amount of experience I can draw upon. The position of marketing manager would allow me to put my skills to use, while also bringing value to the company. Wǒ yīzhí dōu zài zuò shìchǎng, jīlěi le yīdìng de zīyuán hé jīngyàn. Shìchǎng jīnglǐ zhège zhíwèi kěyǐ ràng wǒ fāhuī zìjǐ de zhuāncháng, tóngshí yě néng wèi guì gōngsī dàilái jiàzhí. B: 你的资历不错,名牌大学的高材生。又在跨国公司工作过。可是之前你没有做过管理工作。 Your record is pretty good, a top-ranked student from a big-name school. You've also worked at a multi-national. But you've never played a management role. Nǐ de zīlì bùcuò, míngpái dàxué de gāocáishēng. Yòu zài kuàguó gōngsī gōngzuò guo. Kěshì zhīqián nǐ méiyǒu zuò guo guǎnlǐ gōngzuò. A: 什么事都有开始。而我最欣赏的就是贵公司的文化:给新人舞台。 There's a starting point for everything. And what I appreciate most is this company's culture of giving newcomers time in the spotlight. Shénme shì dōu yǒu kāishǐ. ér wǒ zuì xīnshǎng de jiùshì guì gōngsī de wénhuà : gěi xīnrén wǔtái. B: 嗯,很好。你觉得管理最重要的原则是什么? Well, that's good. What do you think the most important principle of management is? Ng4, hěn hǎo. Nǐ juéde guǎnlǐ zuì zhòngyào de yuánzé shì shénme? A: 从别人的角度去看问题。 Seeing problems from others' point of view. Cóng biérén de jiǎodù qù kàn wèntí. B: 简单利落,非常好! 老实说,李小姐,你很适合这个职位。但是你的薪酬要求有些高。 Simple and skillful. Very good! To be honest, Ms. Li, you're well suited to this position. But your salary requirements are a little high. Jiǎndān lìluo, fēicháng hǎo! Lǎoshi shuō, Lǐ xiǎojie, nǐ hěn shìhé zhège zhíwèi. Dànshì nǐ de xīnchóu yāoqiú yǒuxiē gāo. A: 我的资历您清楚,我绝对值这个薪水。 You're clear about my record. I am absolutely worth that salary. Wǒ de zīlì nín qīngchu, wǒ juéduì zhí zhège xīnshuǐ. B: 李小姐,你的预期比我们的价钱高太多了。我们开的价在行业里非常有竞争力。而且公司的福利也非常好,每年加薪的比例也很高。 Ms. Li, your expectations are just too much higher than what we've budgeted. Our offer is competitive within the industry. Besides, our benefits are very good, and our yearly raise figures are very high. Lǐ xiǎojie, nǐ de yùqī bǐ wǒmen de jiàqian gāo tài duō le. Wǒmen kāi de jià zài hángyè lǐ fēicháng yǒu jìngzhēnglì. érqiě gōngsī de fúlì yě fēicháng hǎo, měinián jiāxīn de bǐlì yě hěn gāo. A: 刘总,我对任何事都很坚持。对工作是,对自己的想法也是。 Mr. Liu, I am steadfast in all that I do. Towards my job, as well as towards my ideas. Liú zǒng, wǒ duì rènhé shì dōu hěn jiānchí. Duì gōngzuò shì, duì zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ yě shì. B: 李小姐,人要看远一点。不要为了一时的得失放弃未来的发展。 Ms. Li, you need to think long-term. Don't abandon future development over a moment's gain. Lǐ xiǎojie, rén yào kàn yuǎn yīdiǎn. Bùyào wèile yīshí de déshī fàngqì wèilái de fāzhǎn. A: 我希望您也能这样想。因为我的坚持是有道理的。 