Intermediate - Wheelchair Access to the Great Wall (C1864)

A:  李丹,你有空吗?能不能帮我个忙?
Lǐ Dān, nǐ yǒukòng ma? néng bu néng bāng wǒ ge máng?
Li Dan, do you have a moment? Can you help me with something?
B:  什么事啊?你说。
shénme shì a? nǐ shuō.
What is it? Go ahead.
A:  我表哥下周要来中国玩,他一直都想去长城。
wǒ biǎogē xiàzhōu yào lái Zhōngguó wánr, tā yīzhí dōu xiǎng qù Chángchéng.
My cousin is coming to China to visit next week. He's always wanted to go to the Great Wall.
B:  那是,不到长城非好汉嘛!
nà shì, bù dào Chángchéng fēi hǎohàn ma!
Naturally. You're not a real man until you've climbed the Great Wall!
A:  可是他是残疾人,要坐轮椅,不知道能不能上去?你能帮我打个电话问问吗?
kěshì tā shì cánjírén, yào zuò lúnyǐ, bù zhīdào néng bu néng shàngqu? nǐ néng bāng wǒ dǎ ge diànhuà wèn wen ma?
But he has a disability and uses a wheelchair. Do you know if he can go up? Could you help me call and ask?
B:  好的。我先在网上帮你查查吧。
hǎo de. wǒ xiān zài wǎngshàng bāng nǐ chá cha ba.
OK. I'll check online for you first.
A:  怎么样?查到了吗?
zěnmeyàng? chá dào le ma?
How's it going? Did you find anything?
B:  网上说,现在长城已经建好了电梯。
wǎngshàng shuō, xiànzài Chángchéng yǐjīng jiàn hǎo le diàntī.
It says online that they've already built an elevator at the Great Wall.
A:  太好了!
tài hǎo le!

Key Vocabulary

长城ChángchéngGreat Wall
好汉hǎohànbrave man
不到长城非好汉bù dào Chángchéng fēi hǎohàn‘you‘re not a real man until you've climbed the Great Wall'
残疾人cánjírénphysically challenged person
cháto look up
jiànto build

Supplementary Vocabulary

缆车lǎnchēcable car
坡道pōdàosloping road

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