Intermediate - Blind Massage (C1549)

A: 下班以后我要去按摩,要不要一起去?
xiàbān yǐhòu wǒ yào qù ànmó, yào bù yào yīqǐ qù?
I'm going to get a massage after work. Do you want to come with me?
B: 去哪里按摩?
qù nǎli ànmó?
Where are you getting the massage?
A: 离我们公司不远。盲人按摩,很好的。
lí wǒmen gōngsī bù yuǎn. mángrén ànmó, hěn hǎo de.
It's not far from our office. It's blind massage. It's really good.
B: 为什么喜欢盲人按摩呢?正常人按摩不是更好吗?
wèishénme xǐhuan mángrén ànmó ne? zhèngchángrén ànmó bùshì gèng hǎo ma?
Why do you like massages from blind people? Wouldn't massage from seeing person be better?
A: 盲人眼睛看不见,所以更用心。手也比正常人敏感。
mángrén yǎnjing kànbujiàn, suǒyǐ gèng yòngxīn. shǒu yě bǐ zhèngchángrén mǐngǎn.
Blind people can't see with their eyes, so they're more attentive. Their hands are also more sensitive than seeing peoples'.
B: 哦。听说很多盲人都上盲校,专门学习按摩。
ò. tīngshuō hěn duō mángrén dōu shàng mángxiào, zhuānmén xuéxí ànmó.
Oh. I heard a lot of blind people go to schools for the blind and specifically study massage.
A: 我经常找的一个师傅就是。他找穴位很准,按得很舒服。
wǒ jīngcháng zhǎo de yī gè shīfu jiùshì. tā zhǎo xuéwèi hěn zhǔn, àn de hěn shūfu.
One of the masseuses I often go to did just that. He's really good at finding acupoints. His massages feel really good.
B: 是吗?那里有没有女按摩师?
shìma? nàlǐ yǒu meiyǒu nǚ ànmóshī?
Oh yeah? Are there any female masseuses there?
A: 有。男的女的都有。
yǒu. nán de nǚde dōu yǒu.
Yeah. They have both men and women.
B: 那我也去体验一下。
nà wǒ yě qù tǐyàn yīxià.
OK then, I'll go give it a shot as well.

Key Vocabulary

按摩 ànmó massage
盲人 mángrén blind person
正常人 zhèngchángrén seeing person
看不见 kànbujiàn to be unable to see
用心 yòngxīn attentive
敏感 mǐngǎn sensitive
盲校 mángxiào school for the blind
专门 zhuānmén specifically
师傅 shīfu master
穴位 xuéwèi acupuncture point
zhǔn accurate
àn to press
按摩师 ànmóshī masseuse
体验 tǐyàn to experience for oneself

Supplementary Vocabulary

聋人 lóngrén deaf person
技能 jìnéng skill
研究 yánjiū to research
概念 gàiniàn concept, idea
目的 mùdì goal

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