A: | 轩轩,今天爸爸妈妈要带你去水族馆! |
| Xuānxuān, jīntiān bàba māma yào dài nǐ qù shuǐzúguǎn! |
| Xuan Xuan, mom and dad are going to take you to the aquarium today! |
B: | 对,我们要去看很多鱼! |
| duì, wǒmen yào qù kàn hěn duō yú! |
| That's right! We're gonna go see lots of fish! |
A: | 哇,轩轩,你看,这么多热带鱼。颜色多漂亮! |
| wā, Xuānxuān, nǐ kàn, zhème duō rèdài yú. yánsè duō piàoliang! |
| Wow. Xuan Xuan, look. There's so many tropical fish. The colors are so beautiful! |
B: | 对啊。来,拍个照。 |
| duì a. lái, pāi ge zhào. |
| Yeah. Here, take a picture. |
A: | 哎,那个水池里有海星。 |
| āi, nàge shuǐchí lǐ yǒu hǎixīng. |
| Hey, that pool has starfish in it. |
B: | 轩轩,爸爸抱你摸一下。 |
| Xuānxuān, bàba bào nǐ mō yīxià. |
| Xuan Xuan, let dad pick you up so you can touch them. |
A: | 不要摸,脏死了!我们去那里看水獭吧! |
| bù yào mō, zāng sǐ le! wǒmen qù nàlǐ kàn shuǐtǎ ba! |
| I don't want to touch them. They're so dirty! Let's go over there and look at the otters! |
B: | 好好好。 |
| hǎo hǎo hǎo. |
| OK, OK. |
A: | 哇,水獭好可爱。像个小宝宝,就像我们轩轩一样! |
| wā, shuǐtǎ hǎo kě ài. xiàng ge xiǎobǎobao, jiù xiàng wǒmen Xuānxuān yīyàng! |
| Wow, otters are so cute. They're like little babies. They're just like our Xuan Xuan! |
B: | 老婆,大白鲸在哪儿? |
| lǎopó, dà báijīng zài nǎr? |
| Where is the beluga whale, dear? |
A: | 我不知道。我比较想看海豚。 |
| wǒ bù zhīdào. wǒ bǐjiào xiǎng kàn hǎitún. |
| I don't know. I'm more interested in seeing the dolphins. |
B: | 海豚没意思。我们去看鲨鱼! |
| hǎitún méi yìsi. wǒmen qù kàn shāyú! |
| The dolphins are boring. Let's go see the sharks! |