Intermediate - Adjusting the Temperature (C1471)

A:  有点儿冷。遥控器呢?
yǒudiǎnr lěng. yáokòngqì ne?
It's a little cold. Where's the remote control?
B:  在这儿。那我关掉空调吧。
zài zhèr. nà wǒ guāndiào kōngtiáo ba.
Right here. I'll turn off the air conditioner then.
A:  不用。把温度调高点儿就行了。
bùyòng. bǎ wēndù tiáo gāo diǎnr jiù xíng le.
That's OK. Just turn the temperature up a little.
B:  现在只有19度,难怪这么冷。27度怎么样?
xiànzài zhǐyǒu shí jiǔ dù, nánguài zhème lěng. èrshí qī dù zěnmeyàng?
It's only 19 degrees right now, no wonder it's so cold. How about 27 degrees?
A:  好的。怎么有热风?你是不是调成制热了?
hǎo de. zěnme yǒu rèfēng? nǐ shì bu shì tiáo chéng zhìrè le?
OK. Why is the air hot? Did you change it to heat?
B:  好像是。这下应该是制冷了。
hǎoxiàng shì. zhèxià yīnggāi shì zhìlěng le.
I guess so. Now it should be cold.
A:  风向能调节吗?
fēngxiàng néng tiáojié ma?
Can the air direction be adjusted?
B:  应该能。
yīnggāi néng.
I think so.
A:  哎呀,风都吹到我这边来了。
āiyā, fēng dōu chuī dào wǒ zhèbiān lái le.
Oh geez, all the air is blowing over to me.
B:  呵呵,不好意思,这遥控器挺复杂的。
hēhē, bùhǎoyìsi, zhè yáokòngqì tǐng fùzá de.
Heh-heh, sorry. This remote control is quite complicated.

Key Vocabulary

遥控器yáokòngqìremote control
空调kōngtiáoair conditioning
tiáoto adjust
难怪nánguàiit's no wonder that
热风rèfēnghot wind, hot air
chéngto become
好像hǎoxiàngto seem as if
这下zhèxiàthis time
制冷zhìlěngcold, refrigeration
风向fēngxiàngwind direction
调节tiáojiéto adjust
chuīto blow

Supplementary Vocabulary

ànto press
按键ànjiànto press a key
中央空调zhōngyāng kōngtiáocentral air conditioning

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