Intermediate - Carpooling (C1955)

A:  我想周末拼车去杭州玩儿。
wǒ xiǎng zhōumò pīnchē qù Hángzhōu wánr.
I want to carpool to Hangzhou this weekend.
B:  拼车?怎么拼?
pīnchē? zěnme pīn?
Carpool? How do you do that?
A:  就是只开一辆车。几个人一起出油费,过路费,停车费什么的。
jiùshì zhǐ kāi yī liàng chē. jǐ ge rén yīqǐ chū yóufèi, guòlùfèi, tíngchēfèi shénme de.
You just only drive one car. A few people pay for gas, the tolls, the parking fees and so on together.
B:  哎,这主意不错。那我也去。
āi, zhè zhǔyi bùcuò. nà wǒ yě qù.
Oh, that's a great idea. I'll go, too.
A:  你,我,我朋友,三个。那再找两个人吧。
nǐ, wǒ, wǒ péngyou, sān ge. nà zài zhǎo liǎng ge rén ba.
You, me, my friend; that's three. Let's find another two people.
B:  五个人坐得下吗?
wǔ ge rén zuòdexià ma?
You can fit five people?
A:  女孩子的话,肯定坐得下。
nǚháizi dehuà, kěndìng zuòdexià.
If they're girls, they can definitely fit.
B:  好,我问问同事。开谁的车呢?
hǎo, wǒ wèn wen tóngshì. kāi shéi de chē ne?
OK, I'll ask my coworkers. Whose car should we take?
A:  开你的吧。你的车好。
kāi nǐ de ba. nǐ de chē hǎo.
Let's take yours. Your car is nice.
B:  行,就这么定了。
xíng, jiù zhème dìng le.
OK, it's settled.

Key Vocabulary

拼车pīnchēto carpool
pīnto piece together
liàng[measure word]
chūto put out
油费yóufèigas fare
停车费tíngchēfèiparking fee
fèito spend
什么的shénme deand so on
坐得下zuòdexiàto have seats for, to sit
dìngto set

Supplementary Vocabulary

拼桌pīnzhuōshared table
付钱fùqiánto pay money
出钱chūqiánto pay out
坐不下zuòbuxiàto not have seats for

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