A: | 喂,萍萍,晚上去吃老北京火锅。 |
| wéi, Píngping, wǎnshang qù chī lǎo Běijīng huǒguō. |
| Hi, Pingping? We're going to go eat Beijing hot pot tonight. |
B: | 吃火锅?不行。我脸上长痘痘,不能吃上火的东西。 |
| chī huǒguō? bùxíng. wǒ liǎn shàng zhǎng dòudou, bùnéng chī shànghuǒ de dōngxi. |
| Hot pot? Not going to happen. I have some pimples. I can't eat things that will raise my level of internal heat. |
A: | 那好吧。咱下次再约。 |
| nà hǎo ba. zán xiàcì zài yuē. |
| Oh, OK. Let's get together another time. |
C: | 亲爱的,我家附近开了一家湘菜馆,听说超好吃。 |
| qīn'ài de, wǒ jiā fùjìn kāi le yī jiā xiāngcài guǎn, tīngshuō chāo hǎochī. |
| Honey, a Hunan restaurant opened near my house. I heard it was super tasty. |
B: | 别说了。我去不了。 |
| bié shuō le. wǒ qùbuliǎo. |
| Don't even say it. I can't go. |
C: | 怎么了?你不是最爱湘菜吗? |
| zěnmele? nǐ bùshì zuì ài xiāngcài ma? |
| What's wrong? Isn't Hunan food your favorite? |
B: | 我脸上都是青春痘,不能吃辣。 |
| wǒ liǎn shàng dōu shì qīngchūndòu, bùnéng chī là. |
| My face is covered in pimples. I can't eat spicy foods. |
C: | 哦。那等你好了再去。 |
| ò. nà děng nǐ hǎo le zài qù. |
| Oh. Well, then when you're better we'll go. |
D: | 美女,在干吗呢?去泡吧吧。 |
| měinǚ, zài gànmá ne? qù pàobā ba. |
| Hey pretty lady, what are you up to? Let's hit up the bar. |
B: | 我脸上有青春痘,出不了门。 |
| wǒ liǎn shàng yǒu qīngchūndòu, chūbuliǎo mén. |
| I have some pimples on my face. I can't leave the house. |
D: | 有青春痘多好啊,说明你青春。 |
| yǒu qīngchūndòu duō hǎo a, shuōmíng nǐ qīngchūn. |
| Having pimples is great. It means you're youthful. |
B: | 讨厌!为什么要长痘痘啊? |
| tǎoyàn! wèishénme yào zhǎng dòudou a? |
| I hate this! Why do I have to get pimples? |