Intermediate - A Rarely Washed Car (C1566)

A: 小贺,这辆车是你的?
Xiǎo Hè, zhè liàng chē shì nǐ de?
Xiao He, is this your car?
B: 对啊。它可是我的宝贝。
duì a. tā kěshì wǒ de bǎobèi.
Yeah. It really is my baby.
A: 你怎么这么对待你的宝贝车啊?
nǐ zěnme zhème duìdài nǐ de bǎobèi chē a?
How can you treat your precious car like this?
B: 怎么了?
What's wrong?
A: 你看看,轮胎上都是泥,玻璃上都是灰。你多久没洗车了?
nǐ kàn kan, lúntāi shàng dōu shì ní, bōli shàng dōu shì huī. nǐ duō jiǔ méi xǐ chē le?
Look - there's mud all over the tires and the windows are covered in dust. How long has it been since you've had a carwash?
B: 我周末才洗过。
wǒ zhōumò cái xǐ guo.
I just had it washed on the weekend.
A: 那怎么不到一星期就脏了?
nà zěnme bù dào yī xīngqī jiù zāng le?
How did it get so dirty in less than a week?
B: 哎!第二天就下雨了。郁闷死了。
āi! dì èr tiān jiù xiàyǔ le. yùmèn sǐ le.
Agh! It rained the next day. It's so depressing.

Key Vocabulary

liàng [measure word for vehicles]
宝贝 bǎobèi prized possession, baby
对待 duìdài to treat
轮胎 lúntāi tire
dōu all
玻璃 bōli glass
huī dust, dirt
cái only just
不到 bùdào to not reach
jiù just, then
郁闷 yùmèn depressed, gloomy
第二天 dì èr tiān the next day, the 2nd day

Supplementary Vocabulary

祝贺 zhùhè to congratulate
强调 qiángdiào to emphasize
刚刚 gānggāng just now
不满 bù mǎn dissatisfied
月卡 yuèkǎ one-month card
lǎn lazy

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