Intermediate - Chinese Baijiu and the Best of the Worst (C1602)

A:  服务员,再来瓶茅台!
fúwùyuán, zài lái píng Máotái!
Server, another bottle of Maotai!
B:  好!
C:  不不不,等会儿!二毛,咱来瓶别的酒。
bù bù bù, děng huǐr! Er4máo, zán lái píng bié de jiǔ.
No, no, no. Wait a minute. Ermao, let's get a bottle of something else.
A:  别的酒?茅台的味道不好吗?
bié de jiǔ? Máotái de wèidao bù hǎo ma?
Something else? Maotai doesn't taste good?
C:  茅台当然好,国酒嘛。
Máotái dāngrán hǎo, guójiǔ ma.
Of course Maotai tastes good. It's the national liquor.
A:  那就行了。你兄弟我现在有钱,喝得起。
nà jiù xíng le. nǐ xiōngdì wǒ xiànzài yǒuqián, hēdeqǐ.
Well, OK then. I'm your friend and I have the money now. I can afford it.
C:  茅台口感好是好,可是喝起来没感觉。以前咱喝的是啥酒?你还记得不?
Máotái kǒugǎn hǎo shì hǎo, kěshì hē qǐlai méi gǎnjué. yǐqián zán hē de shì shá jiǔ? nǐ hái jìde bù?
Maotai may be delicious, but it doesn't get you drunk. What is it that we used to drink? Do you still remember?
A:  以前喝二锅头呗!
yǐqián hē Er4guōtóu bēi!
We used to drink Erguotou!
C:  对了!五十六度的二锅头,喝起来才爽嘛!
duì le! wǔshí liù dù de Er4guōtóu, hē qǐlai cái shuǎng ma!
That's right! 56% percent alcohol - Erguotou. Now that's satisfying!
A:  对对对!服务员,来两瓶二锅头!
duì duì duì! fúwùyuán, lái liǎng píng Er4guōtóu!
Yeah! Server, two bottles of Erguotou!

Key Vocabulary

zánwe, us
味道wèidaoflavor, smell
国酒guójiǔnational liquor
ma[emphatic sound]
喝得起hēdeqǐto be able to afford to drink
口感kǒugǎnflavor, texture
可是kěshìreally to be
喝起来hē qǐlaiwhen drinking
没感觉méi gǎnjuéto not have feeling
记得jìdeto remember
cáionly then
shuǎngrefreshing, good-feeling

Supplementary Vocabulary

白酒báijiǔBaijiu (Chinese liquor)
国烟guóyānnational cigarettes
中华ZhōnghuáChunghwa cigarettes
喝醉hēzuìto get excessively drunk
买得起mǎideqǐto able to afford
买不起mǎibuqǐto be unable to afford
带劲儿dàijìnrenergetic, interesting
承认chéngrènto admit

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