Intermediate - Getting a Tattoo (C1497)

A:  你先进去。
nǐ xiān jìnqù.
Go on in.
B:  不行。我好怕。
bùxíng. wǒ hǎo pà.
No way. I'm scared.
A:  我......我也不敢。有的人说痛,有的人说不痛。你说,到底会不会痛啊?
wǒ...... wǒ yě bù gǎn. yǒude rén shuō tòng, yǒude rén shuō bù tòng. nǐ shuō, dàodǐ huì bu huì tòng a?
I...I don't dare myself. Some people say it hurts, some people say it doesn't. What do you think? Is it actually going to hurt or not?
B:  我怎么知道?
wǒ zěnme zhīdào?
How would I know?
A:  会不会伤口发炎,死掉了啊?
huì bu huì shāngkǒu fāyán, sǐ diào le a?
Do you think the cut will get inflamed and I'll die?
B:  应该不会吧。
yīnggāi bùhuì ba.
I doubt it.
A:  哎哟,如果被我妈发现了,我肯定会被她打死的。
āiyōu, rúguǒ bèi wǒ mā fāxiàn le, wǒ kěndìng huì bèi tā dǎ sǐ de.
Oh geez, if my mom finds out, she'll definitely give me a beating.
B:  你别说了。你越说我越怕。
nǐ bié shuō le. nǐ yuè shuō wǒ yuè pà.
Don't say that. The more you talk like that, the more scared I get.
A:  我们到底要不要纹身啊?
wǒmen dàodǐ yào bu yào wénshēn a?
Do we really want to get tattoos?
B:  我看,还是算了吧!
wǒ kàn, háishì suàn le ba!
I think it'd be best to just forget it.
A:  可是我喜欢他,我真的好想把他的名字纹在身上。
kěshì wǒ xǐhuan tā, wǒ zhēn de hǎo xiǎng bǎ tā de míngzi wén zài shēn shàng.
But I like him. I really want to tattoo his name on my body.
B:  那你进去吧。我在外面等你。
nà nǐ jìnqù ba. wǒ zài wàimian děng nǐ.
Then go on in. I'll wait for you outside.
A:  啊!啊!
à! à!
Ah! Ah!

Key Vocabulary

to be afraid
gǎnto dare
到底dàodǐactually, really
伤口shāngkǒucut, wound
发炎fāyánto become inflamed
bèiby, [passive marker]
发现fāxiànto discover, to realize
肯定kěndìngdefinitely, certainly
打死dǎ sǐto beat to death
越......越......yuè ... yuè ...the more...
纹身wénshēnto tattoo, tattoo
还是háishìit would be better to
算了suàn le'forget it'
to take

Supplementary Vocabulary

害怕hàipàto be afraid
受伤shòushāngto be injured, to be wounded
怀疑huáiyíto doubt
黑社会hēishèhuìorganized crime, mafia
tiēto stick, to paste

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