Intermediate - Organic Food (C1448)

A: 辛苦了,做了这么多菜!
xīnkǔ le, zuò le zhème duō cài!
You worked so hard! You made so much food!
B: 不辛苦,快吃吧!乐乐,这些菜是用有机蔬菜做的,你要多吃点儿。
bù xīnkǔ, kuài chī ba! Lèle, zhèxiē cài shì yòng yǒujī shūcài zuò de, nǐ yào duō chī diǎnr.
It was nothing. Hurry up and eat! Lele, these dishes were made using organic vegetables. You should eat a lot.
C: 阿姨,什么是有机蔬菜?
āyí, shénme shì yǒujī shūcài?
Auntie, what are organic vegetables?
B: 就是不用农药,不用化肥,没有污染的蔬菜。
jiùshì bùyòng nóngyào, bùyòng huàféi, méiyǒu wūrǎn de shūcài.
They're vegetables that are grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers; they aren't polluted.
A: 有机蔬菜好像挺贵的。一点点就要几十块。
yǒujī shūcài hǎoxiàng tǐng guì de. yīdiǎndiǎn jiù yào jǐshí kuài.
It seems like organic vegetables are pretty expensive. Just a few costs a lot of money.
B: 贵是贵了点儿,但我总觉得安全一些。
guì shì guì le diǎnr, dàn wǒ zǒng juéde ānquán yīxiē.
It's true, they are a little expensive, but I've always felt they were a bit safer.
A: 那你平时都吃有机食品吗?
nà nǐ píngshí dōu chī yǒujī shípǐn ma?
Then do you always eat organic food products?
B: 都吃可吃不起,就是买点儿有机大米,有机蔬菜和水果。
dōu chī kě chībuqǐ, jiùshì mǎi diǎnr yǒujī dàmǐ, yǒujī shūcài hé shuǐguǒ.
If that's all we ate, we couldn't afford it. I just buy some organic rice, and a few organic fruits and vegetables.
A: 好,我尝尝口感怎么样。
hǎo, wǒ cháng chang kǒugǎn zěnmeyàng.
OK, I'll see how they taste.
B: 口感跟普通蔬菜也差不多,不过据说营养价值比较高。
kǒugǎn gēn pǔtōng shūcài yě chàbuduō, bùguò jùshuō yíngyǎng jiàzhí bǐjiào gāo.
They taste pretty much just like ordinary vegetables, but it's said that they're quite high in nutritional value.
A: 你呀,吃得真健康!
nǐ ya, chī de zhēn jiànkāng!
You really eat healthy!

Key Vocabulary

辛苦 xīnkǔ to work hard
有机 yǒujī organic
蔬菜 shūcài vegetables
农药 nóngyào insecticides, pesticides
化肥 huàféi chemical fertilizer
污染 wūrǎn pollution
shì to be
安全 ānquán safe
平时 píngshí ordinarily
食品 shípǐn foodstuff
吃不起 chībuqǐ can't afford to eat
大米 dàmǐ rice
cháng to taste
口感 kǒugǎn taste
据说 jùshuō it is said
营养 yíngyǎng nutrition
价值 jiàzhí value
健康 jiànkāng healthy

Supplementary Vocabulary

yào medicine
十几块钱 shí jǐ kuài qián between 10 and 20 kuai
买不起 mǎibuqǐ can't afford to buy
米饭 mǐfàn cooked rice
听说 tīngshuō to have heard

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