Intermediate - Insecticide (C1428)

A:  什么味道?那么怪。
shénme wèidao? nàme guài.
What's that smell? It's so strange.
B:  我刚喷了杀虫剂。
wǒ gāng pēn le shāchóngjì.
I just sprayed some insecticides.
A:  哦。唉,这是什么?巧克力豆?
ò. ái, zhè shì shénme? qiǎokèlìdòu?
Oh. Hey, what's this? Chocolate beans?
B:  别动!那是灭鼠药!
bié dòng! nà shì mièshǔyào!
Don't move! That's rat poison!
A:  啊?还好我没吃。那这里地上为什么要画一条线?
ǎ? hái hǎo wǒ méi chī. nà zhèlǐ dìshang wèishénme yào huà yī tiáo xiàn?
Ah? Well that's good I didn't eat it then. Well, why did you have to draw a line on the ground here?
B:  那是灭蟑螂用的。
nà shì miè zhāngláng yòng de.
That's for exterminating cockroaches.
A:  有用吗?家里蟑螂那么多。
yǒuyòng ma? jiā lǐ zhāngláng nàme duō.
Does it work? There's so many cockroaches in the house.
B:  卖的人说,有多少死多少。
mài de rén shuō, yǒu duōshao sǐ duōshao.
The person who sold them said that no matter how many there were, they'd all die.
B:  今天一定要把家里的蚊子苍蝇,老鼠蟑螂都杀死。
jīntiān yīdìng yào bǎ jiālǐ de wénzi cāngying, lǎoshǔ zhāngláng dōu shā sǐ.
Today we'll definitely kill all the mosquitoes, flies, mice and cockroaches in the house.
A:  哎哟,老公,我感觉头好晕。
āiyōu, lǎogōng, wǒ gǎnjué tóu hǎo yūn.
Oh boy. Honey, I feel really dizzy.
B:  啊?是不是杀虫剂喷得太多了?
ǎ? shì bu shì shāchóngjì pēn de tài duō le?
Huh? Is it because I sprayed too much insecticide?
A:  咱们快到外面去吧。
zánmen kuài dào wàimian qù ba.
Let's hurry up and get outside.
B:  嗯,快走,等害虫都死了,我们再回来。
ng4, kuài zǒu, děng hàichóng dōu sǐ le, wǒmen zài huílai.
Yeah, let's get out of here. Let's come back once they're all dead.

Key Vocabulary

味道wèidaosmell, flavor
pēnto spray
杀虫剂shāchóngjìinsecticide, pesticide
巧克力豆qiǎokèlìdòuchocolate bean
dòngto move
灭鼠药mièshǔyàorat poison
还好hái hǎo'it's good that...'
huàto paint
tiáo[measure word for lines]
mièto exterminate, to extinguish
一定要yīdìng yàodefinitely must
老鼠lǎoshǔmouse, rat
杀死shā sǐto kill
感觉gǎnjuéto feel
děngto wait for, once...

Supplementary Vocabulary

消灭xiāomièto exterminate, to die out

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