Intermediate - Mending Clothing (C1679)

A:  王师傅,我这里有一些衣服,能帮我修一下吗?
Wáng shīfu, wǒ zhèlǐ yǒu yīxiē yīfu, néng bāng wǒ xiū yīxià ma?
Mr. Wang, I have some clothes here. Could you fix some things for me?
B:  哪里?我看看。
nǎli? wǒ kàn kan.
Where? Let me have a look.
A:  这件衣服掉了两个扣子。你有一样的扣子吗?帮我钉一下。
zhè jiàn yīfu diào le liǎng ge kòuzi. nǐ yǒu yīyàng de kòuzi ma? bāng wǒ dìng yīxià.
This one lost two buttons. Do you have the same buttons? Sew some on for me.
B:  完全一样的很难找,差不多的行吗?
wánquán yīyàng de hěn nán zhǎo, chàbuduō de xíng ma?
It's hard to find ones that are exactly the same. Is it all right if they're not quite identical?
A:  也行。还有,这条裤子的拉链坏了,帮我换条新的拉链。
yě xíng. háiyǒu, zhè tiáo kùzi de lāliàn huài le, bāng wǒ huàn tiáo xīn de lāliàn.
That's fine. Also, I have a pair of pants with a broken zipper. Replace the zipper with a new one for me.
B:  好的,没问题。
hǎo de, méiwèntí.
OK. No problem.
A:  还有,这件衬衣的袖子破了。
háiyǒu, zhè jiàn chènyī de xiùzi pò le.
Also, the sleeve is ripped on this shirt.
B:  我看看,哎哟,这么大一个洞。
wǒ kàn kan, āiyōu, zhème dà yī ge dòng.
Let me have a look. Whoa! Such a big hole.
A:  能补吗?
néng bǔ ma?
Can you patch it?
B:  补倒是可以补,不过补好以后不太好看。
bǔ dàoshì kěyǐ bǔ, bùguò bǔ hǎo yǐhòu bùtài hǎokàn.
I can, but it won't look very good after it's finished.
A:  那算了,不补了。我还有条裤子,太长了,帮我改短一点吧。
nà suànle, bù bǔ le. wǒ háiyǒu tiáo kùzi, tài cháng le, bāng wǒ gǎi duǎn yīdiǎn ba.
Then just forget it. Don't patch it. I also have a pair of pants that is too long. Shorten those for me.
B:  好的。我先帮你量一下尺寸。
hǎo de. wǒ xiān bāng nǐ liáng yīxià chǐcùn.
OK. I'll take your measurements first.

Key Vocabulary

xiūto mend, to repair
jiàn[measure word for pieces of clothing]
diàoto fall off
dìngto sew on
难找nán zhǎoto be difficult to find
tiáo[measure word for pants]
huànto exchange
破了pò leto rip, to break
to patch
倒是dàoshìactually, on the contrary
gǎito change
liángto measure

Supplementary Vocabulary

出现chūxiànto appear, to arise
具体jùtǐexact, specific
解决jiějuéto solve
黑洞hēidòngblack hole

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