I hope that you could do the same, because my perseverance is not without reason. Wǒ xīwàng nín yě néng zhèyàng xiǎng. Yīnwèi wǒ de jiānchí shì yǒu dàolǐ de. B: 好吧,我们今天就到这儿。我考虑后会让秘书联系你的。 All right, let's stop here then. After I consider it I'll have the secretary contact you. Hǎo ba, wǒmen jīntiān jiù dào zhèr5. Wǒ kǎolǜ hòu huì ràng mìshū liánxì nǐ de. A: 谢谢,刘总。希望我可以为您效力。 Thank you, Mr. Liu. I hope I can serve you. Xièxie, Liú zǒng. Xīwàng wǒ kěyǐ wèi nín xiàolì. Key Vocabulary 开门见山 kāiménjiànshān to get straight to the point 应聘 yìngpìn to apply for a position 积累 jīlěi to accumulate 发挥 fāhuī to put to use 资历 zīlì work record 高材生 gāocáishēng outstanding student 利落 lìluo neat; orderly 薪酬 xīnchóu compensation 薪水 xīnshuǐ salary 预期 yùqī expectation 加薪 jiāxīn pay raise 一时 yīshí a short while 得失 déshī gains and losses 效力 xiàolì to serve Supplementary Vocabulary 出色 chūsè outstanding 谦虚 qiānxū modest 骄傲 jiāoào arrogant 职业规划 zhíyè guīhuà professional path 录取 lùqǔ to recruit Upper-Intermediate - Sudoku (D0575) A: 你又在玩数独。这到底是什么东西?让你这么着迷。 You're doing sudoku yet again. What exactly is it, anyway? It has you so entranced. Nǐ yòu zài wán shùdú. Zhè dàodǐ shì shénme dōngxi? Ràng nǐ zhème zháomí. B: 它是一种需要动脑筋的数字推理游戏。在九乘九的方格里面,有三乘三的小方格,叫“区”。在这些格子里,填入一到九的数字。每个数字在每一行、每一列和每一区里都只能出现一次。不可以重复。所以叫“数独”。 It's a kind of numerical reasoning game that requires mental effort. In a 9 by 9 grid there are 3 by 3 smaller grids called "blocks." In these squares, you fill in the numbers 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, each column, and each block. You can't repeat them. That's why it's called "sudoku" ["numerical solitude"]. Tā shì yī zhǒng xūyào dòng nǎojīn de shùzì tuīlǐ yóuxì. Zài jiǔ chéng jiǔ de fānggé lǐmiàn, yǒu sān chéng sān de xiǎo fānggé, jiào " qū ". Zài zhèxiē gézi lǐ, tiánrù yī dào jiǔ de shùzì. Měige shùzì zài měiyī háng, měiyī liè hé měiyī qū lǐ dōu zhǐnéng chūxiàn yīcì. Bù kěyǐ chóngfù. Suǒyǐ jiào " shùdú ". A: 这么复杂?听说是日本人发明的。 It's that complicated? I heard the Japanese that invented it. Zhème fùzá? Tīngshuō shì Rìběnrén fāmíng de. B: 据说发明这个游戏的是瑞士人。不过一直都没有引起人们的注意。八十年代日本杂志出版商把它引入日本,增加了游戏难度,当然也起了个日文名字,就是“sudoku” 数独。后来这个游戏就在日本和美国走红了。 They say it was a Swiss person that invented the game, but it never attracted any attention. In the 80's a Japanese magazine publisher imported it to Japan, increased the difficulty of the game, and of course gave it a Japanese name: "sudoku." Later the game got popular in Japan and the United States. Jùshuō fāmíng zhège yóuxì de shì Ruìshìrén. Bùguò yīzhí dōu méiyǒu yǐnqǐ rénmen de zhùyì. Bāshí niándài Rìběn zázhì chūbǎnshāng bǎ tā yǐnrù Rìběn, zēngjiā le yóuxì nándù, dāngrán yě qǐ le ge rìwén míngzi, jiùshì "sudoku" shùdú. Hòulái zhège yóuxì jiù zài Rìběn hé Měiguó zǒuhóng le. A: 原来是这样。