Intermediate - Weighing Yourself on the Street (C1487)

A: 哎,你看,那是什么东西?
āi, nǐ kàn, nà shì shénme dōngxi?
Hey, look. What is that thing?
B: 哦,那是秤,可以量身高,也可以称体重。
ò, nà shì chèng, kěyǐ liáng shēngāo, yě kěyǐ chēng tǐzhòng.
Oh, it's a scale. It can measure your height, and also weigh you.
A: 啊?在大街上量啊?这么多人!多尴尬啊!
ǎ? zài dàjiē shang liáng a? zhème duō rén! duō gāngà a!
Yeah? On the street? There are so many people around! How embarrassing!
B: 没关系。你站上去试试吧。
méiguānxi. nǐ zhàn shàngqù shì shi ba.
It's OK. Get on it and give it a try.
A: 我不去。
wǒ bù qù.
I'm not doing it.
B: 又没人认识你。快把鞋脱了。
yòu méi rén rènshi nǐ. kuài bǎ xié tuō le.
No one around here knows you. Hurry up and take off your shoes.
A: 好吧,那就量一下吧!
hǎo ba, nà jiù liáng yīxià ba!
All right, I'll measure myself.
C: 请站直!
qǐng zhàn zhí!
Please stand up straight!
C: 请稍等!
qǐng shāoděng!
Please wait a moment!
A: 哦哟,真麻烦!
òyo, zhēn máfan!
Man, what a hassle.
B: 别急嘛,马上就知道了。
bié jí ma, mǎshàng jiù zhīdào le.
Don't get impatient. We'll know in a second.
C: 身高,一米七二。体重95.6公斤。对不起,您的体重超重。
shēngāo, yī mǐ qī èr. tǐzhòng jiǔshí wǔ diǎn liù gōngjīn. duìbuqǐ, nín de tǐzhòng chāozhòng.
Height: 1.73 meters. Weight: 95.6 kilograms. I'm sorry, but you are overweight.
B: 哈哈!你该减肥了!
hāhā! nǐ gāi jiǎnféi le!
Ha ha! You need to go on a diet!
A: 嘘!你要保密,别告诉别人!
xū! nǐ yào bǎomì, bié gàosu biérén!
Shhh! You have to keep this a secret. Don't tell anyone!

Key Vocabulary

chèng scale
liáng to measure
身高 shēngāo body height
chēng to weigh
体重 tǐzhòng body weight
尴尬 gāngà embarrassing, awkward
zhàn to stand
yòu [adds emphasis]
认识 rènshi to know (a person)
tuō to take off
zhí straight
稍等 shāoděng to wait a moment
麻烦 máfan troublesome
公斤 gōngjīn kilogram
超重 chāozhòng to be overweight
减肥 jiǎnféi to lose weight
保密 bǎomì to keep a secret
告诉 gàosu to tell

Supplementary Vocabulary

行李 xíngli luggage
电梯 diàntī elevator
机器 jīqì machine, apparatus
秘密 mìmì secret
身体 shēntǐ body, health

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