Intermediate - Too Many Food Allergies (C1512)

A:  来,晓旭,这是螃蟹,多吃点儿。
lái, Xiǎoxù, zhè shì pángxiè, duō chī diǎnr.
Over here, Xiao Xu. This is crab, have some.
B:  谢谢伯父。不过我不能吃螃蟹,我一吃螃蟹就过敏。
xièxie bófù. bùguò wǒ bùnéng chī pángxiè, wǒ yī chī pángxiè jiù guòmǐn.
Thanks uncle, but I can't eat crab. If I eat just a little crab, I'll have an allergic reaction.
A:  这样啊!那吃鱼吧。鱼可是你伯母的拿手菜。
zhèyàng a! nà chī yú ba. yú kěshì nǐ bómǔ de náshǒu cài.
Oh really? Then let's have fish. Fish is actually your aunt's speciality.
B:  对不起,鱼我也不能吃。我对所有的海鲜都过敏。
duìbuqǐ, yú wǒ yě bùnéng chī. wǒ duì suǒyǒu de hǎixiān dōu guòmǐn.
Sorry, I can't eat fish either. I'm allergic to all seafood.
A:  哦。不能吃鱼,那就吃肉吧。今天的羊肉不错。
ò. bùnéng chī yú, nà jiù chī ròu ba. jīntiān de yángròu bùcuò.
Oh. You can't eat fish, so have meat then. The mutton today is quite good.
B:  我......
A:  也会过敏?
yě huì guòmǐn?
Allergic to that too?
B:  不是,不是。羊肉里放了芝麻,我对芝麻过敏。一吃身上就会长红点。
bùshì, bùshì. yángròu lǐ fàng le zhīma, wǒ duì zhīma guòmǐn. yī chī shēnshàng jiù huì zhǎng hóngdiǎn.
No, there's sesame on the mutton. I'm allergic to sesame. As soon as I eat it, I get red bumps on my body.
A:  那你可以吃什么?
nà nǐ kěyǐ chī shénme?
Then what can you eat?
B:  米饭,我吃米饭就行了。
mǐfàn, wǒ chī mǐfàn jiù xíng le.
Rice. I'll be fine with just the rice.
A:  婷婷,你这男朋友太挑剔了,以后怎么生活?
Tíngting, nǐ zhè nán péngyou tài tiāoti le, yǐhòu zěnme shēnghuó?
Ting ting, your boyfriend is too picky. How are you going to live together in the future?
C:  爸,过敏又不是他的错。不吃那些会过敏的东西不就行了吗?
bà, guòmǐn yòu bù shì tā de cuò. bù chī nàxiē huì guòmǐn de dōngxi bù jiù xíng le ma?
Dad, allergies aren't his fault. We just won't eat the things he's allergic to and we'll be fine.

Key Vocabulary

伯父bófùfather's older brother
一......就......yī ... jiù soon as...
过敏guòmǐnto be allergic to, allergy
伯母bómǔwife of father's older brother
拿手菜náshǒu càispecialty dish
zhǎngto grow
红点hóngdiǎnred bumps
生活shēnghuóto live
yòu[adds emphasis]

Supplementary Vocabulary

拿手náshǒuto be good at
叔叔shūshūfather's younger brother

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