你真不愧是数独迷,知道得这么清楚。对了,这个游戏到底是考什么?数学、逻辑? Oh, so that's how it happened. You really deserve the title of sudoku addict, knowing all that so well. So, by the way, what does the game really test? Math? Logic? Yuánlái shì zhèyàng. Nǐ zhēn bùkuì shì shùdú mí, zhīdào de zhème qīngchu. Duìle, zhège yóuxì dàodǐ shì kǎo shénme? Shùxué, luóji? B: 其实在推敲数独的过程中根本用不到数学计算,更多的是逻辑,还需要耐心和专心,因为你要一次又一次地排列测试。 Actually, in the sudoku solving process you don't use mathematical calculations at all. It's more logic, and you need to be patient and focused, because you have to carry out test after test. Qíshí zài tuīqiāo shùdú de guòchéng zhōng gēnběn yòngbùdào shùxué jìsuàn, gèngduō de shì luóji, hái xūyào nàixīn hé zhuānxīn, yīnwèi nǐ yào yīcì yòu yīcì de páiliè cèshì. A: 听起来这么难,我还是不玩了。 It's sounds so difficult. I don't think I'll try it. Tīng qǐlai zhème nán, wǒ háishi bù wán le. B: 多练习就好了。初级的数独游戏会提供很多数字,你只要自己解答几个就行了。随着程度上升,提供的数字会越来越少,更多的要你自己琢磨。 Just practice it and you're fine. Basic sudoku puzzles provide a lot of numbers, so you only need to figure out a few yourself. As the difficulty increases, the numbers provided become fewer and fewer, requiring you to put more thought into it. Duō liànxí jiù hǎo le. Chūjí de shùdú yóuxì huì tígōng hěn duō shùzì, nǐ zhǐyào zìjǐ jiědá jǐge jiù xíng le. Suízhe chéngdù shàngshēng, tígōng de shùzì huì yuèláiyuèshǎo, gèngduō de yào nǐ zìjǐ zuómo. A: 我听着就头晕。这么麻烦的游戏,怎么会有这么多人喜欢?真是想不通。 I'm getting dizzy just listening. How could so many people like such a hassle of a puzzle? I just don't get it. Wǒ tīng zhe jiù tóuyūn. Zhème máfan de yóuxì, zénme huì yǒu zhème duō rén xǐhuan? Zhēnshì xiǎngbutōng. B: 萝卜青菜,各有所爱嘛。 Hey, to each his own. Luóbo qīngcài, gè yǒu suǒài ma. Key Vocabulary 数独 shùdú sudoku 动脑筋 dòng nǎojīn to put one's mind to something 推理 tuīlǐ reasoning 方格 fānggé grid 行 háng row 列 liè column 区 qū block 据说 jùshuō it is said 走红 zǒuhóng popular 不愧 bùkuì to deserve to be 逻辑 luóji logic 推敲 tuīqiāo to deliberate 排列 páiliè to put in order 测试 cèshì to test 琢磨 zuómo to ponder 萝卜青菜,各有所爱 luóbo qīngcài, gè yǒu suǒ ài to each his own Supplementary Vocabulary 填字游戏 tiánzì yóuxì crossword puzzle 挑战 tiǎozhàn challenge 天才 tiāncái talent 智力 zhìlì intelligence 益智 yìzhì increase one's intelligence Upper-Intermediate - Social Networking (D0583) A: 你用过社交网站吗? Have you used social networking websites? Nǐ yòng guo shèjiāo wǎngzhàn ma? B: 我都结婚了,用它干吗? I'm already married. Why would I use one? Wǒ dōu jiéhūn le, yòng tā gànmá? A: 哎呀,是社交网站,不是相亲网站。这可是人类网络沟通的新潮流,最近可火了。大家都在讨论呢。 