Intermediate - It's Not the Heat, It's the Humidity (C1501)

A: 你回来啦?世博会怎么样?
nǐ huílai la? Shìbóhuì zěnmeyàng?
You're back! How was the World Expo?
B: 挺好的。不过我真受不了上海的天气,热得难受。
tǐng hǎo de. bùguò wǒ zhēn shòubuliǎo Shànghǎi de tiānqì, rè de nánshòu.
It was pretty nice, but I really can't handle this Shanghai weather. It's uncomfortably hot.
A: 北京这几天也很热,我看气温比上海还高。
Běijīng zhè jǐ tiān yě hěn rè, wǒ kàn qìwēn bǐ Shànghǎi hái gāo.
It's been really hot in Beijing lately too. I noticed the temperature was even hotter than in Shanghai.
B: 北京气温是不低,但咱们这儿是干热。上海那儿是湿热。
Běijīng qìwēn shì bù dī, dàn zánmen zhèr shì gānrè. Shànghǎi nàr shì shīrè.
Beijing certainly isn't cool, but it's a dry heat. In Shanghai it's damp and hot.
A: 干热更热吧?太阳这么大。
gānrè gèng rè ba? tàiyáng zhème dà.
Dry heat is even hotter, isn't it? There's so much sun.
B: 我原来也这么想。但去了上海才知道,湿热更难受。身上粘乎乎的。
wǒ yuánlái yě zhème xiǎng. dàn qù le Shànghǎi cái zhīdào, shīrè gèng nánshòu. shēnshàng nián hūhū de.
I used to think that too, but after coming to Shanghai I've realized that damp heat is even worse. Your whole body gets so sticky.
A: 哦,是不是就像下雨之前的那种感觉?
ò, shì bu shì jiù xiàng xiàyǔ zhīqián de nà zhǒng gǎnjué?
Oh. Is it just like that feeling right before it rains?
B: 对对对,就是那种闷热。
duì duì duì, jiùshì nà zhǒng mēnrè.
Yeah, yeah. Just like that kind of muggy feeling.
A: 可能南方比较潮湿吧!
kěnéng nánfāng bǐjiào cháoshī ba!
I suppose it's that the South is more humid.
B: 嗯。还是咱北方舒服。
ng4. háishì zán běifāng shūfu.
Yeah. It's more comfortable up north.

Key Vocabulary

世博会 Shìbóhuì World Expo
受不了 shòubuliǎo to be unable to bear
难受 nánshòu uncomfortable
气温 qìwēn air temperature
compared to
shì to be
咱们 zánmen we
干热 gānrè dry heat
湿热 shīrè damp and hot
gèng even more
太阳 tàiyáng sun
原来 yuánlái originally
cái only, finally
身上 shēnshàng on the body
粘乎乎 nián hūhū sticky
就像 jiù xiàng just like
之前 zhīqián before
zhǒng kind
感觉 gǎnjué feeling
闷热 mēnrè muggy
比较 bǐjiào relatively
潮湿 cháoshī humid
还是 háishì after all

Supplementary Vocabulary

类型 lèixíng type, category
热得厉害 rè de lìhai terribly hot
温度 wēndù temperature
广泛 guǎngfàn extensive, widespread
烤箱 kǎoxiāng oven
转折 zhuǎnzhé transition
形象 xíngxiàng image, form
热乎乎 rèhūhū hot
冷冰冰 lěngbīngbīng ice-cold, icy
透不过气 tòubuguòqì to suffocate, to smother
湿冷 shīlěng damp and cold, clammy
干冷 gānlěng dry and cold

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