A: | 你好!今天的聚会太棒了! |
| nǐhǎo! jīntiān de jùhuì tài bàng le! |
| Hey! Today's event is great! |
B: | 嗯,挺有意思的。你经常来参加这类聚会吗? |
| ng, tǐng yǒu yìsi de. nǐ jīngcháng lái cānjiā zhè lèi jùhuì ma? |
| Yeah, it's quite interesting. Do you take part in these kinds of events often? |
A: | 偶尔。我是做电子商务的。这是我的名片。 |
| ǒuěr. wǒ shì zuò diànzǐ shāngwù de. zhè shì wǒ de míngpiàn. |
| Occasionally. I work in e-commerce. Here's my card. |
B: | 很高兴认识你。我是做投资银行的,这是我的名片! |
| hěn gāoxìng rènshi nǐ. wǒ shì zuò tóuzī yínháng de, zhè shì wǒ de míngpiàn! |
| Great to meet you. I work in investment banking. Here's my card! |
A: | 做你们这行的人好像都很忙。 |
| zuò nǐmen zhè háng de rén hǎoxiàng dōu hěn máng. |
| People in your line of work all seem to be really busy. |
B: | 其实每个行业都差不多。你们电子商务这两年发展也很快。 |
| qíshí měige hángyè dōu chàbuduō. nǐmen diànzǐ shāngwù zhè liǎng nián fāzhǎn yě hěn kuài. |
| Actually all industries are pretty similar. You guys in e-commerce have also developed really quickly in the last few years. |
A: | 快是快,可是竞争也越来越激烈了。 |
| kuài shì kuài, kěshì jìngzhēng yě yuèláiyuè jīliè le. |
| It may be quick, but the competition is also getting more and more intense. |
B: | 有竞争才有活力。 |
| yǒu jìngzhēng cái yǒu huólì. |
| Only through competition can you have vitality. |
A: | 大的小的,好的坏的,几千家公司。生意难做啊! |
| dà de xiǎo de, hǎo de huài de, jǐ qiān jiā gōngsī. shēngyi nán zuò a! |
| There are thousands of companies: big and small, good and bad. It's really difficult to do business! |
B: | 我们去那边拿点酒,边喝边聊。 |
| wǒmen qù nàbiān ná diǎn jiǔ, biān hē biān liáo. |
| Let's go over there and have a drink while we talk. |
A: | 行!你先请! |
| xíng! nǐ xiān qǐng! |
| OK! After you! |