A: | 这个冷面挺好吃的。 |
| zhè ge lěngmiàn tǐng hǎochī de. |
| These cold noodles are pretty tasty. |
B: | 嗯。里面有蒜和辣椒,还有胡萝卜丝西红柿片儿和黄瓜丝。 |
| ng4. lǐmiàn yǒu suàn hé làjiāo, háiyǒu húluóbo sī xīhóngshì piànr hé huángguā sī. |
| Yeah. There's garlic, chilis, some shredded carrot, tomato slices and shredded cucumber in it. |
A: | 看起来挺简单的。我觉得我们自己也可以做。 |
| kàn qǐlái tǐng jiǎndān de. wǒ juéde wǒmén zìjǐ yě kěyǐ zuò. |
| It seems pretty simple. I think we could make it ourselves. |
B: | 是吗?怎么做? |
| shì ma? zěnme zuò? |
| Really? How? |
A: | 先煮好面条,然后用纯净水泡一下,捞出来放在盘子里。把蔬菜切好放上去。 |
| xiān zhǔ hǎo miàntiáo, ránhòu yòng chúnjìngshuǐ pào yīxià, lāo chūlái fàng zài pánzi lǐ. bǎ shūcài qiē hǎo fàng shàngqù. |
| First boil the noodles, then soak them in purified water. After that, pull them out and put them on a plate. Then, finish cutting the veggies and put them on top. |
B: | 哦。 |
| ò. |
| Oh. |
A: | 锅里放点油,烧热以后放蒜和辣椒,然后浇在面条和蔬菜上。最后放盐,香油,酱油和醋,拌一下。 |
| guō lǐ fàng diǎn yóu, shāo rè yǐhòu fàng suàn hé làjiāo, ránhòu jiāo zài miàntiáo hé shūcài shàng. zuìhòu fàng yán, xiāngyóu, jiàngyóu hé cù, bàn yīxià. |
| Get a pot and put a little oil in it. Once it's hot, add the garlic and chilis. Then, pour it over the noodles and vegetables. Finally, add salt, sesame oil, soy sauce and vinegar, and mix it up. |
B: | 跟做凉拌黄瓜差不多? |
| gēn zuò liángbàn huángguā chàbuduō? |
| It's a lot like making cold cucumbers in sauce then? |
A: | 嗯。 |
| ng4. |
| Yeah. |
B: | 是吗?每次你只会说,不会做。 |
| shì ma? měicì nǐ zhǐ huì shuō, bù huì zuò. |
| It's that simple, huh? You're all talk. You never actually make anything. |