Oh, man! Social networking websites, not matchmaking websites. It's the new trend in human connections, and it's really popular lately. Everyone's talking about it. āiyā, shì shèjiāo wǎngzhàn, bù shì xiāngqīn wǎngzhàn. Zhè kěshì rénlèi wǎngluò gōutōng de xīn cháoliú, zuìjìn kě huǒ le. Dàjiā dōu zài tǎolùn ne. B: 我有自己的头脑,干吗什么火就做什么? I have my own mind. Why do I need to do whatever is popular? Wǒ yǒu zìjǐ de tóunǎo, gànmá shénme huǒ jiù zuò shénme? A: 我不是这个意思。我是说社交网站之所以火,是因为它符合大多数人的社交习惯。你可以选择大众化或者有针对性的网站来注册、然后制作自己的主页,让大家来了解你。 That's not what I mean. I mean the reason that social networking websites are popular is that they conform to most people's social communication habits. You can choose large-scale general websites or focused websites to register at, then customize your own page so that everyone can learn about you. Wǒ bù shì zhège yìsi. Wǒ shì shuō shèjiāo wǎngzhàn zhīsuǒyǐ huǒ, shì yīnwèi tā fúhé dàduōshù rén de shèjiāo xíguàn. Nǐ kěyǐ xuǎnzé dàzhònghuà huòzhě yǒu zhēnduìxìng de wǎngzhàn lái zhùcè, ránhòu zhìzuò zìjǐ de zhǔyè, ràng dàjiā lái liǎojiě nǐ. B: 我才不要不认识的人来了解我呢。哎,你说,现在的人是不是脑子有问题?那么喜欢透露自己的隐私。 I don't want people I don't know to know about me. I mean, tell me, is there something wrong with people today? Everyone likes divulging their personal details. Wǒ cái bùyào bù rènshi de rén lái liǎojiě wǒ ne. āi, nǐ shuō, xiànzài de rén shì bu shì nǎozi yǒu wèntí? Nàme xǐhuan tòulù zìjǐ de yǐnsī. A: 其实也不都是不认识的人。现在用社交网站的人越来越多,很多人用这个网站是为了方便朋友间联系。而且还很有可能找到已经失去联络的朋友。我就在网上找到了好几个小学同学。 They're not actually strangers. Nowadays more and more people are using social networking websites, so many people use them in order to conveniently stay in touch with friends. It's also quite possible to find friends you've lost contact with. I myself found quite a few primary school classmates online. Qíshí yě bù dōu shì bù rènshi de rén. Xiànzài yòng shèjiāo wǎngzhàn de rén yuèláiyuèduō, hěn duō rén yòng zhège wǎngzhàn shì wèile fāngbiàn péngyou jiān liánxì. érqiě hái hěn yǒu kěnéng zhǎodào yǐjīng shīqù liánluò de péngyou. Wǒ jiù zài wǎngshàng zhǎodào le hǎojǐ ge xiǎoxué tóngxué. B: 这有什么了不起?好几年前就有网上校友录了。如果大家想联系,还怕找不到途径? What's so great about that? There were sites for making friends online years ago. If everyone wants to get in touch, are they afraid they can't find a channel for it? Zhè yǒu shénme liǎobuqǐ? Hǎojǐnián qián jiù yǒu wǎngshàng xiàoyǒulù le. Rúguǒ dàjiā xiǎng liánxì, hái pà zhǎobudào tújìng? A: 我说的只是社交网站的功能之一,其它的还有好多呢。比如你可以结交世界各地和自己志同道合的人。还可以展示、推广自己的想法或者产品。总之,你会发现生活多了很多乐趣和惊喜。 