Intermediate - Too Young to Be Dating (C1736)

A:  喂!
B:  喂,你好,董倩倩在家吗?
wéi, nǐhǎo, Dǒng Qiànqian zài jiā ma?
Hello? Hi, is Dong Qianqian home?
A:  哦,找倩倩啊。你是哪位?
ò, zhǎo Qiànqian a. nǐ shì nǎ wèi?
Oh, you're looking for Qianqian. Who is this?
B:  我是她的同学,我有道数学题想问问她。
wǒ shì tā de tóngxué, wǒ yǒu dào shùxué tí xiǎng wèn wen tā.
I'm her classmate. I have a question about a math problem I wanted to ask her.
A:  倩倩,你的电话!
Qiànqian, nǐ de diànhuà!
Qianqian, it's for you!
C:  喂!你有什么事啊?
wéi! nǐ yǒu shénme shì a?
Hello? What is it?
B:  刚才接电话的是你妈妈吧,吓死我了。
gāngcái jiē diànhuà de shì nǐ māma ba, xià sǐ wǒ le.
Just now it was your mom that answered the phone, right? It freaked me out!
C:  哦。那道题我也不会做。
ò. nà dào tí wǒ yě bù huì zuò.
Oh. I don't know how to solve that problem either.
B:  明天下午我要去体育馆打球。你能来看我打球吗?
míngtiān xiàwǔ wǒ yào qù tǐyùguǎn dǎqiú. nǐ néng lái kàn wǒ dǎqiú ma?
Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to the stadium to play ball. Can you come and watch?
C:  嗯,好的。
ng4, hǎo de.
Yeah, OK.
B:  那明天下午三点,我在体育馆门口等你。不见不散!
nà míngtiān xiàwǔ sān diǎn, wǒ zài tǐyùguǎn ménkǒu děng nǐ. bùjiànbùsàn!
Tomorrow afternoon at three then. I'll wait for you at the entrance to the gym. Be there or be square!
C:  嗯,好。就这样吧。我挂了啊!
ng4, hǎo. jiù zhèyàng ba. wǒ guà le a!
OK. Sounds good. Gotta go!
A:  倩倩,怎么老有男同学给你打电话?
Qiànqian, zěnme lǎo yǒu nán tóngxué gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà?
Qianqian, why are male classmates always calling you?
C:  我们在讨论作业。
wǒmen zài tǎolùn zuòyè.
We were discussing homework.
A:  你是个女孩子,不要老跟男同学一起玩。
nǐ shì ge nǚháizi, bù yào lǎo gēn nán tóngxué yīqǐ wánr.
You're a girl. You shouldn't be hanging out with your male classmates all the time.
C:  哦。
A:  明年就要考高中了,要把心思放在学习上,不要早恋!
míngnián jiù yào kǎo gāozhōng le, yào bǎ xīnsi fàng zài xuéxí shàng, bù yào zǎoliàn!
You're taking the high school entrance examination next year. You need to concentrate on your studies. You're too young to date!
C:  哦。我去房间学习了。
ò. wǒ qù fángjiān xuéxí le.
OK. I'm going to my room to study.

Key Vocabulary

dào[measure word]
刚才gāngcáijust now
接电话jiē diànhuàto answer the phone
吓死xià sǐto scare to death
打球dǎqiúto play ball
不见不散bùjiànbùsàn'be there or be square'
guàto hang up
讨论tǎolùnto discuss
kǎoto take a test
高中gāozhōnghigh school
to take
心思xīnsifocus, thoughts
早恋zǎoliànto date early, 'puppy love'

Supplementary Vocabulary

打招呼dǎ zhāohuto greet someone
不耐烦bù nàifánimpatient
抱怨bàoyuànto complain
唠叨lāodaoto nag
理由lǐyóureason, justification
初中chūzhōngjunior middle school
初二chū'èrjunior middle school grade two
谈恋爱tán liàn'àito date
没收mòshōuto confiscate

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