A: | 这么早就回来啦!相亲怎么样啊? |
| zhème zǎo jiù huílai la! xiāngqīn zěnmeyàng a? |
| You’re back so early! How was your blind date? |
B: | 哎,这个更差。 |
| ài, zhè ge gèng chà. |
| Ugh, this one was even worse. |
A: | 哦?快跟我说说有多差。 |
| ò? kuài gēn wǒ shuō shuo yǒu duō chà. |
| Oh? Tell me about how bad he was. |
B: | 哎,我从没见过这么邋遢的男人。 |
| āi, wǒ cóngméi jiàn guo zhème lāta de nánrén. |
| Argh, I've never seen such a slovenly man. |
A: | 怎么?脸没洗?牙没刷? |
| zěnme? liǎn méi xǐ? yá méi shuā? |
| Why? Did he not wash his face or brush his teeth? |
B: | 哼,胡子没刮,眼睛旁边还有眼屎,那个鼻毛哦,都长到鼻子外面来了。 |
| hèng, húzi méi guā, yǎnjing pángbiān hái yǒu yǎnshǐ, nàge bímáo ò, dōu zhǎng dào bízi wàimian lái le. |
| Psh. He hadn't shaved and still had sleep in his eyes. His nosehairs were so long that they were actually coming out of his nose. |
A: | 啊?这么恶心! |
| ǎ? zhème ěxīn! |
| What? That's so disgusting! |
B: | 还有那个头,都是头皮屑! |
| háiyǒu nàge tóu, dōu shì tóupíxiè! |
| And that head of his... it was covered in dandruff! |
A: | 呃! |
| è! |
| Wow! |
B: | 牙齿上还有菜。 |
| yáchǐ shàng hái yǒu cài. |
| He also had food in his teeth. |
A: | 真同情你! |
| zhēn tóngqíng nǐ! |
| I feel really sorry for you! |