I was just saying one of the functions of social networking websites. There are a lot more. For example, you can find people with common interests from all over the world. You can also display and promote your own ideas or products. You'll find new interests and surprises in your life. Wǒ shuō de zhǐshì shèjiāo wǎngzhàn de gōngnéng zhīyī, qítā de hái yǒu hǎo duō ne. Bǐrú nǐ kěyǐ jiéjiāo shìjiè gèdì hé zìjǐ zhìtóngdàohé de rén. Hái kěyǐ zhǎnshì, tuīguǎng zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ huòzhě chǎnpǐn. Zǒngzhī, nǐ huì fāxiàn shēnghuó duō le hěn duō lèqù hé jīngxǐ. B: 我可不这么想。我觉得现在人与人之间的沟通过多,反而没时间和自己交流了。 I really don't think so. I think nowadays interpersonal communication has gone too far, and there's no time to get in touch with oneself. Wǒ kě bù zhème xiǎng. Wǒ juéde xiànzài rén yǔ rén zhījiān de gōutōng guòduō, fǎn'ér méi shíjiān hé zìjǐ jiāoliú le. A: 那要看你怎么看了。我觉得和别人交流的过程也是一个了解自己的过程。 That depends on your view. I think the process of communication with others is also a process of understanding oneself. Nà yào kàn nǐ zěnme kàn le. Wǒ juéde hé biérén jiāoliú de guòchéng yě shì yī ge liǎojiě zìjǐ de guòchéng. B: 算了,你别费口舌了。我对这个一点兴趣也没有。 Forget it. Stop debating me. I am just not at all interested in this. Suànle, nǐ bié fèi kǒushé le. Wǒ duì zhège yīdiǎn xìngqù yě méiyǒu. Key Vocabulary 社交 shèjiāo social interaction 相亲 xiāngqīn to hunt for a spouse 潮流 cháoliú trend 火 huǒ hot 针对性 zhēnduìxìng focus 主页 zhǔyè homepage 透露 tòulù to divulge 隐私 yǐnsī personal matters 结交 jiéjiāo to become friends with 志同道合 zhìtóngdàohé to have a common objective 费口舌 fèi kǒushé to argue needlessly Supplementary Vocabulary 网友 wǎngyǒu online friend 公开 gōngkāi public 登录 dēnglù register 搜索 sōusuǒ search 留言 liúyán to leave a comment 道不同不相为谋 dàobùtóng bùxiāngwéimóu People with different principles will not join in a common cause Upper-Intermediate - Extreme Tourism (D0587) A: 要出去旅游吗?我可以给你推荐一些经典路线。 Do you want to go traveling? I can recommend some good routes. Yào chūqù lǚyóu ma? Wǒ kěyǐ gěi nǐ tuījiàn yīxiē jīngdiǎn lùxiàn. B: 不用了。你们刺激一点的旅游项目有吗? That's OK. Do you have some more thrilling travel activities? Bùyòng le. Nǐmen cìjī yīdiǎn de lǚyóu xiàngmù yǒu ma? A: 你是说探险一类的? You mean the adventure type? Nǐ shì shuō tànxiǎn yī lèi de? B: 嗯,或者极限运动,比如攀岩、漂流。你帮我推荐一些有特色的地方吧。 Yeah, or extreme sports, like rock climbing or whitewater rafting. Recommend me some distinctive places. Ng4, huòzhě jíxiàn yùndòng, bǐrú pānyán, piāoliú. Nǐ bāng wǒ tuījiàn yīxiē yǒu tèsè de dìfang ba. A: 没问题,你先坐一下。想去附近的还是远一点的地方? No problem. Please have a seat. Do you want to go somewhere near, or somewhere farther away? Méiwèntí, nǐ xiān zuò yīxià. Xiǎng qù fùjìn de háishi yuǎn yīdiǎn de dìfang? B: 都可以,主要是看好不好玩。 Both are OK. The main thing is how fun it is. Dōu kěyǐ, zhǔyào shì kàn hǎo bu hǎowán. A: 漂流的话,我推荐你去浙西大峡谷。那个地方水很急,漂流起来特别刺激。而且风景和空气也很好,到那儿可以彻底放松一下。 