Intermediate - Powerpoint Presentation Problems (C1927)

A: 总监,你找我们?
zǒngjiān, nǐ zhǎo wǒmen?
You were looking for us, director?
B: 先坐吧!你们做的PPT我都看过了。
xiān zuò ba! nǐmen zuò de PPT wǒ dōu kàn guo le.
Have a seat! I've looked at the power point presentations you've done.
B: 总的来说,还是不错的。但有些地方要注意一下。先说说小刘的吧。
zǒngdeláishuō, háishì bùcuò de. dàn yǒuxiē dìfang yào zhùyì yīxià. xiān shuō shuo Xiǎo Liú de ba.
Overall, they're not too bad, but there are a few spots that you need to take a look at. Let's talk about Xiao Liu's first.
B: 小刘,你自己看看,有什么问题?
Xiǎo Liú, nǐ zìjǐ kàn kan, yǒu shénme wèntí?
Xiao Liu, take a look at it yourself. What problems do you see?
A: 是不是字太多,太小了?
shì bu shì zì tài duō, tài xiǎo le?
Is it that there's too much text and the font is too small?
B: 知道还写这么多。你把所有内容都写在上面了,还说什么?以前也有人跟你一样,结果他说话的时候,大家都睡着了。
zhīdào hái xiě zhème duō. nǐ bǎ suǒyǒu nèiróng dōu xiě zài shàngmian le, hái shuō shénme? yǐqián yě yǒu rén gēn nǐ yīyàng, jiéguǒ tā shuōhuà de shíhou, dàjiā dōu shuìzháo le.
You know it and yet you still wrote so much. What is there to say if you write all the content down? People have tried it your way before, but it put everyone to sleep.
A: 那哪些要写?哪些不写?
nà nǎxiē yào xiě? nǎxiē bù xiě?
Then what should I write and not write?
B: 写重点就可以了。最好是1,2,3写清楚。可以多放些图表。
xiě zhòngdiǎn jiù kěyǐ le. zuì hǎo shì yī, èr, sān xiě qīngchu. kěyǐ duō fàng xiē túbiǎo.
Writing the key points is enough. It's best to write them clearly one after another. You can also put in a few more charts.
A: 哦。
B: 小邵,再来看看你做的。
Xiǎoshào, zài lái kàn kan nǐ zuò de.
Let's take a look at yours now, Xiao Shao.
wāng wāng wāng
(Woof, woof, woof)
A: 哈哈哈!怎么会有狗叫?
hā hā hā! zénme huì yǒu gǒu jiào?
Ha ha! Why is there a dog barking?
B: 那要问小邵了。还有这些小猫小狗的图片。这小猫小狗跟公司的销售有什么关系?
nà yào wèn Xiǎoshào le. háiyǒu zhèxiē xiǎomāo xiǎogǒu de túpiàn. zhè xiǎomāo xiǎogǒu gēn gōngsī de xiāoshòu yǒu shénme guānxi?
You should ask Xiao Shao. There's also these pictures of kittens and puppies. What do these kittens and puppies have to do with the company's sales?
C: 我觉得挺可爱的。
wǒ juéde tǐng kě'ài de.
I think they're quite cute.
B: 小姐,这是工作,不是谈恋爱。
xiǎojie, zhè shì gōngzuò, bùshì tán liàn'ài.
Miss, this is work, not a date.
C: 哦。那我把这些都删掉吧。
ò. nà wǒ bǎ zhèxiē dōu shāndiào ba.
Oh. Then I'll delete them.
B: 好了,你们回去修改一下,明天发给我。
hǎo le, nǐmen huíqu xiūgǎi yīxià, míngtiān fāgěi wǒ.
OK, you guys go revise them and send them to me tomorrow.
C: 好的,总监!
hǎo de, zǒngjiān!
OK, director!

Key Vocabulary

总监 zǒngjiān director
总的来说 zǒngdeláishuō generally speaking
还是 háishì to still be
注意 zhùyì to pay attention to
to take
所有 suǒyǒu all
内容 nèiróng content
结果 jiéguǒ result
睡着 shuìzháo to fall asleep
重点 zhòngdiǎn key point
图表 túbiǎo chart
狗叫 gǒu jiào dog's bark
Shào Shao (surname)
图片 túpiàn image
销售 xiāoshòu sales
关系 guānxi relation
谈恋爱 tán liàn'ài to date
删掉 shāndiào to delete
修改 xiūgǎi to revise

Supplementary Vocabulary

结构 jiégòu structure
表格 biǎogé table
员工 yuángōng employee
经历 jīnglì experience
小气 xiǎoqì stingy
接下来 jiē xiàlái next
专业 zhuānyè major

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