Intermediate - Noisy Eater (C1987)

A: 怎么不吃了?
zěnme bù chī le?
Why aren’t you eating?
B: 我吃不下。
wǒ chībuxià.
I don’t feel like eating.
A: 你不是最喜欢吃面条吗?
nǐ bùshì zuì xǐhuan chī miàntiáo ma?
Aren’t noodles your favorite?
B: 旁边那个人吃面条声音太大了,一听我就没食欲了。
pángbiān nà ge rén chī miàntiáo shēngyīn tài dà le, yī tīng wǒ jiù méi shíyù le.
That person eating next to us is eating his noodles really loudly. As soon as I hear him I lose my appetite.
A: 声音大说明吃得香。你也快吃吧。
shēngyīn dà shuōmíng chīdexiāng. nǐ yě kuài chī ba.
People eating noisily means the food is good. You should eat up, too.
B: 我听见那种声音就觉得恶心。
wǒ tīngjiàn nà zhǒng shēngyīn jiù juéde ěxīn.
Those noises are disgusting.
A: 那我们换个位子吧。
nà wǒmen huàn ge wèizi ba.
Then let’s move somewhere else.
B: 都坐满了。没事,你吃吧。
dōu zuò mǎn le. méishì, nǐ chī ba.
They’re all full. It’s OK, you eat.
A: 等一下吧,他快吃完了。
děng yīxià ba, tā kuài chī wán le.
Hold on. He’s almost done eating.
B: 嗯。
C: 服务员,再来一碗牛肉面!
fúwùyuán, zài lái yī wǎn niúròumiàn!
Waitress, bring another bowl of beef noodles!
B: 天哪,他还要吃,我们快走吧。
tiān na, tā hái yào chī, wǒmen kuài zǒu ba.
Ugh, he’s still eating. Let’s leave.

Key Vocabulary

吃不下 chībuxià to be unable to eat
面条 miàntiáo noodle
声音 shēngyīn sound
一......就...... yī ... jiù ... as soon as...
食欲 shíyù appetite
说明 shuōmíng to show, to illustrate
吃得香 chīdexiāng to enjoy the food
恶心 ěxīn disgusting
觉得 juéde to feel
位子 wèizi seat
huàn to switch
mǎn full
wán to finish
wǎn bowl
天哪 tiān na my gosh

Supplementary Vocabulary

吃饱 chī bǎo to eat and be full
性欲 xìngyù sexual desire
睡得香 shuìdexiāng to sleep well
习惯 xíguàn habit
享受 xiǎngshòu to appreciate

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