For whitewater rafting, I recommend that you go to West Zhejiang Grand Canyon. The current is fast there, so it's especially exciting for rafting. Plus the scenery and air quality are great. You can totally relax there. Piāoliú dehuà, wǒ tuījiàn nǐ qù Zhèxī Dàxiágǔ. Nàge dìfang shuǐ hěn jí, piāoliú qǐlai tèbié cìjī. érqiě fēngjǐng hé kōngqì yě hěn hǎo, dào nàr5 kěyǐ chèdǐ fàngsōng yīxià. B: 我考虑考虑。攀岩怎么样? I'll think it over. How about rock climbing? Wǒ kǎolǜ kǎolǜ. Pānyán zěnmeyàng? A: 攀岩的选择就多了。但要看你的水平和时间安排。现在四川的户外自然攀岩项目很受欢迎。那里的山比较适合攀岩,而且最近又开发了一些专业基地。值得去。 There are a lot more choices for rock climbing. But it depends on your skill level and time. The natural outdoor rock climbing in Sichuan is really popular now. The mountains there are good for rock climbing, and they recently opened some climbing bases. It's worth going. Pānyán de xuǎnzé jiù duō le. Dàn yào kàn nǐ de shuǐpíng hé shíjiān ānpái. Xiànzài Sìchuān de hùwài zìrán pānyán xiàngmù hěn shòu huānyíng. Nàli de shān bǐjiào shìhé pānyán, érqiě zuìjìn yòu kāifā le yīxiē zhuānyè jīdì. Zhíde qù. B: 岩洞探险哪里好呢? Where is good for spelunking? Yándòng tànxiǎn nǎli hǎo ne? A: 说起岩洞探险,当然要数桂林和重庆的岩洞最有名了。不过都已经开发得差不多了,而且游客又多,谈不上什么探险。 If it's spelunking, of course Guilin and Chongqing rank the most famous. But they're all more or less totally developed, and there are lots of tourists, so you can't call it exploring. Shuōqǐ yándòng tànxiǎn, dāngrán yào shǔ Guìlín hé Chóngqìng de yándòng zuì yǒumíng le. Bùguò dōu yǐjīng kāifā de chàbuduō le, érqiě yóukè yòu duō, tánbushàng shénme tànxiǎn. B: 有点可惜啊。那,要玩滑翔伞的话,去哪里比较好? That's kind of a shame. So, if I want to go hang gliding, where should I go? Yǒudiǎn kěxī a. Nà, yào wán huáxiángsǎn dehuà, qù nǎli bǐjiào hǎo? A: 好像没有什么特别的地方。好多大城市现在都有滑翔伞俱乐部。你找个周末,想去就去,很方便的。其实如果你真的喜欢冒险,我倒是可以推荐你去一个地方。 I don't think there's any particular place. A lot of big cities have hang gliding clubs these days. Choose a weekend and just go. It's really convenient. Actually, if you really like to take risks, I could recommend a place. Hǎoxiàng méiyǒu shénme tèbié de dìfang. Hǎo duō dà chéngshì xiànzài dōu yǒu huáxiángsǎn jùlèbù. Nǐ zhǎo ge zhōumò, xiǎng qù jiù qù, hěn fāngbiàn de. Qíshí rúguǒ nǐ zhēnde xǐhuan màoxiǎn, wǒ dàoshì kěyǐ tuījiàn nǐ qù yī ge dìfang. B: 哪里? Where? Nǎli? A: 你可以骑摩托车去西藏或者新疆。我们最近为好几位客人设计了线路。可以根据你的要求走。一路看、一路玩。你可以看到各种各样的风土人情,还有探险的感觉。很过瘾的。 You could ride a motorbike to Tibet or Xinjiang. We recently arranged a travel route for quite a few clients. You can go according to your requirements. Sightsee on the road. You can see all sorts of local scenery and customs, and it has the feel of adventure. It's really an experience. Nǐ kěyǐ qí mótuōchē qù Xīzàng huòzhě Xīnjiāng. Wǒmen zuìjìn wèi hǎo jǐ wèi kèren shèjì le xiànlù. Kěyǐ gēnjù nǐ de yāoqiú zǒu. Yīlù kàn, yīlù wán. Nǐ kěyǐ kàndào gèzhǒnggèyàng de fēngtǔrénqíng, hái yǒu tànxiǎn de gǎnjué. Hěn guòyǐn de. B: 啊,骑摩托车?