Intermediate - Interpreting Gig at the Exhibition (C1730)

A:  秦琴,我们需要几名翻译,你有兴趣吗?
Qín Qín, wǒmen xūyào jǐ míng fānyì, nǐ yǒu xìngqù ma?
Qin Qin, we need several translators. Are you interested?
B:  口译还是笔译?
kǒuyì háishi bǐyì?
Oral interpretation or written translation?
A:  口译,是一个展会。
kǒuyì, shì yī ge zhǎnhuì.
Oral interpretation. It's for an exhibition.
B:  哦,什么时候?
ò, shénme shíhou?
Oh. When is it?
A:  下周六和周日。
xià zhōuliù hé zhōurì.
Next Saturday and Sunday.
B:  那我应该有空。是什么展会?
nà wǒ yīnggāi yǒukòng. shì shénme zhǎnhuì?
I should be free then. What kind of exhibition is it?
A:  是一个化学品展览会。
shì yī ge huàxuépǐn zhǎnlǎnhuì.
It's a chemical expo.
B:  化学品啊,那会不会很难?
huàxuépǐn a, nà huì bu huì hěn nán?
Chemicals! Isn't that going to be really difficult?
A:  有一些专业术语。不过我们会提前发材料给你准备。
yǒu yīxiē zhuānyè shùyǔ. bùguò wǒmen huì tíqián fā cáiliào gěi nǐ zhǔnbèi.
There are a few technical terms but we'll give you the materials in advance so that you can prepare.
B:  哦。到时候就是给客户介绍产品,回答他们的问题,是吧?
ò. dào shíhou jiùshì gěi kèhù jièshào chǎnpǐn, huídá tāmen de wèntí, shì ba?
Oh. So the job is just to tell visitors about the products and answer their questions, right?
A:  没错。还有接待客户,发宣传册之类的。
méicuò. háiyǒu jiēdài kèhù, fā xuānchuáncè zhīlèide.
Correct. You'll also greet the customers, hand out booklets, those sorts of things.
B:  好。那你尽快把材料发给我吧。
hǎo. nà nǐ jǐnkuài bǎ cáiliào fāgěi wǒ ba.
OK. Please send me the materials as soon as possible.
A:  OK。对了,要穿正装。打扮得漂亮点儿,说不定哪个大老板大帅哥看上你。
OK. duìle, yào chuān zhèngzhuāng. dǎbàn de piàoliang diǎnr, shuōbudìng nǎ ge dà lǎobǎn dà shuàigē kànshang nǐ.
OK. Oh, you also need to wear formal clothing. Try to dress extra nicely; maybe some big bosses or handsome guys will take an interest in you!
B:  哎呦,别拿我开玩笑了!
āiyō, bié ná wǒ kāi wánxiào le!
Hey, quit messing with me!

Key Vocabulary

口译kǒuyìoral interpretation
笔译bǐyìwritten translation
化学品huàxuépǐnchemical product
专业术语zhuānyè shùyǔtechnical term
提前tíqiánin advance
to send
准备zhǔnbèito prepare
到时候dào shíhouwhen that time comes
介绍jièshàoto introduce
回答huídáto answer
接待jiēdàito greet
之类的zhīlèidesort of thing
尽快jǐnkuàias fast as possible
to take
正装zhèngzhuāngformal clothing
打扮dǎbànto dress up
看上kànshangto be interested in
to take
开玩笑kāi wánxiàoto make a joke

Supplementary Vocabulary

wèi[measure word]
发邮件fā yóujiànto send an e-mail
潜在客户qiánzài kèhùpotential customer
导游dǎoyóutour guide
宣传xuānchuánto propagate, to give publicity to
据我所知jùwǒsuǒzhīas far as I know
目的mùdìgoal, objective

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