A: | 看,那就是“迎客松”! |
| kàn, nà jiùshì" Yíngkèsōng”! |
| Look, that's the, “Welcoming Guest Pine”. |
B: | 哎,真的很像在迎接客人。 |
| āi, zhēnde hěn xiàng zài yíngjiē kèrén. |
| Hey, it really does look like it's welcoming guests. |
A: | 快站过去,帮你拍张照片。 |
| kuài zhàn guòqù, bāng nǐ pāi zhāng zhàopiān. |
| Quick, go stand over there. I'll take a picture for you. |
B: | 不用拍我,只拍美景就好了。 |
| bùyòng pāi wǒ, zhǐ pāi měijǐng jiù hǎole. |
| No need to take one of me. Just take one of the beautiful scenery and that's enough. |
A: | 好。出发去下一个景点! |
| hǎo. chūfā qù xià yī ge jǐngdiǎn! |
| OK. Let's set out for the next scenic spot! |
B: | 据说前面的一段山路最陡了。 |
| jùshuō qiánmian de yī duàn shānlù zuì dǒu le. |
| They say that mountain path up ahead is the steepest one. |
A: | 别怕,有我呢。 |
| bié pà, yǒu wǒ ne. |
| Don't be afraid. You have me. |
B: | 我的体力也不差! |
| wǒ de tǐlì yě bù chà! |
| I'm not in bad shape myself! |
A: | 呵呵,那我们抓紧时间! |
| hēhē, nà wǒmen zhuājǐn shíjiān! |
| Heh-heh. Then let's get a move on! |
B: | 你看远处,多漂亮,山峰都在云雾中。 |
| nǐ kàn yuǎnchù, duō piàoliang, shānfēng dōu zài yúnwù zhōng. |
| Look in the distance, it's so pretty. The mountain peaks are all covered in a cloudy fog. |
A: | 来黄山就是要看云海、奇松和怪石。 |
| lái Huángshān jiùshì yào kàn yúnhǎi、 qísōng hé guàishí. |
| Coming to Yellow Mountain is all about seeing the sea of clouds, the rare pines and odd rock formations. |
B: | 这大概就是传说中的仙境吧。 |
| zhè dàgài jiùshì chuánshuō zhōng de xiānjìng ba. |
| So this must be the paradise of legends huh? |
A: | 这么美,累也值得。不过下山的时候可以坐缆车。 |
| zhème měi, lèi yě zhídé. bùguò xiàshān de shíhou kěyǐ zuò lǎnchē. |
| It's so beautiful, it's worth getting so tired. On the way down though, we can take the cable car. |
B: | 我才不坐缆车呢。 |
| wǒ cái bù zuò lǎnchē ne. |
| I, for one, am not taking the cable car. |