| 我今天真幸运! |
| wǒ jīntiān zhēn xìngyùn! |
| I had such a lucky day! |
| 昨晚的打鼓练习很顺利,睡得也很好。 |
| zuówǎn de dǎgǔ liànxí hěn shùnlì, shuì de yě hěn hǎo. |
| Drum practice went really smoothly last night, and I slept really well. |
| 因为睡得好,所以早上心情就很好,而且在路上捡到了两百块钱。 |
| yīnwèi shuì de hǎo, suǒyǐ zǎoshang xīnqíng jiù hěn hǎo, érqiě zài lùshang jiǎndào le liǎng bǎi kuài qián. |
| Because I slept well, I was in a good mood the next morning and found 200 kuai on the road. |
| 下午在运动场,我们打赌看谁能打中对面大楼的窗户,结果我赢了。 |
| xiàwǔ zài yùndòngchǎng, wǒmen dǎdǔ kàn shéi néng dǎzhòng duìmiàn dàlóu de chuānghu, jiéguǒ wǒ yíng le. |
| At the sports field in the afternoon, we bet on who could hit the window of the building across the way, and I won. |
| 晚上,我新认识的女孩告诉我,她喜欢我,而且刚和她的前男友分手。 |
| wǎnshang, wǒ xīn rènshi de nǚhái gàosu wǒ, tā xǐhuan wǒ, érqiě gāng hé tā de qián nányǒu fēnshǒu. |
| In the evening, the girl I met recently told me she liked me and that she also had just broken up with her ex-boyfriend. |
| 今天一天都是好心情,晚上我要更热情地打鼓。 |
| jīntiān yī tiān dōu shì hǎo xīnqíng, wǎnshang wǒ yào gèng rèqíng de dǎgǔ. |
| I've been in a good mood all day. Tonight, I'm going to play my drums with even more enthusiasm. |
| 而且那个女孩今晚会来一起练习,她会吹萨克斯。 |
| érqiě nà ge nǚhái jīnwǎn huì lái yīqǐ liànxí, tā huì chuī sàkèsī. |
| Also, that girl is going to come over tonight to practice with me. She can play the saxophone. |