| 今天小强期末考试,考生物,有一道题非常难。 |
| jīntiān Xiǎoqiáng qīmò kǎoshì, kǎo shēngwù, yǒu yī dào tí fēicháng nán. |
| Today is Xiao Qiang's final exam. It's the biology exam, and one question is especially difficult. |
| 是看鸟的脚猜鸟的名字。 |
| shì kàn niǎo de jiǎo cāi niǎo de míngzi. |
| It's looking at birds' feet and guessing the birds' names. |
| 小强想啊想,实在想不出答案。 |
| Xiǎoqiáng xiǎng a xiǎng, shízài xiǎngbuchū dá'àn. |
| Xiao Qiang thinks about it and thinks about it, but can't come up with the answer. |
| 他非常生气,站起来准备离开教室。 |
| tā fēicháng shēngqì, zhàn qǐlai zhǔnbèi líkāi jiàoshì. |
| He's really angry, stands up, and is about to leave the classroom. |
| 老师生气地问:“你是哪个班的?叫什么名字?” |
| lǎoshī shēngqì de wèn:" nǐ shì něi ge bān de? jiào shénme míngzi?” |
| The teacher angrily asks, "which class are you in? What's your name?" |
| 小强把鞋子、袜子脱掉,说:“你猜啊,你猜啊!” |
| Xiǎoqiáng bǎ xiézi、 wàzi tuōdiào, shuō:" nǐ cāi a, nǐ cāi a!” |
| Xiao Qiang takes off his shoes and socks and says, "You guess! Guess!" |