A: | 吵死了,又在修路! |
| chǎo sǐ le, yòu zài xiūlù! |
| That noise is killing me! They're repairing the road again? |
B: | 这条路不是刚刚修过吗?怎么又要修? |
| zhè tiáo lù bùshì gānggāng xiū guò ma? zěnme yòu yào xiū? |
| Wasn't this road just recently repaired? Why does it have to be repaired again? |
A: | 谁知道呢!一大早就开始施工。周末想睡个懒觉都不行。 |
| shéi zhīdào ne! yīdàzǎo jiù kāishǐ shīgōng. zhōumò xiǎng shuì ge lǎnjiào dōu bùxíng. |
| Who knows? They start working so early in the morning. I can't even sleep in on the weekends. |
B: | 是啊!那个大机器是起重机吗? |
| shì a! nà ge dà jīqì shì qǐzhòngjī ma? |
| Exactly! That big machine is a crane, right? |
A: | 不是起重机,是挖掘机。 |
| bùshì qǐzhòngjī, shì wājuéjī. |
| It's not a crane, it's an excavator. |
B: | 哦,那个是搅拌机吧? |
| ò, nà ge shì jiǎobànjī ba? |
| Oh. Is that a mixer? |
A: | 对。搅拌水泥的。就它声音最大。 |
| duì. jiǎobàn shuǐní de. jiù tā shēngyīn zuì dà. |
| That's right. It mixes cement. That one is the loudest. |
B: | 快躲开,土方车来了。 |
| kuài duǒkāi, tǔfāngchē lái le. |
| Quick, get out of the way. A dump truck is coming. |
A: | 这么大的车,还开得这么快! |
| zhème dà de chē, hái kāi de zhème kuài! |
| Such a big car and it's driving so fast! |
B: | 所以说土方车是“马路杀手”啊! |
| suǒyǐ shuō tǔfāngchē shì" mǎlù shāshǒu” a! |
| That's why people call dump trucks the, 'killers of the streets'! |
A: | 没办法。再忍几天吧! |
| méi bànfǎ. zài rěn jǐ tiān ba! |
| Well, there's nothing we can do. We'll have to put up with it for a few more days! |