这个好像太危险了。我还是先玩些简单的吧。 Uh, motorbike? That seems a bit too dangerous. I think I'd better try something simpler first. ǎ, qí mótuōchē? Zhège hǎoxiàng tài wēixiǎn le. Wǒ háishi xiān wán xiē jiǎndān de ba. Key Vocabulary 经典 jīngdiǎn classic 路线 lùxiàn route 刺激 cìjī stimulating; thrilling 探险 tànxiǎn adventure 极限 jíxiàn extreme 攀岩 pānyán rock climbing 漂流 piāoliú whitewater rafting 岩洞 yándòng spelunking 滑翔伞 huáxiángsǎn hang gliding 冒险 màoxiǎn risky 风土人情 fēngtǔrénqíng local scenery and customs 过瘾 guòyǐn to enjoy oneself to the full Supplementary Vocabulary 蹦极 bèngjí bungee jumping 野营 yěyíng camping 跳伞 tiàosǎn sky diving 登山 dēngshān mountain climbing 勇敢 yǒnggǎn brave 挑战 tiǎozhàn challenge Upper-Intermediate - Buddhism and Taoism (D0598) A: 那个和尚怎么穿得这么奇怪?还有头发。 How come that monk is dressed so strangely? His hair, too. Nàge héshang zěnme chuān de zhème qíguài? Háiyǒu tóufa. B: 那个不是和尚,是道士。道教和佛教是两回事。 That's not a monk. That's a Taoist priest. Taoism and Buddhism are two different things. Nàge bù shì héshang, shì dàoshi. Dàojiào hé Fójiào shì liǎnghuíshì. A: 有什么不一样? What's different? Yǒu shénme bù yīyàng? B: 这个说来话长。我简单地跟你说一下吧。 道教是中国土生土长的宗教。以“道”为最高信仰。 There's a lot to say on that. I'll tell you simply. Taoism is a religion indigenous to China. Its highest article of faith is "the way." Zhège shuōláihuàcháng. Wǒ jiǎndān de gēn nǐ shuō yīxià ba. Dàojiào shì Zhōngguó tǔshēngtǔzhǎng de zōngjiào. Yǐ " dào " wéi zuì gāo xìnyǎng. A: 什么是“道”? What is "the way?" Shénme shì " dào "? B: “道”就是宇宙万物的本原。道教认为人的生命由元气组成,肉体是精神的载体。人通过修炼身体可以成仙,所以他们特别重视养生。 "The way" is the philosophical principle of all things in the universe. Taoism holds that human life is composed of a vital energy, and that the physical body is a vehicle for that energy. Through ascetic practices, people can become immortals, so they especially value the cultivation of long life. " dào " jiùshì yǔzhòu wànwù de běnyuán. Dàojiào rènwéi rén de shēngmìng yóu yuánqì zǔchéng, ròutǐ shì jīngshén de zàitǐ. Rén tōngguò xiūliàn shēntǐ kěyǐ chéngxiān, suǒyǐ tāmen tèbié zhòngshì yǎngshēng. A: 噢,就是炼丹,对吧?难怪古代的那些皇帝整天都在炼丹,想要长生不老。佛教好像更注重来生。看来中国人和印度人的思想真是不一样。 Oh, by making pills and concoctions, right? No wonder those emperors of old were making potions all day. They wanted to extend their lives. Buddhism seems to pay more attention to the next life. I guess Chinese and Indian thought really are different. ō, jiùshì liàndān, duì ba? Nánguài gǔdài de nàxiē huángdì zhěngtiān dōu zài liàndān, xiǎng yào chángshēngbùlǎo. Fójiào hǎoxiàng gèng zhùzhòng láishēng. Kànlai zhōngguórén hé Yìndùrén de sīxiǎng zhēnshì bù yīyàng. B: 嗯,不过虽然佛教起源于印度,可是传入中国后,也融合了很多中国文化的特色。