Intermediate - Reinstalling Windows (C1491)

A: 你看,毒越杀越多了。
nǐ kàn, dú yuè shā yuè duō le.
See, the more viruses we kill, the more there are.
B: 那我们重装系统吧。
nà wǒmen chóng zhuāng xìtǒng ba.
Then let's reinstall the operating system.
A: 只能这样了。
zhǐnéng zhèyàng le.
That's all we can do.
B: 你去拿一下移动硬盘,我们把东西都保存到移动硬盘里。
nǐ qù ná yīxià yídòng yìngpán, wǒmen bǎ dōngxi dōu bǎocún dào yídòng yìngpán lǐ.
Go and get the portable hard drive. We'll save everything to the portable hard drive.
A: 不用那么麻烦吧。重装系统只是格式化C盘。D盘和E盘的东西都在。
bùyòng nàme máfan ba. chóng zhuāng xìtǒng zhǐshì géshì huà C pán. D pán hé E pán de dōngxi dōu zài.
You don't have to go through all that trouble. Reinstalling the operating system only formats the C drive. Everything on the D drive and E drive is here.
B: 哦。
A: 只要把桌面上的东西保存到D盘就行了。
zhǐyào bǎ zhuōmiàn shàng de dōngxi bǎocún dào D pán jiù xíng le.
You only have to save everything from the desktop into the D drive.
B: 哦。
A: 你是不是没装过系统啊?
nǐ shì bu shì méi zhuāng guo xìtǒng a?
Have you never installed an operating system?
B: 我看别人装过几次。
wǒ kàn biérén zhuāng guo jǐ cì.
I've seen other people do it a few times.
A: 啊?算了,还是我自己来吧。你去拿安装盘。
ǎ? suàn le, háishì wǒ zìjǐ lái ba. nǐ qù ná ānzhuāng pán.
Huh? Don't worry about it then. I'll do it myself. Go get the installation disc.
B: 安装盘?好像没有。
ānzhuāng pán? hǎoxiàng méiyǒu.
The installation disc? I don't think I have that.
A: 连这个都没有,怎么装系统啊?
lián zhè ge dōu méiyǒu, zěnme zhuāng xìtǒng a?
You don't even have that? How are we going to install the operating system?

Key Vocabulary

越......越...... yuè ... yuè ... the more...the more...
shā to kill, to eradicate
chóng again, once more
zhuāng to install
系统 xìtǒng system
移动硬盘 yídòng yìngpán portable hard drive
移动 yídòng mobile, portable
保存 bǎocún to save
dào to
麻烦 máfan trouble
只是 zhǐshì only, merely
格式化 géshì huà to format
C盘 C pán C drive
D盘 D pán D drive
E盘 E pán E drive
只要......就...... zhǐyào ... jiù ... as long as...then, if only...then
桌面 zhuōmiàn desktop
安装盘 ānzhuāng pán installation disc
连......都...... lián ... dōu ... even...
硬盘 yìngpán hard drive

Supplementary Vocabulary

病毒 bìngdú virus
杀毒 shādú to kill viruses
毒药 dúyào poison
重新 chóngxīn again, anew
安装 ānzhuāng to install
移动电话 yídòng diànhuà portable phone, cell phone
格式 géshì format, pattern
桌子 zhuōzi desk, table
操作系统 cāozuò xìtǒng operating system

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