A: | 你好,阿姨,这里是人民公园吗? |
| nǐhǎo, āyí, zhèlǐ shì Rénmín gōngyuán ma? |
| Hello, miss. Is this People's Park? |
B: | 对啊! |
| duì a! |
| Yes! |
A: | 哦!人真多!今天有什么活动吗? |
| ò! rén zhēn duō! jīntiān yǒu shénme huódòng ma? |
| Oh! There are so many people! Is there an event going on today? |
B: | 我们都是帮子女来相亲的。他们工作忙,没时间交朋友。你看,这是我女儿。 |
| wǒmen dōu shì bāng zǐnǚ lái xiāngqīn de. tāmen gōngzuò máng, méi shíjiān jiāo péngyou. nǐ kàn, zhè shì wǒ nǚ'ér. |
| We're all here to set up our sons and daughters with dates. They're busy working and have no time to meet people. Take a look. This is my daughter. |
A: | 你女儿长得很漂亮,学历也很好。 |
| nǐ nǚ'ér zhǎng de hěn piàoliang, xuélì yě hěn hǎo. |
| Your daughter is really beautiful. She's also got a good degree. |
B: | 是的呀。就是没男朋友,今年都28了。我都急死了。 |
| shì de ya. jiùshì méi nán péngyou, jīnnián dōu èrshí bā le. wǒ dōu jí sǐ le. |
| Yep. She just doesn't have a boyfriend and will be 28 this year. I'm so anxious. |
C: | 你女儿做什么工作的?我儿子今年31,是软件工程师。 |
| nǐ nǚ'ér zuò shénme gōngzuò de? wǒ érzi jīnnián sānshí yī, shì ruǎnjiàn gōngchéngshī. |
| What does your daughter do? My son is 31 this year. He's a software engineer. |
B: | 我女儿在外企工作。他们两个年龄蛮合适的。 |
| wǒ nǚ'ér zài wàiqǐ gōngzuò. tāmen liǎng ge niánlíng mán héshì de. |
| My daughter works at a foreign enterprise. Their ages are quite suitable for one another. |
C: | 是啊,这是我儿子的简历,你看看。 |
| shì a, zhè shì wǒ érzi de jiǎnlì, nǐ kàn kan. |
| Yeah. This is my son's resume. Take a look. |
B: | 哦哟,他们两个蛮配的嘛。我们交换一下联系方式吧。 |
| ōyo, tāmen liǎng ge mán pèi de ma. wǒmen jiāohuàn yīxià liánxì fāngshì ba. |
| Wow, the two of them are a great fit. Let's exchange contact information. |
C: | 好的好的,回去以后就让他们联系。 |
| hǎo de hǎo de, huíqù yǐhòu jiù ràng tāmen liánxì. |
| OK. When I get back I'll have them get in touch. |
D: | 哎,小伙子,你多大了?想找中国女朋友吗? |
| āi, xiǎohuǒzi, nǐ duō dà le? xiǎng zhǎo Zhōngguó nǚpéngyou ma? |
| Hey young man, how old are you? Are you looking for a girlfriend? |
A: | 我24,还没有女朋友。 |
| wǒ èrshí sì, hái méiyǒu nǚpéngyou. |
| I'm 24 and don't have a girlfriend. |