Intermediate - Volunteering in China (C1884)

A:  姐妹们,不好意思,我来晚了。哎,怎么还少一个?小悦呢?
jiěmèi men, bùhǎoyìsi, wǒ lái wǎn le. āi, zěnme hái shǎo yī ge? Xiǎoyuè ne?
Hey girls, sorry I'm late. Hey, aren't we short one person? Where's Xiao Yue?
B:  她去西部的一个农村当志愿者了。
tā qù xībù de yī ge nóngcūn dāng zhìyuànzhě le.
She went to volunteer at a village out west.
A:  啊?她怎么不跟我说啊?她要去多久?
ǎ? tā zěnme bù gēn wǒ shuō a? tā yào qù duō jiǔ?
What? Why didn't she tell me? How long will she be there?
B:  大概两个月吧。
dàgài liǎng ge yuè ba.
Around two months.
A:  她是怎么找到这个机会的?
tā shì zěnme zhǎodào zhè ge jīhuì de?
How did she find this opportunity?
B:  好像是在论坛里聊天,几个网友都有同样的想法,大家一商量,就去了。
hǎoxiàng shì zài lùntán lǐ liáotiān, jǐ ge wǎngyǒu dōu yǒu tóngyàng de xiǎngfǎ, dàjiā yī shāngliang, jiù qù le.
Apparently she was chatting on some online forums and a few other users had the same idea. They talked about it a bit and then just decided to go.
A:  这么简单啊!我还以为要去政府报名什么的。
zhème jiǎndān a! wǒ hái yǐwéi yào qù zhèngfǔ bàomíng shénme de.
It's that simple? I thought you had to go sign up with the government and stuff.
B:  怎么?你也想去啊?
zěnme? nǐ yě xiǎng qù a?
Why? You want to go, too?
A:  对啊!当志愿者多有意义啊!
duì a! dāng zhìyuànzhě duō yǒu yìyì a!
Yeah! Volunteering is so meaningful!
C:  那里条件那么苦,吃也吃不好,住也住不好。我才不去呢!
nàlǐ tiáojiàn nàme kǔ, chī yě chī bù hǎo, zhù yě zhù bù hǎo. wǒ cái bù qù ne!
Life there is so hard. You can't even eat well or have a nice place to stay. There's no way I'd go!
A:  志愿者是去帮助那里的人,又不是去旅游的。
zhìyuànzhě shì qù bāngzhù nàlǐ de rén, yòu bù shì qù lǚyóu de.
Volunteers go to help people, not to go travelling.
C:  好吧,你们都是活雷锋!
hǎo ba, nǐmen dōu shì huó Léi Fēng!
OK. You guys are all living Lei Fengs!

Key Vocabulary

西部xībùwestern part
dāngto be, to work as
好像hǎoxiàngto seem as if
聊天liáotiānto chat
网友wǎngyǒuonline friend
商量shāngliangto discuss
一......就......yī ... jiù soon as...just...
以为yǐwéito think mistakenly
报名bàomíngto sign up
什么的shénme deand so on
有意义yǒu yìyìmeaningful
cái[adds emphasis]
帮助bāngzhùto assist
旅游lǚyóuto go travelling
huóto be alive
雷锋Léi FēngLei Feng (name)

Supplementary Vocabulary

强调qiángdiàoto emphasize
类似lèisìto be similar to
有意思yǒu yìsiinteresting

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