Intermediate - Considering an iPad (C1539)

A: 那边新开了一家苹果专卖店,我们去看看吧。
nàbiān xīn kāi le yī jiā Píngguǒ zhuānmàidiàn, wǒmen qù kàn kan ba.
A new official Apple store opened over there. How about we go check it out?
B: 你还想看什么,不是刚买了iPhone4吗?
nǐ hái xiǎng kàn shénme, bùshì gāng mǎi le iPhone sì ma?
What else do you want to check out? Didn't you just buy an iPhone 4?
A: 我想看看iPad。
wǒ xiǎng kàn kan iPad.
I want to check out the iPad.
B: 我劝你别买iPad。
wǒ quàn nǐ bié mǎi iPad.
I really don't think you should buy an iPad.
A: 怎么这么说呢?
zěnme zhème shuō ne?
What makes you say that?
B: 我看iPad就是大号的iPhone。
wǒ kàn iPad jiùshì dàhào de iPhone.
I think the iPad is just a large-sized iPhone.
A: 那不一样,iPhone是手机,iPad是平板电脑。
nà bù yīyàng, iPhone shì shǒujī, iPad shì píngbǎn diànnǎo.
They're not the same. The iPhone is a cell phone. The iPad is a tablet computer.
B: 要上网,发邮件,看视频什么的,你用笔记本不就行了?
yào shàngwǎng, fā yóujiàn, kàn shìpín shénme de, nǐ yòng bǐjìběn bù jiù xíng le?
If you want to go online, send emails, watch videos – isn't a laptop good enough?
A: 我喜欢触摸屏。而且听说用iPad看电子书特别爽。
wǒ xǐhuan chùmōpíng. érqiě tīngshuō yòng iPad kàn diànzǐshū tèbié shuǎng.
I like touchscreens. Also, I heard that reading e-books on the iPad is really nice.
B: 就为了看电子书买iPad?
jiù wèile kàn diànzǐshū mǎi iPad?
You'd buy an iPad just to read e-books?
A: 我就是去看看,不一定买。
wǒ jiùshì qù kàn kan, bù yīdìng mǎi.
I'm just going to go check it out. I'm not necessarily going to buy it.
B: 我不想去。要不你去看iPad,我去逛商场。
wǒ bù xiǎng qù. yàobù nǐ qù kàn iPad, wǒ qù guàng shāngchǎng.
I don't want to go. How about you go check out the iPad and I'll go hang out at the mall?
A: 那算了,改天我自己去看吧!
nà suàn le, gǎitiān wǒ zìjǐ qù kàn ba!
Nah, forget it. I'll check it out myself some other day!

Key Vocabulary

kāi to open
jiā [measure word for stores]
苹果 Píngguǒ Apple
专卖店 zhuānmàidiàn official store
quàn to advise
大号 dàhào large-size
平板电脑 píngbǎn diànnǎo tablet computer
邮件 yóujiàn mail
to send
视频 shìpín video
什么的 shénme de and so on, etc.
笔记本 bǐjìběn laptop
触摸屏 chùmōpíng touchscreen
而且 érqiě moreover
电子书 diànzǐshū ebook
shuǎng great
jiù just
为了 wèile in order to, for the sake of
不一定 bù yīdìng not necessarily
要不 yàobù how about
guàng to stroll, to wander
商场 shāngchǎng shopping mall
改天 gǎitiān someday soon

Supplementary Vocabulary

hóng popular
专门 zhuānmén specially
建议 jiànyì to recommend
强烈 qiángliè intense
理由 lǐyóu reason
平板电视 píngbǎn diànshì flatscreen TV
时髦 shímáo fashionable
代表 dàibiǎo to represent
外观 wàiguān outward appearance
传统 chuántǒng tradition
受欢迎 shòu huānyíng well-received

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