Intermediate - World Cup Talk (C1440)

A: 快传,传啊!射门,射门!
kuài chuán, chuán a! shèmén, shèmén!
Hurry up and pass it! Pass! Shoot it! Shoot!
B: 老公,你怎么还在看电视?
lǎogōng, nǐ zěnme hái zài kàn diànshì?
Honey, why are you still watching TV?
A: 现在正直播世界杯呢!
xiànzài zhèng zhíbō shìjièbēi ne!
The World Cup is being broadcast live right now!
B: 都那么晚了,快关掉!吵死了。
dōu nàme wǎn le, kuài guāndiào! chǎo sǐ le.
It's already so late. Hurry up and turn it off! It's way too loud.
A: 哎,你干吗?我要看阿根廷队,我要看梅西!
āi, nǐ gànmá? wǒ yào kàn A1gēntíng duì, wǒ yào kàn Méixī!
Hey, what are you doing? I want to watch the Argentine team. I want to watch Messi!
B: 快睡觉!明天还要上班呢。
kuài shuìjiào! míngtiān hái yào shàngbān ne.
Hurry up and get to bed! You still have to go to work tomorrow.
A: 你前几天不是也陪我看的吗?
nǐ qián jǐ tiān bùshì yě péi wǒ kàn de ma?
Didn't you watch it with me the last few days?
B: 那场比赛有卡卡的。
nà chǎng bǐsài yǒu Kǎkǎ de.
That match had Kaká in it.
A: 我要看我的西西。
wǒ yào kàn wǒ de Xīxī.
I want to watch my Messi.
B: 什么西西,这次意大利队肯定能拿冠军,因为有卡卡在的嘛。
shénme Xīxī, zhècì Yìdàlì duì kěndìng néng ná guànjūn, yīnwèi yǒu Kǎkǎ zài de ma.
Messi? The Italian team can definitely take the championship this time...because they have Kaká.
A: 晕,卡卡是巴西队的!
yūn, Kǎkǎ shì Bāxī duì de!
Hah! Kaká is on the Brazilian team!
B: 我不管,卡卡在哪个队我就觉得哪个队会赢。
wǒ bù guǎn, Kǎkǎ zài nǎ ge duì wǒ jiù juéde nǎ ge duì huì yíng.
Whatever. Whichever team Kaká is on, I just think that's the team that's going to win.
A: 那我到酒吧去看了。
nà wǒ dào jiǔbā qù kàn le.
Then I'll go to the bar to watch it.
B: 你怎么又回来了?
nǐ zěnme yòu huílai le?
Why did you come back?
A: 我来拿我的啤酒和花生米。
wǒ lái ná wǒ de píjiǔ hé huāshēngmǐ.
I came to get my beer and peanuts.

Key Vocabulary

chuán to pass
射门 shèmén to shoot [sports]
zhèng at the moment
直播 zhíbō to broadcast live
世界杯 shìjièbēi World Cup
dōu already
关掉 guāndiào to turn off
阿根廷 A1gēntíng Argentina
duì team
梅西 Méixī Messi (name)
前几天 qián jǐ tiān last few days
péi to accompany
chǎng [measure word for performances, games]
比赛 bǐsài competition
卡卡 Kǎkǎ Kaká (name)
意大利 Yìdàlì Italian team
to take, to get
冠军 guànjūn championship
yūn dizzy
巴西 Bāxī Brazil
guǎn to bother about something
觉得 juéde to think
yíng to win
花生米 huāshēngmǐ shelled peanut

Supplementary Vocabulary

球员 qiúyuán ball player
冰球 bīngqiú hockey
篮球 lánqiú basketball
打游戏 dǎ yóuxì to play a game
几天前 jǐ tiān qián a few days ago

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