佛教认为现实世界是苦海,追求生死轮回,把希望寄托在来生。 Yeah, but even though Buddhism originated in India, after it spread to China, it fused with many different elements of Chinese culture. Buddhism holds that the real world is a sea of suffering, forever caught up in the cycle of life and death. It puts hope in the next life. Ng4, bùguò suīrán Fójiào qǐyuán yú Yìndù, kěshì chuánrù Zhōngguó hòu, yě rónghé le hěn duō Zhōngguó wénhuà de tèsè. Fójiào rènwéi xiànshí shìjiè shì kǔhǎi, zhuīqiú shēngsǐ lúnhuí, bǎ xīwàng jìtuō zài láishēng. A: 那多累啊,活都活不好,还要担心死了以后的事。 That's pretty tiring. You don't live a good life, and then you still have to worry about what happens after you die. Nà duō lèi a, huó dōu huó bù hǎo, hái yào dānxīn sǐ le yǐhòu de shì. B: 你又在瞎说了。那是一种信仰。 You're talking nonsense again. That's a kind of faith. Nǐ yòu zài xiāshuō le. Nà shì yī zhǒng xìnyǎng. A: 你刚刚说到道士,那道教里有尼姑吗? Just now you mentioned Taoist priests. Does Taoism also have nuns? Nǐ gānggāng shuōdào dàoshi, nà Dàojiào lǐ yǒu nígū ma? B: 不叫尼姑,叫道姑。他们的庙也不叫庙,叫道观。 Yes, but they have a special name in Chinese. Their temples also have special names in Chinese. Bù jiào nígū, jiào dàogū. Tāmen de miào yě bù jiào miào, jiào dàoguàn. A: 噢,明白了。反正什么都和“道”有关。他们可以吃荤吗? I see. Anyway, it's all related to "the way." Can they eat meat? ō, míngbai le. Fǎnzhèng shénme dōu hé " dào " yǒuguān. Tāmen kěyǐ chī hūn ma? B: 有些教派可以。 Some sects can. Yǒuxiē jiàopài kěyǐ. A: 我觉得现在信道教的人好像不是很多,中国还是佛教徒多。 I think nowadays there aren't so many followers of Taoism. In China there are more Buddhists. Wǒ juéde xiànzài xìn Dàojiāo de rén hǎoxiàng bù shì hěn duō, Zhōngguó háishi fójiàotú duō. Key Vocabulary 和尚 héshang Buddhist monk 道士 dàoshi Taoist priest 道教 Dàojiào Taoism 佛教 Fójiào Buddhism 两回事 liǎnghuíshì two entirely different matters 说来话长 shuōláihuàcháng it's a long story 土生土长 tǔshēngtǔzhǎng indigenous 本原 běnyuán philosophical principle 元气 yuánqì vitality 载体 zàitǐ vehicle 修炼 xiūliàn to practice asceticism 成仙 chéngxiān to become an immortal 养生 yǎngshēng to keep in good health 炼丹 liàndān to concoct pills of immortality 长生不老 chángshēngbùlǎo to live forever 来生 láishēng the next life 融合 rónghé to fuse 苦海 kǔhǎi bitterness 轮回 lúnhuí cycle 寄托 jìtuō to place 尼姑 nígū Buddhist nun 道姑 dàogū Taoist nun 庙 miào Buddhist temple 道观 dàoguàn Taoist temple Supplementary Vocabulary 方丈 fāngzhang Buddhist abbot 道长 dàozhǎng head Taoist priest 吃斋 chīzhāi to abstain from meat for religious reasons 静坐 jìngzuò to sit quietly 冥想 míngxiǎng meditation