Intermediate - How to Protect the Environment (C1562)

A:  大家说说,为了保护环境,我们可以做什么?
dàjiā shuō shuo, wèile bǎohù huánjìng, wǒmen kěyǐ zuò shénme?
Everyone, tell me - what can we do in order to protect the environment?
B:  少开车,多骑自行车或者坐公交和地铁。
shǎo kāichē, duō qí zìxíngchē huòzhě zuò gōngjiāo hé dìtiě.
Drive less and ride a bike, public buses and the metro more.
C:  少用一次性筷子和塑料袋。
shǎo yòng yīcìxìng kuàizi hé sùliàodài.
Use fewer disposable chopsticks and plastic bags.
D:  节约用水用电。出门时记得关空调、饮水机和电脑。
jiéyuē yòng shuǐ yòng diàn. chūmén shí jìde guān kōngtiáo、 yǐnshuǐjī hé diànnǎo.
Conserve water and electricity. When you go out, remember to turn off the air conditioner, the water cooler and the computer.
E:  嗯,还有要多走楼梯,少坐电梯。
ng4, háiyǒu yào duō zǒu lóutī, shǎo zuò diàntī.
Yeah. Also, use the stairs more and take the elevator less.
F:  还要节约用纸,纸可以双面使用。
hái yào jiéyuē yòng zhǐ, zhǐ kěyǐ shuāngmiàn shǐyòng.
Also, conserve paper - both sides of a piece of paper can be used.
B:  别抽烟。
bié chōuyān.
Don't smoke.
D:  不要乱丢垃圾。
bù yào luàn diū lājī.
Don't litter.
A:  大家都说得很好。保护环境,要从小事做起。
dàjiā dōu shuō de hěn hǎo. bǎohù huánjìng, yào cóng xiǎoshì zuòqǐ.
Well said, everyone. Protecting the environment starts with the little things.

Key Vocabulary

为了wèilein order to
保护bǎohùto protect
环境huánjìngthe environment
一次性yīcìxìngone-time use
塑料袋sùliàodàiplastic bag
节约jiéyuēto be thrifty, to economize
出门chūménto go out
记得jìdeto remember
空调kōngtiáoair conditioning
饮水机yǐnshuǐjīwater cooler
双面shuāngmiànboth sides
使用shǐyòngto use
抽烟chōuyānto smoke cigarettes
diūto drop
做起zuòqǐto start doing

Supplementary Vocabulary

环保huánbǎoenvironmentally friendly
鼓励gǔlìto encourage
打印dǎyìnto print
复印fùyìnto photo copy
想法xiǎngfǎidea, way of thinking
丢掉diūdiàoto throw away

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